Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1148 Xu Hao, You Bastard

Chapter 1148 Xu Hao, you bastard
"I'm hopeless, I'm hopeless, who has medicine? Yu Xiaowan? Xu Hao, I know what's on your mind, aren't you still thinking about Yu Xiaowan? But let me tell you Even if you miss it, it’s useless. Yu Xiaowan is Lu Mu’s wife. If you say I’m not as good as Yu Xiaowan, you’re not even worthy of carrying Lu Mu’s shoes. Don't even give you a look? What's the matter? Looking at Lu Mu's scenery, you find yourself venting your anger on me when you feel uncomfortable? Let's each other..."


A crisp slap sounded in the car, and Wang Kexin slammed directly into the window next to him, his eyes went black for a while, and it took him a while to understand what happened.

But before she could speak, Xu Hao's stern voice said, "Stop the car and let her roll off."

Luo Qiang tried to minimize his presence when the two of them got into the car, and he was shocked when he heard those crisp applause.

Glancing at the rearview mirror, I had no choice but to say, "Boss, it's quite far from home. It's so late, it's not easy to take a taxi here."

"Don't make me say it a second time."

Luo Qiang was excited again, and quickly parked the car on the side of the road.

"If I don't go down, I won't go down."

Wang Kexin glanced at the night outside, pulled the door and refused to get out of the car.

Xu Hao couldn't help her, so he pushed the car door and pushed it down together.


Luo Qiang glanced at the woman lying on the side of the road from the rearview mirror, took a deep breath, and started the car.

"Xu Hao, you bastard..."

Wang Kexin cursed loudly, but she could only watch the tail lights of the car go further and further away.

There was a cold and hard asphalt road beneath her, Xu Hao's push just now had scratched the skin on her palms and knees, and now she was in pain.

Wang Kexin braced her body and stood up. When the night wind blew, the thin clothes didn't even have the effect of blocking the wind, and she shivered from the cold.

Looking around, it was pitch black.

There are hardly any cars on the road at this moment, let alone buses.

Wang Kexin gritted her teeth, knowing that it would be useless to say anything at this moment, she suppressed the tears in her eyes, and walked towards home along the road with difficulty step by step...


"Sir, that seems to be Mrs. Xu."

Assistant Wang couldn't help being surprised when he saw the lonely and thin figure in the night by the roadside.

It was very late now, and we were in the suburbs again.

Even in summer, after ten o'clock in the evening, there are not many cars on this road.

How could she be walking by the side of the road alone?

After all, it's not going to be a walk, is it?


Kang Aihui responded lightly, and looked away.

Shen Zai saw that figure when Assistant Wang was speaking, and it was as expected.

The car passed by Wang Kexin, Assistant Wang looked away, with a faint smile on his lips, and chatted with Kang Aihui.

"That Mr. Xu is really interesting. I have long heard that his marriage is in name only. The women around him are like changing clothes. Today, it is rare to see Mrs. Xu."

"Xiao Wang, what do you want to say?"

Kang Aihui looked over, his deep eyes couldn't see much emotion.

Assistant Wang pondered for a while and said, "I was thinking Mr. Xu might also know that you value family, so that's why..."

"That's why you acted in such a play in front of me. Before the play ended, you couldn't wait to tear yourself down?"

After Kang Aihui took the words, she couldn't help shaking her head again.

(End of this chapter)

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