Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 942 This is Consummation

Chapter 942 This is Consummation
"No," Yu Xiaowan interrupted Lin Dongyang before he could speak.

She said, why did the person who is inseparable from Lu Mu have time to come to them today to talk about the mountains, and they have been arguing for a long time because they are thinking about Jiaxin.

"Fat woman, I haven't said anything yet, what can't you do? Do you know that it's very rude for you to interrupt others like this?"

"It's even more rude if you play other people's ideas."

She asked Lu Jiaxin to come to Jinshi to let her live in a different environment, not to work.

With her and Lu Mu's abilities, raising a Lu Jiaxin is not a problem at all. After she adjusts, it's best to find another candidate for her, so that it will be complete.

"This is your family's engineering team. Lu Mu ordered me to find someone today. Besides the family members of the employees in the factory, who else can I get in touch with? You don't think about which employees I'm looking for. The sisters-in-law of the family members of your family can cook in our engineering team, I am afraid that even if those sister-in-laws dare to go, you don’t want to use them.”

Yu Xiaowan curled her lips, not to mention, since Lu Mu left the factory, the rumors have not stopped for a day.

If she hadn't bought a house here and settled down here, she really wanted to stay away from those people.

Not to mention finding a factory employee's sister-in-law to work in the engineering team of his home.

This coming and going, Lu Jiaxin also understood, and said directly, "Second sister-in-law, I am willing to go."

"You can't do it if you want to. You think the engineering team cooks as if they were at home. How tired you are to cook for a dozen people at once."

Lu Jiaxin's life was too hard during this time, and she still wanted her to relax for a while.

"Second sister-in-law, even a meal for a dozen people, a large pot of stew, is easy to cook. Let me go. It's boring for me to stay at home all day. If I can help my second brother, then I will come to Tianjin It’s not in vain to come to the city, otherwise, I would be too embarrassed to continue to live.”

This is Lu Jiaxin's real thought.

When she went to Qi Chuang's restaurant for the first time, she thought that when she could find a job by herself, even if she didn't earn much, it was only enough for her own expenses, she would be satisfied.

At least staying by the second brother's side can't become their burden.

Right now, the second brother has a problem, and she happens to be able to solve this problem, how can she let her give up this opportunity?
"That's right, that big sister cooks a big pot of vegetables every day, and the steamed buns are all bought from the steamed bun shop on the street. Of course, if the younger sister of the Lu family goes to the dishes, she must wash them."

Yu Xiaowan has black lines all over her head.

Lin Dongyang has such a psychological shadow on the unwashed dishes.

"Okay, let me tell you first, Jiaxin is only here to help temporarily, you'd better find another chef to cook."

"It's easy for my family to talk about. When the time comes, the younger sister of the Lu family will go and see the situation first. If she is willing to continue working, I will sign a contract and pay her a salary. If not, I will find someone else."

As soon as Yu Xiaowan agreed, Lin Dongyang immediately patted his chest to reassure, and winked at Lu Jiaxin.

"Don't worry, I can do it, Brother Dongyang, just prepare a contract for me."

Lu Jiaxin is full of confidence.

She can't do anything else, but she still has cooking skills.

Lin Dongyang achieved his goal, so he had lunch here by the way.

I don't know if he was worried that Lu Jiaxin would go back on his word, so he kept praising Lu Jiaxin's craftsmanship during the meal.

The boastful Lu Jiaxin wished she could follow Lin Dongyang to the engineering team that day.

(End of this chapter)

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