Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 869 Lu Mu just froze there

Chapter 869 Lu Mu just froze there
The factory is so big, not to mention the section chief, there are several workshop directors, how can it be Liu Qingshan's turn to talk about layoffs?

But did not expect ...

Liu Qingshan hummed lightly, "Be honest, I will try my best to keep you. As long as you don't get bitten out by others, it shouldn't be a problem to stay. You are pregnant now, and the factory manager will give you some kindness. It's just ugly. Speaking of which, you are too ostentatious now, we are now more relaxed because you are pregnant with a child and don’t have to burden the family, but others don’t think so, others will think that you are so ostentatious after I became the segment leader , The influence is too bad, you know, this person can do anything if he becomes jealous, if it is really because of this that others bite him, I can't do anything about it."

Of course Song Meiyu knew how terrible people's jealousy was, and she nodded repeatedly when she heard Liu Qingshan's words.

"Yes, yes, I know, I must be more careful in the future."

Although Liu Qingshan was promoted to a section chief and gained dozens of yuan, she spent tens of dollars a month in the cafeteria. After the new year, it increased a little more, almost 100 yuan.

100 yuan is enough for their daily expenses for a month.

Even if this is not counted, it can still let her buy a few more new clothes.

And she also heard that women in the factory have three to four months of maternity leave after giving birth, which is a time when money is free.

She has survived until this month, so of course she wants to take the money for nothing.


For lunch, Yu Xiaowan personally cooked scallion noodles.

The small rapeseed in the vegetable garden has just grown about ten centimeters, and it looks tender and tender. I pulled out a small handful and put it in the noodles, and fried two eggs and put it on top.

Yu Xiaowan is not good at anything else, and the technique of omelette is improving with each passing day. The omelette is browned around, tender in the middle, and not too raw. Even Lu Mu can't compare it.

"It smells so good."

As soon as Lu Mu entered the kitchen, he saw Yu Xiaowan who was laying out fried eggs, and sighed.

"Of course, my husband has worked so hard to help me build a studio, I have to show my best cooking skills to be worthy of my husband."

While busy with the work in hand, Yu Xiaowan said flatteringly.

After Mrs. Yang left, she was bored and went next door to look for Lu Mu.

Only then did he discover that he went into battle in person because he was dissatisfied with the results of the workers.

In fact, she only drew the design drawing according to her own ideas, and she didn't think about whether it could be implemented at all.

But I didn't expect it to be so difficult.

Originally, she thought it might not be the effect on the drawing, as long as it was close to it, but Lu Mu insisted.

She always knew that as long as she wanted, Lu Mu would do his best to do it for her.

"Smelly girl, did you put honey on your mouth today? It's so sweet."

Normally, it would not be easy for her to call her husband, but now it seems like she doesn't want money.

"It's not honeyed, it's oiled, like this."

Yu Xiaowan drizzled sesame oil on the two bowls of noodles at the end, wiped the sesame oil bottle with her little finger, and then wiped the sesame oil full of fingers directly on Lu Mu's sexy thin lips.


Lu Mu just froze there.

The tip of the tongue gently swept over the lips, full of the smell of sesame oil.

A picture flashed in my mind...

"Mom, this sesame oil is really fragrant."

"You little glutton, sesame oil, sesame oil, you can still call it sesame oil if it's not fragrant."

"Mom, mom, I want it too."

"Another little greedy cat is here, wait."

"Yeah, it smells so good."

"Mom, I want it too."

(End of this chapter)

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