Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1119 Principles, Bottom Line

Chapter 1119 Principles, Bottom Line

"I know that your intention is to avoid suspicion. It happened that Wu Lei mentioned Haoxin. You want to get a favor. I told you, Lao Lin, that I won't let you give me this favor. Obviously, this piece of fat can be given to you. Why do you want to give up your own child to others? Promote your style? No matter how much you promote your style, others will not be able to become your own child."

"It's not easy for Lu Mu and Dongzi to do something. Besides, the company belongs to Lu Mu. Don't you think Lu Mu's child? Just because your son is in that company and because you want to avoid suspicion, you put It's unfair to Lu Mu if the project is given to someone else, you can see how much Dongzi and Lu Mu have grown, you can't take revenge for your kindness, can you?"

As Wang Weikang said, he put the teacup in his hand heavily on the coffee table, and sat on the side sulking.

She knew Lin Zheng's temper very well. Earlier, she was proud of his behavior, but now when it came to her son, she felt wronged for him.

Presumably the son also understood his father's temper, so he told himself so much.

Seeing that Wang Weikang was really angry, Lin Zheng's deep eyes flickered, and he came to Wang Weikang's side helplessly, and patted her on the shoulder.

"What kind of revenge? Well, look, how big is the matter, you still have to be angry with me? I don't care, in fact, we noticed Zotye during the review, and we will look at their design later. , without the black box you mentioned, I wouldn't give you a favor."

After speaking, he glanced at Aunt Yang who was busy in the kitchen, and lowered her voice a little.

"These words are confidential. What do you want me to tell you? Or tell your son, work hard, as long as you work hard, this project is yours?"

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Hearing that Lin Zheng would not give Shun Shui a favor, Wang Weikang was finally relieved, and murmured in a low voice.

"What's not allowed? What does that sound like? Teacher Wang, let me remind you again, the principle, the bottom line."

Lin Zheng knocked on the table in dissatisfaction, but there was a look of helplessness on his face.


In the next few days, Lu Mu seemed to be very busy, having social engagements almost every day, and even if there were no social engagements occasionally, he would work late in the study after dinner.

Seeing Lu Mu so busy, Yu Xiaowan didn't know whether it was right or wrong to encourage him to expand the company.

Although she is a little nervous, she may not be unable to feel some things.

A big reason for Lu Mu's hard work is because of her.

Even though she said more than once that she is very satisfied with her current living conditions, but to Lu Mu, it seems that...

Maybe when a person really reaches a certain position, he is forced to work hard to complete his work.

On weekends, Lu Mu still went out early.

Seeing that the weather was fine, Yu Xiaowan simply went to the family home.

Lu Wei has fully adapted to the life here. Li Wei has a high opinion of him, and he managed the previous engineering team with him, and he is very good at it.

Lu Wei is a real person, also from a peasant background, and soon became friends with those workers.

After knowing that he is the boss's brother, the workers under him listened to him very much, which saved Li Wei a lot of effort.

After the company's transformation, the engineering team is only a small part of the company, and Li Wei, as the vice president, has more and more jobs.

Lu Wei's arrival just happened to hand over the engineering team to him.

(End of this chapter)

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