Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 888 We still need the original yard

Chapter 888 We still need the original yard

But Yu Xiaowan laughed foolishly, and continued to smile all the way into the house, making Lu Mu think that she was in trouble.

Yu Xiaowan knew that she had frightened Lu Mu, so she put her arms around his neck and gave him a big dick.

Lu Mu was even more confused.

Yu Xiaowan had no intention of explaining, humming a song and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Lu Mu shook his head helplessly, she didn't explain and he didn't ask, after all, as long as she was happy.

"The studio is almost finished, let it hang out for a few more days, and you can use it when the room is completely dry. I contacted the workers and come tomorrow to demolish the courtyard wall."

"I don't think we should dismantle it yet," Yu Xiaowan handed the selected dishes to Lu Mu, "Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to use it, and our small yard is fine for the two of us. If you want such a big yard, If I come back late, I’m afraid alone.”

Lu Mu has been looking for a job in the past few days, and of course there are some old customers before him, and occasionally there will be entertainment at night.

Lu Mu was cutting vegetables in his hand, thought for a while and felt that what Yu Xiaowan said made sense, so he didn't insist anymore.

The two of them had just finished cooking when they heard the courtyard door being slapped.

Lu Mu asked Yu Xiaowan to eat first, so he went to have a look.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Mrs. Ma standing at the door, and there were several sisters-in-law who had been friends with Mrs. Ma beside her.

"Ma'am, what's the matter?"

Lu Mu frowned slightly. He had learned about Sister Ma's character when he was a neighbor, so he didn't know what was going on now.

Sure enough, Mrs. Ma raised her chin with a haughty look, "It's fine, I just came here to tell you that we still want our original yard, so don't mess around in our yard all the time if you're fine. Hurry up and I will ask the old horse to send you the money, so that you two can go through the formalities, don't worry, you won't miss a penny of the two thousand and four hundred yuan."

Lu Mu's face turned gloomy when he heard that.

Before, he only thought that Mrs. Ma was unreasonable, but it turned out that she was so unreasonable.

"Sister-in-law Ma, I don't understand what you're talking about? The yard next to me has been bought by me a long time ago, and it seems that it has nothing to do with you for a long time. It doesn't make sense for you to come here to ask for a house in a grand manner, right?"

"Why doesn't it make sense?"

When Mrs. Ma heard that Lu Mu disagreed, she almost didn't jump up. She looked at the sisters-in-law around and shouted, "You all know that our family home is for the employees of the factory. You are no longer an employee of our factory. You should Hand over this yard. My old horse and I have lived in this yard for more than ten years. You drove us out at the beginning. Now our old horse is still a worker in the factory, so we are naturally qualified to live in it again. You occupy it like this. Also, this is unreasonable."

Just as Lu Mu was about to say something, a cold voice behind him spoke.

"If you are unreasonable, will your sister-in-law Ma be unreasonable?"

Yu Xiaowan stood beside Lu Mu, looking coldly at Sister-in-law Ma and her other sister-in-laws who came to watch the fun.

"First, we didn't drive you away at the beginning, Liu Suyun. I don't think you didn't know the policy in the factory back then? It doesn't matter if you don't know. Let me recall to you that the factory is the priority tenant, and you gave it up. These two houses will be bought by us. We will pay the money with one hand and the real estate certificate with one hand. The name of Lu Mu is clearly written on the real estate certificate. This yard is ours. Second, even if Lu Mu is not in the factory Employees, the property rights of the family courtyard have long been owned by individuals, not to mention that several houses in this family courtyard have been traded several times, and those people are not all employees of the factory, right? Why did you come to our house to make trouble?"

(End of this chapter)

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