Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 868 What does he mean?

Chapter 868 What does he mean?
This sense of distance made Song Meiyu inexplicably annoyed, and what made her even more annoyed was Lu Mu's attitude.

What does he mean?
Does he care about the child in her womb for Liu Qingshan or Yu Xiaowan?
Could it be that what happened before...

Impossible, she obviously adjusted the ventilation valve again that day, and after she came to Jin City, she treated Lin Dongyang and Lu Mu like her own brothers, and Lu Mu had no reason to doubt her.

Song Meiyu took a few breaths, and quickly adjusted her emotions. A smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she gently stroked her lower abdomen with her hands.

"It's because you know Da Liu well. He really looks forward to this child for a long time, but don't make Xiaowan so innocent. Although Xiaoye is young, she is not as ignorant as you said. , Forget it, I know you are doing my best, if you need my help here, then I will go back."

"Sister-in-law walk slowly."

Song Meiyu nodded, and the moment she turned around, the smile on her face froze.

Walking out of the yard, he glanced at the neighbor, and his eyes were even more ferocious.

He almost went home with a sigh of relief.

Liu Qingshan was startled when he heard the door slamming, and frowned even more when he saw Song Meiyu's attire.

"Look at what you wear all day long? Change it quickly."

Song Meiyu happened to have nowhere to vent her breath, so she immediately turned back when she heard Liu Qingshan's words.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing? You stare at me all day long, and you don't look at what other people are wearing? Are you satisfied with me wearing your work clothes and making them smaller all day long? Or Said that you have a bright face in those patched clothes brought out of the village?"

"Who are you with? Why do you look like you have eaten gunpowder?"

Liu Qingshan knew that Song Meiyu had a hard pregnancy, and he didn't want to bother with her, knowing that what she said was definitely not what he said.

He didn't talk less about her clothes before, and he didn't see her so angry.

Song Meiyu didn't want to hide it, she pulled a bench and sat in front of Liu Qingshan, "How did you provoke Lin Dongyang and Lu Mu? Lin Dongyang's young master's temper is fine, why is Lu Mu like this now? Today I heard He said that his family was going to renovate the house, thinking that Xiaowan was young and couldn’t cook, so I went to help him, Lu Mu was lucky, he actually took my kindness as a donkey’s liver and lungs, and told me not to look for Yu Xiaowan when I was fine, I Is it the God of Plague or something? And his attitude, like how much money I owe him."

"Since you know that he doesn't want to see you looking for Yu Xiaowan, then don't look for her. There are so many family members in the family courtyard community, and she is not the only one missing."

Liu Qingshan calmly replied while tidying up the vegetable field.

"I'm not inferior to her, but what's wrong with me? Is it because you were promoted to Duan Zhang or because Director Wang valued you? I think Lu Mu and the others are just jealous, but he doesn't think about it. He is the squad leader and Duan Zhang. How did we treat him."

Liu Qingshan's subordinates paused, and looked at Song Meiyu, "Don't say such things in the future, and I don't care what the other sister-in-laws wear, your clothes are too eye-catching, and the layoffs this time make people panic , if you still want to stay in the cafeteria honestly, then listen to me from now on."

Hearing Liu Qingshan's words, Song Meiyu's eyes lit up, "You mean the layoffs won't lay off me?"

Even though she had promised Yang Xiuling this and that just now, she knew how much Liu Qingshan could say to the factory director as a section leader.

(End of this chapter)

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