Chapter 905 Prove it

In summer, the West Wing room has no activity for a long time, even if the kang is burned, there is still a musty smell.

And sleeping on the overheated kang in summer is really not a comfortable thing.

Confused, the east side turned pale, Yu Xiaowan turned over again, and Lu Mu also opened his eyes.

It is early in the summer, and it is not yet five o'clock.

"Did I disturb you and didn't sleep well?"

While talking, Yu Xiaowan yawned lazily.

A pair of eyes immediately sparkled and moved, and there were sparkling water droplets gathered in the corners of the eyes, hanging on the long eyelashes.

Lu Mu's heart softened to the point of confusion, and he leaned over to kiss the drop of water clean.

"Well, you haven't answered my question yet."

The warm breath hit the eyelashes, itching, Yu Xiaowan subconsciously closed her eyes.

"No, I slept well."

"You lie, you wake up every time I turn over, it's no wonder you slept well, Lu Mu, can you go back to Jinshi soon? I don't want to spend the night in my hometown, the house is too damp."

The house in my hometown has the best location as the main house, which faces south and has plenty of sunlight during the day. Even if it is rainy in summer, as long as it is sunny, the humid air in the house will quickly dissipate.

The second is the East Wing, and the worst location is the West Wing.

The sun in the morning is not strong enough, and when the sun rises, it can no longer reach the house. In the afternoon, the sun is scorching on the back wall of the house. At night, the house is like a steamer, which is not suitable for living at all.

"Okay," Lu Mu replied without thinking, and pulled him over by the way.

Yu Xiaowan was taken aback for a moment, looking at the surging emotions in those deep eyes, she asked unwillingly, "What are you doing?"

"Didn't you say I didn't sleep well? Prove it."

Yu Xiaowan: "..."

It was already dawn when I got up, and Lu's father had already got up to tidy up the yard.

Lu Mu and Lu's father said hello and said they would go to see their grandparents, and they took Yu Xiaowan out.

When I came to grandma's house, I saw Lu Jiaxin at the door from afar.

Lu Jiaxin was about to enter the door with an armful of firewood, and was a little surprised to see Yu Xiaowan and Lu Mu.

"Second brother, second sister-in-law, when did you come back?"

"I came back last night. Do you want to make breakfast? Just as your second brother and I haven't had breakfast yet, why don't you make more meals for two of us?"

Yu Xiaowan saw that although Lu Jiaxin had lost some weight, she was still in good spirits, and she finally let go of her worries.

"No problem, come in quickly, grandpa and grandma will be happy to see you."

Lu Jiaxin pushed the courtyard door open with her elbow, and yelled into the room, "Grandpa, grandma, who do you think is back?"

Grandma Lu came out first, and stretched out her hands trembling slightly, "Girl, why are you back?"

Yu Xiaowan hurried forward to grab Grandma Lu's hand, and shouted sweetly, "Grandma, Grandpa, Lu Mu and I are coming back to see you."

"You, this little mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter, it's not fake, you will come back to see us?"

Grandma Lu obviously didn't believe it, but she was also coaxed by Yu Xiaowan to smile and narrow her eyes.

After entering the house, Lu Jiaxin was busy making breakfast, while Lu Mu and Yu Xiaowan were talking to Grandpa Lu and Grandma Lu.

Through a door, Yu Xiaowan dared to ask about Lu Jiaxin's current situation.

Grandma Lu snorted coldly when she heard the words, "A while ago, Awei's mother proposed a marriage to Jiaxin, and Jiaxin ran to me because she didn't like it, so I didn't let her go back. If she wants to marry my granddaughter That fool, unless my old lady dies."

 Thanks to Sandy for the reward, the monthly ticket for Drunk Love Red Sleeve, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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