Chapter 904 You Stupid

Sure enough, Mother Lu already knew about Lu Mu's unemployment.

But Yu Xiaowan didn't care, "Mom, don't worry, even if Lu Mu has no job now, we have hands and feet, and we can support ourselves. As long as Lu Mu and I have a bite to eat and Jiaxin follows us, we will be able to support ourselves." She eats."

"Okay, the children just came back, let's eat first."

Father Lu stubbed out the cigarette in his hand, stood up and interrupted the two of them.

"Yes, Mom. Amu and Xiaowan just came back. They drove the car all day. Let's have dinner first. Xiaowan, Jiaxin is living with grandma now. She doesn't know you're back yet. I'll call her back tomorrow. .”

Lu Wei said with a smile.

Yu Xiaowan glanced sideways at Lu Mu, except for the words of greeting and questioning Lu's mother, Lu Mu didn't make a sound, and looked at the family lightly.

Dinner is very simple, cornmeal porridge, two stir-fried vegetables and steamed buns.

Yu Xiaowan was a little motion sick after sitting in the car all day, so she put down her chopsticks after drinking a bowl of porridge.

Lu Mu knew that she was not feeling well, so he quickly took a few mouthfuls of food, then told Lu's father and mother, and took Yu Xiaowan back to the house.

"Look at it, look at it, doesn't this matter? You still want to wait for others to serve you like a master."

Mother Lu watched the two people enter the west wing, and said dissatisfied.

Lu Wei spoke from the side, "Mom, A Mu and Xiao Wan have driven the car all day and are tired. I don't think Xiao Wan has eaten much. A Mu said she got motion sick when she came back."

"What does he say? Why are you so stupid? It's not easy to just look at other people's wives. When your wife comes back from a day's work and cooks dinner for the whole family by herself, she has to clean up after eating. It's easy for her Is it? You silly, if it wasn't for me, you would have been gnawed to the bone without knowing it. "

Lu's mother hated that iron could not be made into steel, so she hit Lu Wei's forehead with chopsticks.

Li Ying also gave him a blank look.

"Okay, it's all my own family, why do more and less, is this what your mother should say?"

Father Lu put down his chopsticks with a cold snort, and entered the room with his hands behind his back.

Mother Lu and Li Ying glanced at each other, and glared at Lu Wei at the same time.

West wing room, a room full of dust.

Lu Mu first wiped out a chair for Yu Xiaowan to sit down and rest, and he came to clean up the house.

"Sorry, I didn't discuss with you about Jiaxin."

In the car, she was about to explode when she heard what the second aunt said, but no matter what, she couldn't hear it from Lu's mother.

So she said that without even thinking about it.

Lu Jiaxin was so pitiful, no one cared about her life, she took care of it.

But the house in Jinshi belongs to her and Lu Mu, so she should say hello to Lu Mu first.

Lu Mu stood up and smiled at her, "Silly girl, what are you sorry for? That is my own sister, I am very happy that you can treat her like this,"

"Then I'm relieved," Yu Xiaowan said with a stone falling to the ground.

"Then let's go to grandma's house for breakfast tomorrow. By the way, I'll ask Jiaxin what she means. To be honest, I used to think your mother was eccentric, but now it seems that she is not only eccentric but also loves her face too much."

Yu Xiaowan didn't say anything, Lu's mother was also greedy for money.

She didn't know where the matter of Dazhu and Jiaxin had progressed. If the second aunt was willing to give up the bride price, Yu Xiaowan was really afraid that they would not be able to take Lu Jiaxin to Jin City.

Lu Mu also thought of this, nodded and said, "Okay."

After tidying up the house, Lu Mu lit the kang again, and it was past nine o'clock after the tossing.

The two of them went to bed early, but Yu Xiaowan didn't sleep well that night.

(End of this chapter)

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