Chapter 944 You Stupid

Lu Mu looked at Yu Xiaowan's flushed face amusedly, but he was just reading a romance novel, so he was so ashamed.

While talking, he took advantage of his height to read the little book.

There was a corner folded by Yu Xiaowan, which should be the place she saw just now. She opened it directly, and only glanced at it, and a strange light flashed in those deep eyes.

"I told you not to watch it."

Finally snatching the book, Yu Xiaowan has no face to stay here anymore.

He took the book into the bedroom.

It's never been so embarrassing.

The management of publications in this era is not so strict, and the scale of some plots in this book is a bit large.

Yu Xiaowan also happened to see that part, so she was scared when Lu Mu came in just now.

But I didn't expect that I escaped the first day of the junior high school but not the fifteenth day.

The look in Lu Mu's eyes just now seemed like she...

Annoyed, Yu Xiaowan threw the book into the trash can, feeling puzzled after thinking about it, and threw all the dozen or so books she bought together on the table into it.

"Why are you venting your anger on these books?" Lu Mu picked out the books one by one from the trash can, with a smile on his lips.

"I think the description in it is quite good. Besides, it's not that our husband and wife have never done it before, just take a look..."

"Lu Mu, don't say it anymore, don't say it anymore."

Yu Xiaowan was really ashamed and impatient, she stretched out her hand to cover Lu Mu's mouth, but because of a moment of impatience, her left foot crossed over to her right, and she rushed over.

With a "crash", the books he had just picked up were scattered all over the ground. Lu Mu reached out to catch the little woman who rushed over. Seeing her panicked face, he couldn't help but laugh lowly.

"You can mess with yourself, stupid you, just look at it, I didn't say anything, why are you so nervous?"

After all, he still likes Yu Xiaowan's shy appearance the most.

He even thought that she would not be so shy until the day she had a child.

"Who... Who said I watched it? I didn't watch it."

Yu Xiaowan subconsciously quibbled, but her little face was blushing, and her eyes didn't know where to look.

Lu Mu laughed even louder, and directly bent down to hug him up, "Okay, if you haven't watched it, don't watch it, we don't care to watch them."

In the end, Lu Mu told her personally why she didn't care to watch their...

At this moment, the summer night is still very cool, with the windows open, occasionally the night breeze will blow into the room, but it cannot blow away the beauty of the room.

Yu Xiaowan lay lazily on the bed, looking at the satisfied man next to her.

"Did Lin Dongyang tell you about Jiaxin? I think Jiaxin really wants to go. After dinner tonight, she excitedly said to go to work. She wanted to go to work with you tomorrow morning, but she was afraid of you." If you don't agree, tell me to tell you carefully."

Lu Mu gently stroked the little girl, closed his eyes and hummed.

As soon as he agreed, Yu Xiaowan stood up and looked at him with bright eyes.

"Then what can I do to help you? Jiaxin has already gone to help, why don't I think it's inappropriate for me to stay at home?"

Lu Mu raised his eyelids and glanced at her, "You have helped me the most, just stay at home honestly, it's not suitable for you to go there."

"Why isn't it suitable for me? I haven't been to your company yet..."

"Are you sleepy?"

Before she could finish speaking, Lu Mu spoke coolly, and Yu Xiaowan immediately froze, and got into the quilt and closed her eyes.

"I'm sleepy, sleepy."

But look carefully, the long eyelashes are still shaking.

Lu Mu raised the corners of his lips slightly, and stopped teasing her, and lay down.


(End of this chapter)

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