Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 906 Is this not only trying to kill your daughter but also your son and daughter-in-law?

Chapter 906 Is this not only trying to kill your daughter but also your son and daughter-in-law?
Yu Xiaowan took a look at Lu Mu, and it turned out that what the second aunt said was true, Mother Lu really wanted to marry Lu Jiaxin to Dazhu.

Immediately, the hearts of the two of them went completely cold.

"Grandma, we told my mother last night that we will bring Jiaxin to live with us in Jin City after we return to Jin City in two days, do you think it's okay?"

Grandpa Lu and Grandma Lu are getting old. Now that Lu Jiaxin and Grandma Lu live together, they can undoubtedly take care of each other. If she wants to take Lu Jiaxin away, Yu Xiaowan still has to ask grandma for her opinion.

Grandma Lu was overjoyed when she heard it, "That's a good thing, Jiaxin is in the village, even if we don't dislike it, but the rumors in this village..., and your mother, I haven't lost my heart until now. If you can Take her away, just take her away, and leave in peace."

"Well, I'll ask her what she means then, and if she's willing, we'll take her away after finishing the family affairs."

At this time, Grandpa Lu said hesitantly, "Is it because of the separation of the family when you come back?"

"What about the family separation?" Grandma Lu turned her head and asked blankly, "Boss, their family is going to be separated? Why didn't you mention it to me?"

"It was only yesterday that I heard the boss talk to me about it. Amu and the others are back before I can tell you."

Lu Mu didn't hide anything, nodded and said, "Yes, when I came out just now, my dad also asked me to call you by the way, and go to our house to talk about the separation of the family, and asked the village chief to give a certificate."

Grandpa Lu sighed, "Ah Mu, you guys didn't want to separate the family before, but now that you have no job, your mother is going to separate the family. No one knows her schemes. What do you think? If you I don’t want to, I’ll tell your dad later that the family is not divided.”

He was getting old, and he didn't want to care about his children and grandchildren for a long time, but when it came to Lu Mu, he couldn't ignore it.

Although Grandma Lu is old, she is still not confused. When she heard that Lu Mu lost his job, she blushed with anger without asking him why he lost his job.

"I said, why do you want to separate the family? It turns out that we, A Mu, have no job and no future? What is she doing? A Mu has no job and no land. What do they want to eat as a young couple? What are you going to drink? Is this not only trying to kill your daughter, but also your son and daughter-in-law?"

Lu Mu changed his household registration from agriculture to non-agriculture after he was admitted to university.

The land is divided every three to five years in the village. During the last time the land was divided, Lu Mu lost his share of the land because of the transfer of his household registration.

And Yu Xiaowan married after the land was divided, and her share of the land is still in her natal family, so in this way, there is no land for them in the family.

Seeing that the old lady was really angry, Yu Xiaowan quickly stepped forward to help her calm down and comforted her, "Grandma, don't be so angry, Lu Mu and I have hands and feet, even if he loses his job, we won't be hungry. Unlike our rural areas, Jin City can only live on one-third of an acre of land, as long as you have brains and ability, you can make money in Jin City."

Fearing that Grandma Lu would not believe it, Yu Xiaowan said again, "Do you know Qi Chuang from our village? The one I grew up with. He opened a small restaurant in Jin City. The business is very good. Even if you go to his place as a waiter and help him serve dishes, you can earn more money than farming in the field."

Hearing what Yu Xiaowan said, Grandma Lu calmed down a bit, "Really? Is that kid from the Qi family doing well?"

(End of this chapter)

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