Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 918 You don't have to do this

Chapter 918 You don't have to do this

"I'll make whatever you want for dinner, you and Jiaxin go take a shower to cool off first."

Lu Jiaxin bent over and said that she was going to cook, but Yu Xiaowan stopped her.

"You go take a shower first, and I'll teach you how to put hot water in."

The house was washed with warm water in large basins. Worried that Lu Jiaxin was not familiar with the family, Yu Xiaowan took her hand into the bathroom.

Lu Jiaxin still looked back worriedly, and whispered, "Second sister-in-law, do you really ask my second brother to cook?"

Yu Xiaowan smiled, and then told her to change the direction of hot and cold water.

The sun is bright today, and the temperature of the water in the solar energy is high. If it is cloudy, there may be no need to add cold water.

Lu Jiaxin pursed her lips. In fact, she could tell from the time when the second brother washed her clothes. Unlike the men in the village, the second brother did not think that washing and cooking were a woman's business.

At that time, she was still angry, and felt that it was a big loss for someone like the second brother to take Yu Xiaowan.

He's so fat and average-looking, he can't do anything, and even eloped with other men, making the second brother unable to hold his head up in the village.

But after so many things, she finally understood.

In the family, only the second brother is the smartest, and he has already seen Yu Xiaowan's kindness.

"Here are new towels and toiletries. You wash them first. I'll go and see what your second brother has cooked for us."

Yu Xiaowan's words brought back Lu Jiaxin's thoughts, and she nodded hurriedly, "I know the second sister-in-law."

There are vegetables in the vegetable garden at home, and Lu Mu steamed rice and fried two vegetables.

It means that when Xiaowan was the last one to come out of the shower, the food was already on the table.

Lu Jiaxin said while laying out the bowls and chopsticks, "Second brother, I know how to use your stove. It is much easier to use than the stove in my hometown. From now on, you don't need to do the food at home, just let me do it."

Seeing Yu Xiaowan coming out of the bathroom, she hurried over again, took out the clothes Yu Xiaowan changed from the bathroom and soaked them in the basin, where Lu Mu's clothes had already been soaked.

After eating, Lu Jiaxin was the first to stand up and wash the dishes.

After tidying up the kitchen, I sat in the yard to wash clothes.

If she only felt that she was diligent in her actions just now, if Yu Xiaowan couldn't see anything now, she would be blind.

"Jiaxin, you don't have to do this. Your second brother and I brought you to Jinshi to live with us not for you to work. You just treat this place as your own home. This is your home originally. We It’s a family, don’t take yourself as a burden.”

Having encountered a change in marriage, coupled with a mother like Lu's mother, one can imagine how insecure Lu Jiaxin is now.

Lu Jiaxin shook her head while soaping her clothes, "I don't have a second sister-in-law, I'm not tired, this kind of casual work is much easier than doing farm work in the field, and you don't have to worry about the vegetable garden in the yard from now on, you How can my second brother and my brother be farmers? Seeing that all your vegetables are left with only Niuer, how can farmers grow such vegetables?"

Yu Xiaowan was a little embarrassed by her disdainful words. Growing vegetables is really not their strong point.

Taking a sneak peek at Lu Mu, he saw that Lu Mu was also touching his nose in embarrassment.

In the end, it was Lu Mu who changed the embarrassing topic.

"I'm tired after driving all day today. Jiaxin, your second sister-in-law is right. There are only three of us in the family. Although we still need to support each other, we didn't bring you to Jinshi to let you help the family with work." , you settle down first, I've been busy these days, and tomorrow I'll let your second sister-in-law take you around, big cities are no better than our hometown, in the future you at least know how to take the bus and know the way home when you go out."

(End of this chapter)

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