Chapter 889

Mrs. Ma was not convinced, "Who made a fuss? I've said it all. Our old horse will come here tomorrow with money, and you won't lose a penny. Now that Lu Mu has no job, I think we are also neighbors." Lu Mu and Lao Ma came to buy your house only after a business, so don’t know what’s good or bad.”

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to the sisters-in-law beside him, "Let you tell me, am I wrong?"

When several sister-in-laws around heard Ma's words, some sister-in-laws immediately came out to be peacemakers.

"Xiao Wan, Lu Gong, Mrs. Ma is also doing it for your own good. You see, it's useless for you two to have two courtyards. It's better to sell one to her. It's better to make a small business with some capital. Now Lu Gong Without a job, life has to go on, right?"

"That's right, Xiaowan, Mrs. Ma is not all bad-hearted, you misunderstood her."

"Lu Gong is a sensible person, Xiaowan is not sensible, Lu Gong should understand, right?"


Listening to the words of the sister-in-laws, Yu Xiaowan sneered after glancing at the sister-in-laws present.

It's really impersonal.

Back when Lu Mu was still in the factory, there were a few people who were older than Xiaowan, and wanted to praise her to the sky.

Are you ignorant now?

And those who spoke first were all under Ma Duanchang's subordinates. Now, is this stepping on them to flatter Ma Duanchang?

"It's really bothering the sisters-in-law. Even if Lu Mu loses his job, we won't be able to sell the house to make ends meet. Sister-in-law Ma's kindness, whoever you want, go for it."

"Hey, why are you talking like that?"

Seeing that Yu Xiaowan was about to become the target of a gang fight, Lu Mu shielded her directly behind him, his sharp eyes swept across those faces, "What do you want her to say? What do you want to do when you run to our house and make trouble? Like? Liu Suyun, put away your little thoughts, if you bring people to our house to make trouble, I will report and warn you to harass the house, if you don’t believe me, try it.”

Mrs. Ma was terrified by Lu Mu's eyes, but fortunately, she had hired several followers, so she had some confidence.

"You call the police, and I want to sue you for occupying our house and not returning it."

"Then you can sue, I'm here waiting for the court summons."

After Lu Mu finished speaking, he took Yu Xiaowan directly into the house, and the door closed with a bang, isolating the voices of all the women outside.

"This sister-in-law Ma is too weird. She even gives us a lot of money, as if we want to take advantage of her. Can the current housing price compare with that back then?"

Although the price of real estate in this era did not rise as fast as in later generations, the price of the yard now is different from the price when it was bought from the factory.

Liu Suyun probably also saw that the house had room for appreciation, and regretted not buying these two houses at the beginning, so he deliberately made trouble when Lu Mu left the factory.

"Don't pay attention to her, leave this matter to me, and promise not to let her make trouble again in the future."


Yu Xiaowan's paintings were exhibited at the Jin City Academy of Fine Arts for two weeks before they were officially handed over to the Jin City Art Museum for exhibition.

During this time, Lu Mu also brought a piece of news.

It can be said to be good news.

After Fu Jianhai learned that Lu Mu was unemployed, he also helped him win some connections.

Some time ago, a friend who was engaged in construction was planning to sell his company.

It is said that it is a company, but it is just a work team with dozens of people. His friend seems to have encountered something and needs money urgently.

(End of this chapter)

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