Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1147 Absolute Victory

Chapter 1147 Absolute Victory
Lu Mu had never known Wang Kexin before, and only after the little guy came to Jin City did he have some understanding of what she did.

I just find this woman unreasonable.

This evening made him understand further that the unreasonable bottom line of a woman turns out to be endless.

Such a woman even boasted that she could compare herself to his little guy.

There is simply no comparison at all.

"Isn't that satisfying?"

Yu Xiaowan didn't feel anything.

It seems that Xu Hao and Wang Kexin are quite a good match. If it wasn't for what Cheng Feng said just now, she wouldn't even be able to see that the relationship between their husband and wife is...

Lu Mu looked at her big blank eyes, and raised his hand to rub the top of her soft hair.

"Originally, the play of husband and wife singing is also very good, but it happened that we met Xiaowan from our family."

Wang Kexin's competitive look in front of Chief Kang, and she can't wait to step on Xiao Wan's foot, everyone present must be able to see it.

However, his Xiaowan's face was indifferent, and his usual response was just right, no matter how you looked at it, no one could find fault with it.

It can also be seen from Chief Kang's attitude towards them at the end that they absolutely won.

As for whether Xu Changping has a relationship with Chief Kang...

Lu Mu turned his head to look at the misty night outside the window.

Even if there is, in the face of Xu Changping at this moment, I'm afraid it's too late to hide, so how can he get dirty all over his body for nothing?


On the other side, after Wang Kexin got into the car with Xu Hao, he still held his breath.

"Why are you stopping me? Seeing Yu Xiaowan being so arrogant, does your face look good? Don't forget, Yu Xiaowan is Lu Mu's wife, not your Xu Hao's wife."

If it wasn't for Xu Hao who stopped her from speaking, she would have to let that Chief Kang see Yu Xiaowan's true colors clearly.

But a fat woman from the countryside, what right does she have to sit there and chat and laugh with Chief Kang?
Seeing Wang Kexin like this, Xu Hao felt really tired.

"Yu Xiaowan is arrogant? I don't think other people are one-tenth as arrogant as you. Didn't I ask you to dress decently? Look at what you are wearing? Have I ever told you to dress calmly?" Some, and, I told you in advance, that Chief Kang pays the most attention to the relationship between husband and wife, what have you done?"

Xu Hao looked at Wang Kexin's wide open neckline with contempt, and felt sick for a while.

If I had known earlier, it would be better to just bring a woman here, and it would be better than having his wife in name come here to embarrass him.

Of course Wang Kexin didn't think there was anything wrong with her dress.

Anything that supports national products is just a swollen face to pretend to be fat, and you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour.

And it's not like she hasn't seen the women around Xu Hao.

"What's wrong with my clothes? Look at the movie stars in the world, who don't wear them like this? Don't those Yingying and Yanyan around you usually do the same? Why can't they come to me? I want to cooperate with you well, You have to give me a chance, today those bosses and wives don't know who I am, so who should I show?"

If it weren't for the fact that he seldom takes himself out, how could Yu Xiaowan be in the limelight?
"I think you are really hopeless."

Xu Hao glanced at Wang Kexin in disgust. Thinking of his performance in front of Kang Aihui today, the commercial street project...

Thinking about it this way is annoying, and she doesn't even want to pay attention to Wang Kexin.

But he didn't want to pay attention to Wang Kexin, but Wang Kexin was still holding back his anger.

(End of this chapter)

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