Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 919 How afraid is she of causing trouble to them?

Chapter 919 How afraid is she of causing trouble to them?
"If you don't help the family, what am I going to do?" Lu Jiaxin said disapprovingly, "You have to go to the farm to eat at home. Second brother, you don't have a job. Even the three of us have to eat and drink. How about I go to see Qi Chuang tomorrow , I’ll go to his place to wash the dishes, I don’t care about the wages, I just take care of the food, no, I’m full and there are you two, why don’t you tell him, it doesn’t matter if I do more work..."

"Jiaxin," Yu Xiaowan couldn't help interrupting her, feeling a little sad seeing her anxious look.

How afraid is she of causing trouble to them?
"No, listen to your second brother. I'll take you around tomorrow for two days."

What else did Lu Jiaxin want to say, Yu Xiaowan gave her a reassuring look, "I'll go and prepare the bedding for you first."

Hearing this, Lu Jiaxin's subordinates paused for a moment, looking at the two rooms in the main house, there was some confusion in their eyes.

After quickly washing the clothes in the basin, Lu Jiaxin entered the room and saw Yu Xiaowan turning over the cabinet. He heard the voice behind and probably thought it was Lu Mu, and asked without raising his head, "Lu Mu, I remember when I just Sister-in-law Yuan gave us a new towel quilt when we came to Jin City, do you know where I put it? This weather is about the same as a towel quilt?"

"Second sister-in-law, don't look for it, it's hot in summer, I don't need to cover it."

Hearing the voice behind her, Yu Xiaowan realized it was Lu Jiaxin, and said with a smile, "It's okay, I should put it over there."

"That...second sister-in-law..."

Looking at Yu Xiaowan's busy figure, Lu Jiaxin finally said, "How are we going to sleep? Am I not supposed to come?"

I heard Yu Xiaowan said that when she brought her to Jin City, she just wanted to escape from that house, so she agreed without thinking.

When she arrived in Jin City, one question after another made her realize how hasty this decision was.

Like Lu Mu and his family, there are only two houses, one living room and one bedroom.

Anyway, she was married before, she is not a little girl who doesn't understand anything, no matter where she lives, it seems... not suitable, right?

Yu Xiaowan finally found the towel and was opening it to watch the mandarin ducks playing in the water.

Seeing Lu Jiaxin's nervous and nervous face, and her little face was still a little red, I knew what she was thinking.

"You sleep with me tonight, let your second brother sleep on the sofa outside, the yard next door is empty, even the house is empty, let your second brother buy a bed tomorrow, and you can sleep there tomorrow night, By the way, Jiaxin, will you be afraid of sleeping in a courtyard by yourself?"

Yu Xiaowan is afraid of the dark, if she is allowed to sleep alone in a yard, she will really be scared to pee.

Lu Jiaxin's eyes lit up when she heard that there was still room to sleep, she took the towel in Yu Xiaowan's hand and was shaken and said, "I'm not afraid, I'm going to sleep on the sofa in the outer room tonight, my brother is tall, why is the sofa so short?" If you can sleep, let me sleep."

Inexplicably, he was lying on the sofa in the outhouse with the towel in his arms, and while pulling off the towel to cover his body, he urged Lu Mu, who was working, to go to sleep quickly.

Seeing her eyes closed, Lu Mu thought she was tired, put down the pen in his hand, turned off the light and entered the room.

Seeing that Yu Xiaowan was bending over to make the bed, she stepped forward and put her arms around her body.

The warm breath hit her ear, itching, she couldn't help but want to hide.

The strength on the arm could not help but increase, preventing her from escaping.

"Lu Mu~"

Yu Xiaowan called out in a low voice, and gave him a warning look and looked in the direction outside the house.

Lu Jiaxin is in the outhouse, how dare he?

(End of this chapter)

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