Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 908 Almost Didn't Jump Up

Chapter 908 Almost Didn't Jump Up

Although the two are husband and wife, they have never had such an intimate act in front of outsiders.

Especially the rural people are conservative, she is even more embarrassed.

Lu Mu looked indifferent, and even approached her and asked in a low voice, "The small restaurant serves the dishes, huh?"

Yu Xiaowan looked at the two old people in the distance across Lu Mu's shoulder like a little rabbit, and hurriedly explained, "That's how I comfort grandma, I want to say that I paint or you want to be the boss. Very decent, grandma, will they believe it?"

Lu Mu looked amused at her anxious appearance, and unexpectedly kissed her on the cheek, "Believe it or not, I will never let you serve other people's plates in this life."

Yu Xiaowan just looked in the direction of Grandpa Lu and Grandma Lu, and didn't guard against Lu Mu at all.

After being kissed in public by him, she almost didn't jump up.

When she blushed and wanted to say something, Lu Mu had already sat up straight, and let go of her little hand, with a calm look, how did it look like she just did something bad?
Only Yu Xiaowan was left secretly grinding her teeth with a blushing face.


Separation is a major event for a family, not only Grandpa Lu, but Lu Jiaxin also returned to the Lu family.

Grandma Lu wanted to follow, but Grandpa Lu stopped her.

He was worried that grandma Lu would be angry if her temper came up.

Back to Lujia Village, the branch secretary had already arrived, and he was sitting in the main room drinking tea and chatting with Lu's father.

Mother Lu and Lu Wei and his wife were also sitting by the side. Seeing Lu Mu and his party coming in, they stood up and welcomed Mr. Lu in.

"They are all old folks in the village, and the branch secretary also knows about our family's situation, so let's not talk about polite words, just separate the family."

Grandpa Lu also knew that neither Lu Mu, Yu Xiaowan nor Lu Jiaxin wanted to stay in such a house for a moment, so he simply said that the work would be over early, packed up and went to Jinshi in a down-to-earth manner.

Of course the branch secretary has no objection, he just came here to be a witness, no matter how the division is made, he has no objection.

Lu's father was smoking a cigarette with his head sullen, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The atmosphere in the room froze for a while.

In the end, it was Lu Wei who spoke, "If you want me to say that our family lives well, otherwise this family should not..."

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked by Li Ying, and he could only shut his mouth embarrassingly.

Mother Lu saw that Father Lu was silent, so she had no choice but to speak.

"If you say that our family should have been separated a long time ago, look at how many brothers in our village live together without separating? They are all separated when the second child gets married. Back then, I thought that Xiaowan was young. , Lu Mu couldn't take care of her in Jin City, and now Xiao Wan has been living in Jin City with Lu Mu for two years. I feel relieved seeing that they are living a good life. This family should be divided, Zhuang After growing up, the family is separated, and the boss should also make plans for Zhuangzhuang."


Grandpa Lu placed the teacup heavily on the table, and snorted coldly, "Where are women in the branch?"

Lu's mother closed her mouth unwillingly, and gave Lu's father a wink.

Father Lu had no choice but to take a deep breath of the cigarette in his hand and extinguish it before speaking.

"Today I called my father and party secretary here just to talk about the separation of the family. It's not surprising that there are two sons in the village who will have such a day. I discussed it with the child's mother, in front of father and party secretary. Speaking of which, this family is divided like this.”

Father Lu said briefly, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and explained the contents of the family division one by one according to the list on it.

(End of this chapter)

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