Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 941 Naturally Knows the Hardship of Making Money

Chapter 941 Naturally Knows the Hardship of Making Money

The purpose of signing the contract is to keep the workers who are doing the work. Lin Dongyang, who is a craftsman of the elder sister, thinks that the contract will be signed for one year. Speaking of which, it will take at least one year to eat the food she cooks.

At that time, I refused without thinking.

At this moment, Lin Dongyang was sitting under the persimmon tree in the yard and complaining to Yu Xiaowan.

"That woman really thought it would be impossible for the engineering team to leave her. I heard from Li Wei that she had been working with the engineering team for two years. I admired those workers. They could eat pig food for two years without complaining. Me, I do such tiring work every day and let me eat pig food, I can't do it all day."

Lu Jiaxin was pulling vegetables under the bean stand in the vegetable garden, and said, "Those workers are all from the countryside to work in the city. It is not easy to have the opportunity to make money. Besides, how many people are more particular about food than you? Can you fill it in?" Just fill your stomach."

She is a rural person, so she naturally knows the hardships of making money.

Let's just say that their family, with six people, young and old, planted more than ten acres of land, and throughout the year, they could not earn as much as the salary of the second elder brother alone.

"But their requirements are a little too low. The dishes are not washed, and there are bugs in them."

Mentioning this matter, Lin Dongyang's stomach became full for a while.

"Is it related that she has worked in the engineering team for two years as a woman?"

Yu Xiaowan poured a cup of scented tea for Lin Dongyang. Seeing that the man with cold white skin had turned into a honey color recently, he also knew that he had worked hard during this time.

Lin Dongyang picked up the water glass and took a sip, "I really let you talk, this eldest sister is a couple with a big worker in the engineering team. When he was under Li Wei's hands, he knew that he was looking for a cook, so he took his wife out of the house." I picked her up from my hometown, and I heard that she was very serious at the beginning, but after a long time, and the seniority of the engineer in the engineering team was also old, she started to do whatever she wanted, and some people said that her cooking was bad, Li Wei hindered her He didn't say anything in front of the big worker. After all, the two couples are in the engineering team, and they don't go back to their hometown in the autumn harvest. Is it? You can't guess, once I rejected her, I didn't even sign her with the man, and he wanted to threaten me with this."

"Ah? What should I do then?"

Lu Jiaxin stopped weeding and came under the persimmon tree.

"What should I do? Do you think the young master can get used to their stinky problems? Anyway, I am also your second brother's assistant now, not to mention that there are dozens of people under one person, and I have a little bit of power. I said that at the time , I like to sign or not, and if I don’t sign, follow the old rules, and I told them when I signed the contract that newcomers to this contract can sign a formal contract after a two-month probationary period. If I don’t sign this time, the next time will be in half a year, and I will only sign once in half a year. The woman became a little anxious when she heard that, she yelled to quit, and wanted to wait for me to beg them. The young master didn’t believe that evil, she Do it or not."

"Who will cook for the workers after she quits, will you do it?"

Yu Xiaowan spoke quietly.

There is work now, and the workers are all working on the construction site. It is estimated that the woman would not have succeeded without her.

"This one……"

Lin Dongyang rubbed his nose, smiled embarrassingly, and looked at Lu Jiaxin who was on the side.

"Don't talk about the food for dozens of people. I can't handle the food for me alone. I discussed it with Li Wei. Now I came out to find someone to cook for the workers. The Lu family Little sister..."

 Thanks for the smile, lemon juice, Liu Weiwei.|The monthly pass, yum!
(End of this chapter)

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