Chapter 933

"Second sister-in-law, do you think Li Wei is reliable?"

Sitting at the dinner table just now, Lu Jiaxin also listened to the general idea.

Yu Xiaowan glanced at the few people in the distance, "I believe in Lu Mu's vision, and even if your second brother buys the engineering team in the engineering area, he is not familiar with many places, and it will be beneficial to both parties to keep him. There are benefits."

"Then what if that Li Wei wins over the engineering team as he said?"

"It won't," Yu Xiaowan said with certainty.

Lu Mu has already started to make a contract. If Lu Mu's idea is really used to operate the engineering team, it will also be a guarantee for the workers.

She believes workers also choose pros and cons.

Lu Jiaxin now trusts Xiaowan very much, and when she said no, she didn't ask any further.

"Second sister-in-law, do you think it's really so easy for people in the city to divorce? There is still a child."

Yu Xiaowan knew that Lu Jiaxin thought of herself again when she saw Li Wei and his wife, so she pursed her lips and said nothing.

Their views are too different, even if she imposes her own views on Lu Jiaxin, she probably won't accept it.


The night wind blows away the heat, and the distant sky, with the night wind, floats a layer of darkness, covering the bright starry sky.

Lu Mu pushed open the door, the yard was silent, and even the house was pitch black.


A deep voice sounded in the yard, and a wild cat in the corner jumped up on the wall in fright, turned around and meowed twice.


There was the crisp sound of wine bottles colliding in the room.

Lu Mu closed the door tightly with his backhand, and walked towards the house.

As soon as he entered the door, a wave of heat mixed with the smell of alcohol hit his face, making him frown.

Turning on the light casually, I saw Lin Dongyang sitting on the floor of the room, with his head tilted on one side of the chair, eyes closed, wondering if he was asleep.

Beside him, there were several empty wine bottles standing upside down, and there was a large pile of simply packaged beef strips and packaging bags in front of him.


Lu Mu kicked away several empty wine bottles at his feet, and came to Lin Dongyang, trying to pull him up from the ground.

The foundations of the houses in the family courtyard are low, and the ground is humid.

Even in summer, sitting on the ground like this is unbearable.

What's more, looking at him like this, I don't know how long he has been sitting like this.


Lin Dongyang snorted, opened his eyes in confusion, saw Lu Mu in front of him, and grinned.

"Lu Mu, are you here? Come, have a toast with my brother."

He raised the wine bottle in his hand, raised his head only to find that it was empty, threw it aside casually, and continued to look for the wine bottle containing the wine.

Lu Mu picked him up directly, "Stop drinking, let's see what you look like now? What happened?"

I have known Lin Dongyang for so long, and I have seen him drunk several times, but this is the first time I have seen him so decadent.

Lin Dongyang was thrown on the chair, leaning crookedly on the back of the chair, his eyes dull.

"What's the matter? Let me think about it, it seems that there is something wrong."

He raised his hand and tapped his head, "By the way, Xu Simman is back, Xu Simman Xu Damei, Xu Daxiaohua is back, she wanted to ask us to have a meal together, but you went back to your hometown, she asked me to tell you, she Tomorrow's plane, tomorrow's plane...go back to country M..."

Lu Mu frowned slightly, and glanced at the empty wine bottle on the ground.

He has been back from his hometown for three or four days, how has he lived these days?

Turning around and coming to the table, I lifted the kettle, but it was empty.

In the end, Lu Mu took a glass of cold water directly from the tap, and supported Lin Dongyang's neck to help him drink it...

 Thank you for meeting by chance, wooden man's monthly pass, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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