Chapter 878

Immediately, the waiter asked, "Which dress do you want to see?"

Yu Xiaowan took a deep breath, pointed to the shirt and said, "This one."

Before the waiter took it, Lin Dongyang behind him said, "This one is not pretty, look at the one next to it, it has big flowers on the orange background, it is very popular today."

The waiter who was fighting with Yu Xiaowan just now was dragged by his colleagues and was holding his breath. Hearing Lin Dongyang's words, he immediately said, "This gentleman has a good vision. This is a new model this year. It just arrived two days ago. goods."

Yu Xiaowan glanced at the shirt. This color was indeed quite popular in this era, but as someone who came here, she also despised the aesthetics of this era.

Just like Lin Dongyang, who is obviously handsome, but always wears a big floral shirt and big flared trousers, at first glance he looks like a hooligan, a street gangster.

Knowing that this waiter will not do anything to him, he can only talk a little bit to squeeze himself out.

Glancing at the fitting room next to her, Yu Xiaowan pointed to the two shirts and said, "Go to the fitting room and try on both."

"Huh? Shall I try?"

Didn't you just say to buy clothes for Lu Mu?

Yu Xiaowan glanced at the waiter, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly, "Of course, if you don't try, how will you know if it's yours or mine?"

Although Lin Dongyang wanted to answer her directly, his eyes were good, but seeing Yu Xiaowan's confident appearance, and seeing her looking at the provocative waiter even though she was talking to him, he knew what this girl was thinking Woolen cloth.

He raised his head and flicked Yu Xiaowan's forehead, "Okay, wait."

I usually see Lu Mu pampering her like a daughter, and she is also soft and docile around Lu Mu. I thought it was a little milk cat, but it turned out that there were times like this little wild cat.

No wonder Lu Mu had been rest assured that she would run outside. It seems that even if he didn't follow into the mall, he would not suffer under the hands of those two waiters.

Yu Xiaowan didn't expect that Lin Dongyang would touch her, so she let out a painful "ow", and just about to say something, she had already entered the fitting room with the shirt.

After a while, the door of the fitting room opened, and Lin Dongyang came out.

He tried the floral shirt he mentioned first, and when it came out, he whistled coquettishly at Yu Xiaowan.

Yu Xiaowan looked at a handsome guy like Lu Mu, who was already immune to Lin Dongyang's coquettish face, but it made the two waiters behind Yu Xiaowan blush, and they didn't dare to look Lin Dongyang in the eye.

"Not to mention, this floral shirt suits you quite well."

Lin Dongyang really looks good in a floral shirt, which shows his ruffian to the fullest.

Bad and bad, that's probably what he said.

"Needless to say, it must be the young master's good vision. Don't forget, the young master also traveled all over the world."

Lin Dongyang lifted his chin proudly.

The waiter praised Yu Xiaowan, but looked at Yu Xiaowan with contempt.

He muttered softly, "This is too sloppy. Just now I said that I have good eyesight, but now I'm on the wrong side."

Yu Xiaowan waved her hand, motioning him to try another one.

Lin Dongyang entered the fitting room again, and after a while, he came out in an iron gray shirt, adding a bit of stability and abstinence.

Lin Dongyang Lin Lai had never worn this kind of shirt, at most it was a white shirt.

When she came out, she still pulled the neckline unaccustomed, "Yu Xiaowan, this kind of clothes are tailor-made for Lu Mu."

Wearing it on his body, he himself felt that it carried a touch of Lu Mu's temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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