Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 877 Waiting for Lu Mu on weekends?

Chapter 877 Waiting for Lu Mu on weekends?
Lin Dongyang still said indifferently, "If it's gone, it'll be gone. I'm already tired of it. It's just good to have it gone. It's easy to explain to my mother."

Yu Xiaowan shrugged, thinking she was talking too much.

In fact, it can be seen from Lin Dongyang's usual attitude towards work that what he said is really not a lie.

Otherwise, he would not have taken the initiative to give up the spot to others when he was selected as an advanced candidate the year before last.

After sending the painting to the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts, Yu Xiaowan asked Lin Dongyang to take her to the shopping mall.

The weather is getting warmer, Lu Mu has been thinking about buying new clothes for her, but he always wears those work clothes.

Lin Dongyang was bored in the car, so he followed her into the mall.

"If you want me to tell you how good it is for you to come with Lu Mu on the weekend? Lu Mu approved me this half-day leave, and I still want to sleep."

Lin Dongyang complained while following Yu Xiaowan's buttocks.

Yu Xiaowan looked at the clothes and said, "You can also sleep in the car now, anyway, I won't be able to buy them for a while."

Waiting for Lu Mu on the weekend?
Then she wouldn't even think about buying clothes for Lu Mu, as long as he was there, when she entered the shopping mall, when would she not drag her directly to the women's clothing department?
Even if she wanted to buy two for him, she prevaricated for various reasons.

"Forget it then, I'll bring you out, in case something happens to you, Lu Mu will kill me?"

Lin Dongyang yawned indistinctly, and resigned himself to following behind Xiaowan's buttocks.

It's not a holiday right now, and there aren't many customers in the mall.

Yu Xiaowan soon came to the men's clothing counter.

There are two waiters next to them who are chatting, probably in charge of this area.

Seeing Yu Xiaowan coming over, she just raised her eyelids and glanced at them, then continued to chat about their day.

Yu Xiaowan, a service worker in a state-owned shopping mall, had already experienced it before, but she didn't care. She looked at the clothes for herself, and finally pointed to an iron-gray men's shirt, and said to the waiter, "Please give me this dress." take a look."

Yu Xiaowan thought that her voice was not low, but the two waiters seemed to have not heard what they said, and they laughed together there.

Yu Xiaowan frowned slightly, no wonder she wanted to carry out major reforms and break the iron rice bowl. This kind of service is really not flattering.

In her time, the concept that customers are God has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the service industry has always shown the best side of itself to customers, serving with enthusiasm and smiling.

Now they are simply begging for their services.

"Take this shirt off, please, so I can have a look."

Yu Xiaowan had to amplify her voice.

This finally caught the waiter's attention.

A waiter replied dissatisfied, "Why are you shouting so loudly? This is a public place."

"I'm not yelling in case you can't hear me. I know it's a public place, and it's a place of service."

Yu Xiaowan was really annoyed by these superb waiters, she just amplified her voice because she yelled at them just now and pretended they couldn't hear her.

Did she get it wrong again now?
The waiter was about to say something, but another waiter reached out to give her a hand, looked past Yu Xiaowan, and looked behind her.

Only then did Yu Xiaowan notice that Lin Dongyang also followed, standing there with one hand in his pocket, as if waiting for them to say something.

These waiters are also very winking in this kind of place all year round, knowing what kind of people can be messed with, and what kind of people will cause trouble.

Just like Lin Dongyang, dressed in trendy clothes and looking like a ruffian, he is not easy to mess with at first glance.

(End of this chapter)

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