Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 916 Looks like a fairy?

Chapter 916 Looks like a fairy?
"Oh, that's it," Chen Tao smiled disapprovingly, "I also said that the talented talents of our Tianjin University of Technology will not be able to survive in Jin City just because they leave the factory. By the way, I heard that he married He married a country woman, have you ever seen him? Back when so many girls in our school were chasing after him, he could go back and marry a country woman. What was going on in his mind? Or was it his country wife? The wife looks like a fairy?"

Does it look like a fairy?
Lin Dongyang recalled the first time he saw Yu Xiaowan.

Well, Marshal Canopy seems to belong to the category of Tianxian.

Involuntarily, Lin Dongyang looked towards Xu Siman, who still had a faint smile on the corner of her lips. Her elegant and generous appearance was like that of a mortal fairy, making you think it was a kind of blasphemy just to look at her.

Withdrawing his gaze, he took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it, puffing out smoke rings in a ruffian manner.

"Of course I've seen it. He brought his wife to live with him in Jin City. How could he never see her? She's not a fairy. She's a little girl, but Lu Mu dotes on her like a daughter."

"Daughter, what kind of metaphor are you talking about?"

Hu Lin smiled and said, "This is the first time I've heard that a wife is treated like a daughter. Do you mean that his wife is much younger than him? Or is it that his wife is wayward?"

"I said Da Linzi, why do you care so much about his wife? Yes, she is much younger than Lu Mu, maybe eight or nine years old, and she is almost a little girl in my eyes. Lu Mu is willing to pamper her, so it is not against the law, right?"

Hu Lin is Xu Siman's cousin, and she is inseparable from Xu Siman. She also graduated from Tianjin University of Technology. Lin Dongyang and the others have known each other for a long time, and Lin Dongyang is not too polite when talking.

"Okay, let's stop talking about others, Dongyang, how have you been all these years? Chen Tao and Lu Mu both have wives, how are you? You didn't bring your girlfriend to us today."

Xu Siman came out to smooth things over, and looked at Lin Dongyang with a smile.

Lin Dongyang didn't expect Xu Siman to ask himself this question, so he didn't react for a while.

However, under her gentle gaze, her face was still a little hot.

"What girlfriend? Who is so worthless with them? Why do you want that thing? You are so comfortable alone, don't you have a boyfriend?"

In the last sentence, Lin Dongyang said indifferently, but there was a hint of desperation in his eyes.

Xu Siman smiled, "That's right, no one is at ease."

Lin Dongyang was secretly relieved to get the answer he wanted to know.

"By the way, I passed by the canteen on the way here just now, and bought this by the way."

Lin Dongyang took a large food bag from behind, which was full of simply packaged beef strips.

With the bag on hand, he pushed towards Xu Siman.

"I remember this was your favorite food when I was in school."

When Hu Lin and Chen Tao came in from Lin Dongyang, they noticed that he was carrying a big bag. Now that the bag was opened, they all stuck out their heads curiously.

When he saw what was inside, Chen Tao burst out laughing.

"I said Dongzi, I thought you were carrying some treasure all the time. Where did you buy this thing? Now the canteen won't let you sell it, right?"

"Yeah Lin Dongyang, the shelf life of your stuff seems to have expired. I remember it was broadcast on the TV news last year. The reporter visited a small workshop that made fake beef strips. It seems to be this brand. You are bullying my cousin just now. Didn’t you know the news when you came back from abroad?”

(End of this chapter)

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