Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 909 She Has Already Became an Outsider

Chapter 909 She Has Already Became an Outsider
The first item is the land, because Lu Mu has a non-agricultural household registration, the land in the family naturally does not belong to him, Yu Xiaowan’s household registration has not been brought over, and the land has not been divided again in the past two or three years, and the land of Lu’s family has not been acquired by Yu Xiaowan. Lu Mu and Lu Wei each have a share of the land owned by Lu’s father and mother. Since Lu Mu is not at home all the year round, his share of land will be managed by Lu Wei. Lu Mu will give Lu Wei 300 yuan a year to plant. land money.

The second item is the family house. Lu Mu has no children and lives in Jin City. The family house belongs to Lu Wei. Of course, Lu Mu and Yu Xiaowan can still live in their two wing rooms when they come back for the holidays.

The third item is the food for the family, because Lu Mu has no land, and the livestock in the family are raised by Lu Wei and his wife, so the food belongs to Lu Wei.

The fourth item is a few pigs and chickens at home...

"Dad, what do you call a split family? Just say that my elder brother belongs to both the family and the outside world. Why did you call my second brother back? Are you too partial?"

After Lu's father finished speaking, Lu Jiaxin was the first to stand up and said dissatisfied.

Lu's mother reached out to give Lu Jiaxin a hand, "What nonsense are you talking about, kid? In front of your grandfather and the village party secretary, how can you speak here?"

"Why don't I have the right to speak? Our family is separated, and everyone has the right to speak. What I said is the truth. My second brother has no land, but other things he doesn't have should be divided equally, right? "

Even if Yu Xiaowan hadn't said the same thing just now, Lu Jiaxin couldn't listen anymore. too partial.

Although the list was read by the father, it was also the idea of ​​the mother without thinking about it.

Lu Jiaxin is clear who is in charge of this family.

Lu's mother said angrily, "What's the average score? Doesn't everything outside the house come from the fields? Where can we get food without land? How can we feed pigs and chickens without food?"

"Then...then I still have a piece of land, right? I'll give my piece of land to my second brother."

Lu Jiaxin still had her neck stuck. She hadn't thought about it before, and after going through so many things, she understood it.

Obviously the second elder brother paid the most in this family.

Mother Lu glanced at the village party secretary and Grandpa Lu with a guilty conscience.

She deliberately didn't write Lu Jiaxin's land on the separation form, because she had a selfish intention in the first place.

Being pointed out by Lu Jiaxin at this moment, it is inevitable that his face will become hot.

Grandpa Lu snorted coldly, the village party secretary looked like he was watching the show, and Mother Lu was ashamed and annoyed.

"You don't have a place to talk here. When you got married, there was nothing in your house. Even if you go home now, you can't break up the land with your family. Let's not talk about anything else. Just ask." Xiaowan, can she ask the Yu family for her share of the land?"

The customs in the village, the water thrown by the married girl, as long as she is married, there will be no such name in the village.

However, Mother Lu's words directly pierced Lu Jiaxin's heart.

She understands the truth of the water splashed by the married daughter, but isn't she back now?

It turns out... In the mother's heart, she has already become an outsider.

It's no wonder that her mother's attitude towards her has plummeted since the divorce. It turned out that even if she came back, she would no longer be part of the family.

With tears in her eyes, Lu Jiaxin's body trembled slightly.

Yu Xiaowan reached out to hold her hand, which was also her daughter's hand, but Lu Jiaxin's palm was covered with calluses.

He gave her a comforting look, then turned to Mother Lu and said...

 Thank you for the monthly pass of yong 逺 姷 茤 逺, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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