Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 917 seems to be really... overdue

Chapter 917 seems to be really... overdue
"That's right, let's talk about it, our beautiful lady Xu is abroad, and she is also a senior white-collar worker at Stanis. What good food hasn't been eaten? How can I eat this stuff?"

Only then did Lin Dongyang notice that the date on the simple packaging seemed to have really... expired.

"Sorry, I didn't notice the date. I remember that you liked eating this thing, so I bought it for you."

Rarely, a look of embarrassment appeared on Lin Dongyang's face.

Xu Siman smiled nonchalantly, "It's okay, just throw it away after the expiration date."

At this time, the door of the box opened, and the waiter entered the box with the dishes.

"Come, come, the food is here, let's chat while eating, Dongzi, please go down with your 'advanced' things?"


When we got off the bus, it was already dark.

Lu Mu held the luggage in one hand and Yu Xiaowan in the other. Lu Jiaxin followed behind the two of them, looking around while walking.

This is her second visit to Tsu City.

For the first time, she had a miscarriage with heavy bleeding and went to the hospital in Jin City. After leaving the hospital, she went back to her hometown directly.

And at that time, she was disheartened, and she didn't have the heart to see this bustling metropolis at all.

This time, knowing that she will live here in the future, she is full of curiosity and hope for this city, and there is also a little bit of fear.

"Jiaxin, look at your feet. The roads in the community are all brick roads, which are not as smooth as the roads outside. Why don't you take your luggage to your brother?"

After getting off the long-distance bus at the long-distance station, Lu Mu wanted to help her with her luggage, but Lu Jiaxin refused.

She has a lot of luggage, such a big package, just carried it on her shoulders, Lu Mu was rejected by her several times.

At first, Xiao Wan felt that it was inconvenient for others to carry some important things in her luggage, until later when she was backing the bus, Lu Mu wanted to help her carry her and said, "Second brother, I can do it myself, You hold the second sister-in-law, don't let others squeeze her."

While speaking, she also used her thin body and luggage to help her block the crowd around her.

At that moment, Yu Xiaowan really felt Lu Jiaxin's concern for her.

It was getting dark now, Lu Jiaxin took a few steps and followed Yu Xiaowan.

"Second sister-in-law, are all the employees of your factory living here? I heard that the second brother no longer works in the factory, so they still let us live here?"

"Let it be, this house is indeed the family courtyard of Lu Mu's factory, but the profit in the factory has not been good in the past two years, and the family courtyard was sold to an individual last year."

At this moment, Yu Xiaowan didn't hide anything.

Talking all the way, when they came to the door of his house, Lu Mu took out the key and opened the lock, and there was silence in the yard.

Yu Xiaowan followed behind Lu Mu, and Lu Jiaxin was the last to enter the door, looking at the yard.

After squeezing the car for a day, Lu Mu put his luggage in the house and went into the bathroom with a change of clothes. Yu Xiaowan turned on the lights in the house and the yard so that Lu Jiaxin could watch.

After she saw everything clearly, she was a little embarrassed when she met Yu Xiaowan's eyes.

Putting down my luggage, I took the bucket under the eaves and came to the running water, "Second sister-in-law, look, the vegetables in your yard are all dry, and it hasn't been watered for a few days."

Yu Xiaowan didn't stop her either, knowing that she wouldn't let her do it now, Lu Jiaxin would feel even more cramped.

He also followed to the vegetable garden, picking the vegetables that had matured in the past two days into the basket and talking to her.

Lu Mu moved quickly, and after a while he left the bathroom with slightly damp hair, and naturally came to Yu Xiaowan's side, and took the basket of vegetables in her hand.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of Xiaoyueshuyou 002004, and thank you Liu Weiwei.| for the monthly ticket, okay.

(End of this chapter)

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