Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 365 She seems to have hurt him

Chapter 365 She seems to have hurt him
"Aren't you talking nonsense? You can do it without hands or feet. Try it without clothes."

Lin Dongyang: "..."

Tired of fucking, what's on her mind?Why are you always different from others?
Lin Dongyang was so stunned that he had nothing to say, and he patted the steering wheel for the last time, "Anyway, my words are left here, and a man like Lu Mu is hard to find. Don't be born in a blessing and don't know your blessing. When you really hurt him, There are times when you regret it."

Yu Xiaowan turned her eyes away and looked out the car window.

She seemed to have broken him.

From yesterday to today, he hardly took the initiative to say a word to her, let alone treat her like before...

He shook his head, trying not to think about it.

The things in the supermarket are expensive, but right now Lu Mu is sick and needs to supplement his nutrition, so he can't make do with it.

Yu Xiaowan bought a lot of meat, eggs, milk, fruits, and vegetables.

Anyway, there is no refrigerator in the current weather and I don’t worry about it breaking.

Lin Dongyang saw that she was picking up things in the shopping cart as if she didn't want money, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

I really don't understand how Lu Mu would like this.

How much is Lu Mu's monthly salary?Even if it's all used for home use, it's still not enough for her to spend so much.

What's more, a large part of it has to be handed over to the family every month, thanks to the extra money Lu Mu usually has, but that is also his hard-earned money.

When paying the bill, Lin Dongyang took out his wallet first, and wanted to help her pay, so Yu Xiaowan took out a wad of money from his pocket and pulled out four or five bills.

Two bags of things cost more than 40 yuan.

Lin Dongyang saw that she was happy to pay the money, and there was the wad in her hand, and suddenly thought of something.

"It seems that you also made a small fortune this year, and you made it by selling pairs?"

Back in the car, Lin Dongyang chatted with her.

"It's not considered a small fortune. Lu Mu is sick and needs to keep up with his nutrition. Some money can't be saved. By the way, when I came here just now, I saw a pharmacy over there. Please pull over and I will give it to him. Buy some medicine."

In the village, I only bought cold medicine. Lu Mu coughed badly along the way, so he had to buy some cough and anti-inflammatory medicines.

Yes, you need to prepare some for those who have a fever.

Lin Dongyang glanced at the person behind him from the rearview mirror, and pursed his lips, as if this girl was not as annoying as he imagined.

Thinking about her family, Yu Xiaowan moved quickly, going straight to the target wherever she went, and withdrawing after buying.

After buying all the things, Lin Dongyang took them down for her, and took a look into the room. Lu Mu was already lying on the bed, and he didn't know if he was asleep.

The matter between the two of them had to be resolved by themselves. Lin Dongyang didn't stay at his house too much, and left after putting down his things.

Yu Xiaowan first went to the kitchen to boil a pot of boiling water, poured a cup and took the medicine into the bedroom.

"Lu Mu, these two medicines can be taken before meals. You take the medicine first, and I will cook."

Yu Xiaowan looked at the motionless person with closed eyes on the bed, thought for a while, and reached out her small hand to touch his forehead.

The man's eyes opened suddenly, and a cold light burst out.

At that moment, it was like two sharp knives coming straight at him.

Yu Xiaowan withdrew her hand in fright, "I...I want to see if you have a fever."

Seeing the person in front of him clearly, Lu Mu sat up, closed his eyes coldly, and said in a low voice, "No."

"Oh, I bought some medicine again. There are cough and anti-inflammatory medicines for colds. You didn't have lunch at noon. Don't take anti-inflammatory medicines on an empty stomach. I'm going to cook."

After speaking, he almost left the bedroom as if fleeing.

Lu Mu looked at the back and let out a long breath.

 The update is complete, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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