Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 364 Are you angry?

Chapter 364 Are you angry?

Lunch is going to be settled in the county, but it's just after the new year, and many restaurants haven't opened yet.

Lin Dongyang drove around the county for a long time before finding a small restaurant.

Today Lin Dongyang got up early and had a casual breakfast. He was already hungry at the moment, so he ordered two dishes and a flatbread, rolled up a corner and started eating.

After he took two bites, he noticed that the two people in front of him didn't move their chopsticks.

"Why don't you eat it? Hurry up, eat it and go."

Lu Mu drank the boiling water in the restaurant, and coughed twice at the beginning, "You guys eat, I have no appetite."

Lin Dongyang asked Yu Xiaowan again, "He is sick and has no appetite for you? He is still losing weight, right? If you want me to call you a fat woman, you are almost fine. Look how thin you are now?"

Yu Xiaowan was not in the mood to tease Lin Dongyang, so she picked up chopsticks and started eating.

Lin Dongyang: "..."

Normally this girl would roll her eyes when she was so obedient, but today she is not used to being so obedient.

Knowing that these two had something to do, he didn't say anything, just ate his food.

On the road again, Lin Dongyang knew that something must have happened to the two of them, so he stopped joking and chatting, and kept silent all the way, so that the speed of the car increased a lot, and he arrived in Jinshi just after dark.

Lu Mu's cough seemed to get worse along the way.

"Is that okay? Why don't you go to the hospital?" Lin Dongyang asked him looking in the rearview mirror.

Lu Mu shook his head, "It's okay, little problem, let's go home, I have to tidy up when I get home."

Lin Dongyang understood Lu Mu's temper, so he didn't persuade him anymore, and drove the car to the family courtyard.

At this moment, most of the family members in the family courtyard have not come back yet, a family area is shrouded in night, and even the gate of the factory is somewhat depressed.

Lu Mu got out of the car, opened the door, and brought down the luggage.

"Thank you for your hard work. The house hasn't been cleaned up yet, so I won't keep you. Go back early and have a rest."

Lin Dongyang waved his hand, "What are you talking about? All right, you go in. By the way, there is no food at home, right? Fat woman, let's go, I'll take you to buy some vegetables. The vegetable market is not open yet. , I have to go to the supermarket to buy it, and Lu Mu is not feeling well, so don't let him go."

Yu Xiaowan nodded, seeing Lin Dongyang for the first time was much pleasing to the eye.

If he didn't mention it, she really didn't expect that there would be something to eat tonight.

"Then I'll go shopping with Lin Dongyang, you go back to the house to have a rest first, if it's cold in the house, you put on more quilts, I'll be back in a while."

Yu Xiaowan didn't care whether Lu Mu should answer him or not, she confessed to him, and then got into Lin Dongyang's car again.

"I said, what's the matter with you two? Lu Mu is usually as strong as a cow, why is he sick? Are you mad?"

In the car, Lin Dongyang looked at the person in the rearview mirror and asked.

Yu Xiaowan pursed her mouth, not knowing how to answer him.

Without saying a word, Lin Dongyang regarded her as acquiescing, and cast her a glance, "Just do it."

"Actually, it's not entirely my fault."

She really didn't know about Sun Jihong. If she knew that Sun Jihong would seduce Lu Mu while she was away, how could she let it go?

It's just that her rebuttal obviously has no confidence.

Lin Dongyang snorted coldly, "I can't blame you entirely, that's because of you too? I said Fat Po, and patted my conscience and said, how does Lu Mu treat you? I have known Lu Mu for so many years and I have never seen him treat anyone like this." I have thought about it before, and said that brothers are like brothers and women are like clothes, but when you come to Lu Mu, you don't need brothers and feet, you have to protect the clothes, what else do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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