Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 937 Jinjian Construction Company

Chapter 937 Jinjian Construction Company
Scanning through the picture scrolls in the room one by one, each one was drawn casually by her when she had nothing to do, but it was also her favorite work.

Lu Jiaxin already suspected this, so what about Lu Mu...


After taking over the engineering team, Lu Mu was really busy.

Every day I go out at dawn, and I have to go home at night.

Yu Xiaowan was worried that he would get sick from work, but the procedures of the engineering company were finally implemented.

When the company was named, it also gave Lu Mu some headaches. Yu Xiaowan knew the names of a series of well-known construction companies, but she didn't dare to give suggestions casually. If Lu Mu's company was called Wanda, Evergrande or something, Will there be a butterfly effect by then?
If you come, you will be safe, she has decided to live with Lu Mu in this world, and she has never thought about doing anything to change history.

Yu Xiaowan knew that she was born to be content with the status quo, and she couldn't do those things.

Finally, the name of the company was determined as Jinjian Construction Company.

In July, the sun was scorching hot during the day, and there was not even a hint of wind at night.

It was rare for Lu Mu to come back one day early, with Lin Dongyang still following behind him.

"Hurry up, little sister of the Lu family, bring brother a bowl of water, I'm so thirsty, my throat is smoking."

As soon as he entered the courtyard door, Lin Dongyang opened it with a yell.

Later, Yu Xiaowan found out that Lin Dongyang's stock market had completely lost, and at first he couldn't stand the blow, so he shut himself up at home and drank alcohol for several days, but in the end he didn't know what Lu Mu had said to him. Come alive again.

Now he is by Lu Mu's side, he has really become Lu Mu's little follower, and he doesn't even want Lu Mu to assign him a position.

Lu Jiaxin was fiddling with the vegetables in the vegetable garden, when she heard this, she quickly put down what she was doing and went into the house to pour water.

Lu Mu came directly to Yu Xiaowan's side, "Have you done what you were asked to do?"

"It's already done, you wait."

Yu Xiaowan went into the room and took out the backpack, and took out two stacks of hundred-yuan bills from it.

Lin Dongyang immediately understood something when he saw the money.

"Lu Mu, you really want to pay them wages. We haven't finished the first job we took over, and the company has not been paid for for so long. How much are you going out?"

Lu Mu took the money, wrapped it in a piece of paper, and handed it to Lin Dongyang, "I've already made the salary sheet, and you will give the money to Li Wei tomorrow. This is what I promised the workers. You take the prepared contract, those who are willing to receive wages sign the contract, and those who are not willing to sign the contract follow the previous method, and the wages will be paid after the project is completed."

Lin Dongyang's eyes brightened, "Lu Mu, you are really there. Those workers were unwilling to sign the contract before, and I was thinking that this company might turn out to be a poor commander in the future. I didn't expect you to keep a back hand here. Okay, I will ask Li Wei to do this tomorrow."

Most of those workers are migrant workers who come to the city to work. The reason why Lu Mu wanted to raise their wages was to keep them.

However, the farmers still focus on the fields in their hearts. When they heard that the autumn harvest would not be returned, none of them were willing to sign the contract.

"It's not counted as a latecomer. This is the company's operating model in the future. In the future, the engineering team will only be a small part of the company."

Lu Mu replied lightly.

"I know, there is no harm in coming out with you. By the way, I heard that the factory has been making a lot of noise these days. It seems that the list of laid-off workers is about to come out. I said that Wang Tao is a calculating boy, so he let the wind out so early. Now The list has been out for a long time, God knows what he is waiting for, I really want to get a report letter and pass it on to him."

 Thank you Liu Wei.|, a monthly ticket for one point, strike, and jue, yum.

(End of this chapter)

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