Chapter 934

Seeing that Lin Dongyang's eyes were clearer, he continued to ask.

"What are you doing here? What happened? Do you have to make yourself into this kind of virtue?"

Lin Dongyang raised his eyes, looked at it seriously for a while, and suddenly let out a low laugh.

"What's wrong with me like this? Isn't it good that I'm like this? A person like me deserves this look."

He looked at Lu Mu and said seriously, "Lu Mu, I have nothing left, I can't help you with anything, the money is all in, the car is mortgaged to the bank, at first I just wanted to earn a little more, even if It’s just a flip, and it’s still a bit heavy to take out, but it started to fall when I put it in. I covered up the loan with the car mortgage, thinking that it would be good to get back the capital, but it still kept falling. Now I have nothing in my hand, brother can't help you with anything, can't help you at all..."

"What else do you think I can do? What else can you do with me..."

Lin Dongyang babbled, Lu Mu knew that his alcoholism hadn't passed, so it was useless to say anything like this.

But something could be heard from his words.

Helped him to the bed in the house, watched him fall asleep, and cleaned up the house again.

Yu Xiaowan was scared at home alone, but fortunately, there was an extra Lu Jiaxin at home.

When Lu Mu came back, Lu Jiaxin was still chatting with Yu Xiaowan.

I don't know what they said, the two of them laughed together, and he couldn't help but curled up the corners of his lips.

"Lu Mu, you are back, have you seen Lin Dongyang?"

Seeing Lu Mu enter the room, Yu Xiaowan said with a smile, then moved her little nose, and sniffed at Lu Mu again, "What does it smell like on you? Are you still drinking?"

Lu Mu pinched her little nose and smiled helplessly, "It's a dog's nose, it's not me. Dongzi drank too much, the whole room smells of alcohol."

"A room full of alcohol? What's wrong with him, is he still drinking?"

Seeing Lu Mu come back, Lu Jiaxin yawned and said she was sleepy, and went back to her yard to sleep.

Lu Mu took off his clothes and said, "I don't know, he's too drunk. Let's talk about it when he wakes up tomorrow. It should be that the stocks lost money. Xiaowan, how much money do we have? Forget it , I'll see what's going on tomorrow."

Lu Mu thought of the nonsense Lin Dongyang said, he couldn't control the lost money, if the car was mortgaged to the bank, he still had to redeem it.

"Oh," Yu Xiaowan replied.

Lu Mu threw the clothes aside casually, and pulled him into his arms, "What's the matter? I saw you and Lu Jiaxin chatting so happily just now, why did you look like a different person when you saw your husband?"

"No, I just thought that Lin Dongyang was so arrogant, he said he wanted to invest in you at the beginning, but now he has nothing."

No wonder he never contacted Lu Mu, even if Lu Mu called him several times, he didn't call back.

Lu Mu didn't care, "Dongzi's temperament is not long-lasting. Besides, we have completed the formalities now, and his worries are gone. I will go to him tomorrow and talk to him, but it is you , seems to be more worried than him."

As Lu Mu spoke, he hugged the man directly.

Suddenly weightless, Yu Xiaowan subconsciously stretched out her arms to hug his neck, raised her head, and saw a dark emotion flashing in those deep eyes.

She was so familiar with this emotion, she reached out and pushed him.

"It's been a day of running, aren't you tired? You haven't taken a shower yet, go take a shower first."

(End of this chapter)

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