Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1121 Isn't it punishment?

Chapter 1121 Isn't it punishment?
After all, she is one year older than Yu Xiaowan, and Lu Jiaxin also has some experience in this matter.

Looking at Yu Xiaowan's appearance now, Lu Jiaxin also said a few words of comfort.

Afraid that she would be under too much psychological pressure, he simply took her outside to pick strawberries.

The sun had already slanted to the west, and the persimmon trees in the yard next door just shaded a field of strawberries.

Sure enough, as soon as she saw the little strawberries under the leaves, Yu Xiaowan's gloomy mood was swept away, and she squatted there with a small basket and grabbed them.

"Second sister-in-law, don't just pick the red ones you see, save some for me anyway, you are no different from a ghost entering the village."

Seeing Xiaowan's mopping-up method, Lu Jiaxin couldn't help complaining.

This is the strawberry she has carefully raised for two years.

"Don't be so stingy, brother doesn't like to eat fruit, how much can you eat alone? There are so many uncooked ones on it, you won't be able to eat them clearly in two days."

Yu Xiaowan giggled.

"I said Jiaxin, don't you feel bored just staying at home this weekend? You are now a supervisor, big and small. I heard that there are quite a few young men over there. I heard Lin Dongyang said that some workers invited you Going to the park or something, you have no idea?"

Lu Jiaxin has been in Tianjin for more than two years, and she seems to have been reborn.

In her twenties, Yu Xiaowan was still a carefree girl in that era. Even if she was more conservative in this era, there was absolutely no need for her to waste her good youth because of a bad marriage.

However, that marriage brought her almost nothing but pain and shadows.

Yu Xiaowan has also been careful all these years, trying not to touch her wounds.

Now seeing her getting better every day, I feel that something is missing.

The expression on Lu Jiaxin's face was faint, and she just sighed when she heard the words, "What can you think about, it's fine to be alone, whatever, let me tell you my sister-in-law, when I was in the village, I thought divorce would be like the sky falling It's a big deal, I didn't know until I came to Jin City that the relationship between two people is not compatible, there is really no need to stick to it, for a lifetime, living in other people's gossip is simply the greatest punishment for myself."

Lu Jiaxin made a pun.

Isn't it just punishment?
If faced with Wang Chao's behavior at the beginning, they were not afraid of gossip and bravely called the police.

Then Wang Chao will get the punishment he deserves, and she will not suffer the latter.

Because of her cowardice, she not only harmed herself but also her own children.

Yu Xiaowan didn't know that Lu Jiaxin had thought so much, but she just thought that she could say such a thing, which meant that she really wanted to.

At least her thinking and vision are completely different from those in the village.

"So, a lifetime is so long, you have to try other people, you are so good now, you will definitely meet someone better, of course, if you really want to be an unmarriageist, I agree, It’s the you I know, not necessarily an unmarriageist.”

Lu Jiaxin received traditional education from Lu's mother since she was a child, and in this age, she still thinks of a little girl who is a husband and wife.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be willing to marry Wang Chao after he raped her.

Lu Jiaxin raised her head upon hearing this, "Second sister-in-law, are you laughing at me?"

"No, I'm just telling the truth," Yu Xiaowan said with a smile.

"Okay, then let's watch, this time I'm going to slap you in the face."

Lu Jiaxin dropped a strawberry in his mouth and chewed it hard.

Yu Xiaowan stretched out a finger and waved it in front of her eyes, "Don't talk too much, at any time, you can't escape the law of true fragrance."


(End of this chapter)

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