Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1120 It seems that he is still looking forward to the child

Chapter 1120 It seems that he is still looking forward to the child
Lu Jiaxin also learned management under Li Wei's guidance, and now works as a supervisor in the canteen of the new company.

Everything is going in a good direction, only she seems to be the same.

"Second sister-in-law, you don't have to be so pessimistic. My second brother loves you so much and doesn't want you to suffer from this. Let me tell you, you don't know how much I envy you. It's not just me. A woman came over and asked if they should go to work exhaustingly or stay at home as a full-time wife. I can assure you that I will choose the latter [-]%. Besides, you are not really free. Do it, if you have nothing to do, draw two more paintings at home, it's all money, I think my second brother is the smartest, maybe he really doesn't love you, he is raising you like a giant panda."

While talking, Lu Jiaxin pushed the washed strawberries over and looked at Yu Xiaowan playfully.

In fact, Yu Xiaowan knew that Lu Mu was nervous about her, even if she complained, she would not listen to others saying anything bad about him.

Even if the other party is his own sister.

"You're talking nonsense, your second brother wouldn't think that way."

Yu Xiaowan denied it, and took a bite of the strawberry, "It's so sweet, are they from the knots we planted in our yard?"

The two yards, Lu Mu and Yu Xiaowan's small yard had a small vegetable garden. Later, when Lu Jiaxin came, he developed the yard next door and planted some strawberries.

"Of course, I still have a lot of knots. When you go back later, take some back and give it to my second brother."

Lu Jiaxin responded, and changed the subject again, "Speaking of which, it's not that you're all right, and you gave me a little nephew or niece later on, wouldn't it be something? By the way, why haven't you made any movement for so long? ?”

Yu Xiaowan was a little embarrassed to talk about this with outsiders, but they had been trying to conceive for a long time, and she was also a little anxious because they hadn't conceived for a long time.

Although Lu Jiaxin is single now, after all, she was pregnant before. After thinking about it, Yu Xiaowan still blushed and spoke to her.

"How did I know that there is really no contraception, but it's just..."

"Then you and my second brother went to the hospital for an examination?"

In a word, Yu Xiaowan's face turned even redder, and she shook her head, "Your second brother said let it be, anyway, I'm young, so I'm not in a hurry."

"You are young and my second brother is not young. I'm not talking about you. You have been trying to conceive for so long and you can't conceive. You should go to the hospital for an examination. If there is any problem, you should treat it as soon as possible. After all, it is impossible to live forever. Isn't the child?"

A serious look appeared on Lu Jiaxin's face, and she was also thinking about it in her heart.

Yu Xiaowan wanted to say that it really doesn't matter if she wants to have children, she was still a non-marriage advocate in her previous life.

But thinking of Lu Mu, it seems that he is still looking forward to the child.

Especially when she first planned to have a child, she often looked at her belly expectantly.

Later, I was probably afraid that she would be burdened, so I said it casually.

"Then...then I'll go back and discuss it with your second brother."

She still wanted to hear what Lu Mu had to say about this kind of thing.

And even if you go to the hospital for an examination, both husband and wife have to go.

Lu Jiaxin also nodded in agreement, "That's fine, but you don't have to worry too much about it. You used to have a terrible stomach ache for a few days every month, which probably affected it a bit. In the past two years, my second brother has You have raised it much better, and you might get pregnant someday, so you shouldn't have too much psychological burden on this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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