Chapter 936

"Then his relationship with my second brother is really good enough. He doesn't even need a job for my second brother."

Yu Xiaowan pouted again.

Lin Dongyang resigned for Lu Mu?Not necessarily.

After breakfast, Yu Xiaowan and Lu Jiaxin moved all the paintings she had painted to the next yard.

Before the studio was completed, Yu Xiaowan was in no hurry. On the one hand, Lu Mu didn't have time and she didn't bother to bother. Moreover, the studio and her were not in the same yard after all. The two yards hadn't been opened yet, so she was worried that thieves would enter.

Others don't know the value of her paintings, but she knows it all in her heart.

Her pair of "Heart" sold for 18 yuan, which is already an affirmation of her.

Next, just wait for the opportunity.

She still doesn't know who is the god of that autumn and spring, and it's not easy for her to expose herself.

"Second sister-in-law, did you draw these?"

Lu Jiaxin saw Yu Xiaowan's paintings for the first time.

Yu Xiaowan nodded and admitted, and did not hide it from her.

"No, second sister-in-law, when did you learn how to draw? I think the paintings you draw are better than those New Year pictures sold in Daji."

"I've always liked it, and after I came to Jin City, I just drew and played by myself."

Yu Xiaowan took out her original rhetoric again.

"No," Lu Jiaxin suddenly turned her head to look at her, "Why didn't I know that you liked to draw before? When you were in school, you didn't even like to write your homework. I wanted to ask you when you wrote a pair last year. , Did my second brother teach you, but my second brother can't draw either."

Yu Xiaowan's subordinates paused, just about to find some reason to explain again, when Lu Jiaxin continued.

"But I also know that some people are talented, like my second brother, he is talented in reading, that's why he is so good at reading. There is no one in the town who is better at reading than him. You should be talented in painting Yes, so I can draw such beautiful paintings by myself, but second sister-in-law, can you really sell such a painting for 10,000+?"

She has never heard of so much money when she grows up.

Yu Xiaowan laughed unnaturally, and while arranging the painting in her hand, she said, "Of course not, that painting is better, and the Jin City Academy of Fine Arts also used a lot of force. Back then, I placed it outside. The paintings sold at the stalls cost only ten yuan a piece.”

"Oh, what I said, but the difference between ten yuan and one hundred thousand is too much, second sister-in-law, you can't sell these paintings casually, don't worry, I will show you these paintings while I live here, Also, you can't tell others how much your painting sells for outside, or else it will be remembered by others, and I can't see it."

Yu Xiaowan smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I've moved here, you can put it away yourself, I'll open up that piece of land in this yard, and then plant some beans and autumn cucumbers later, you and my second brother are the same, this yard can't be occupied , The yard is so big, you can also grow some vegetables, just leave it alone."

Lu Jiaxin clapped her hands, put the paintings away, and said to Xiaowan.

Mother Lu is right in saying that Lu Jiaxin is indeed a good hand at living.

In the past few days since she came here, she has kept the house in order. The vegetables in the vegetable garden seem to be fresher, and the three meals are hot and cold.

Wang Chao didn't cherish her well, he was really blind.

"Okay, you go, take advantage of the low sun, and don't do it when the sun is high."

Yu Xiaowan gave a warning, and didn't sit down on the chair until she left the room.

(End of this chapter)

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