Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 945 1 has always been a mystery

Chapter 945 Has Always Been a Mystery
When Yu Xiaowan woke up, the seat beside her was already empty, and the yard was quiet.

There was a note on the bedside table, in strong and powerful handwriting, telling her to take care of herself at home alone.

Ever since Lu Jiaxin went to the engineering team, Lu Mu would remind her like this almost every day.

Yu Xiaowan pursed her lips, folded the small note, found a small iron box under the bed, and opened it in.

Lu Mu leaves early and returns late. Many times he wakes up early and she is still asleep, and he doesn't have the heart to wake her up, so he will leave a note for her. There are already half a box of such notes in this small box.

Putting the small tin box back to its original place, Yu Xiaowan got dressed and left the bedroom.

On the table in the outer room, there was still a ready-made breakfast, a bowl of two-rice porridge, and a boiled egg.

It's her daily breakfast intake, and the boiled eggs are still soaking in the water, with a hint of warmth.

This is naturally Lu Jiaxin's handwriting. These days, when Yu Xiaowan is lying in bed, she will warm her breakfast like this.

Even in today's weather, even if you eat cold rice, you won't feel cold.

Originally, I brought Lu Jiaxin to Jin City because I didn't want her to be troubled by rumors, and I didn't want her to have any regrets in the rest of her life.

Unexpectedly, during this period of getting along, Lu Jiaxin has completely integrated into their lives and has become an indispensable part of their lives.

After breakfast, Yu Xiaowan went directly to Jin City Academy of Fine Arts.

Her painting in the last art exhibition was sold for 18 yuan, making it the biggest transaction in that art exhibition.

Although she concealed her identity, the art gallery knew that the paintings were provided by the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, so some people would often contact the Academy of Fine Arts, hoping to get support from the Academy of Fine Arts.

Yesterday Cheng Jie sent her another message, hoping that she would have time to go to the Academy of Fine Arts, and Teacher Hu wanted to see her.

Lu Mu's company has just started, and there are still many places to spend money, and Yu Xiaowan is also happy to see its success.

The door of Tutor Hu's office was not closed, and Yu Xiaowan knocked on the door lightly as someone was talking inside.

"Come in."

In the office, Tutor Hu was discussing something with another tutor. When he looked up and saw Yu Xiaowan outside the door, he nodded slightly to her, "Wait a minute."

He handed over the documents in his hand to the people around him, and gave another warning.

"Miss Yu, let's meet again. I was worried that you would refuse me just to pass on a message from classmate Cheng. I was also thinking about when I would have time to visit in person, but you also saw it. I..."

Instructor Hu said halfway, but shook his head helplessly.

There were only two people left in the office, and they seemed to be talking more casually. He pointed to the chair beside him to signal Yu Xiaowan to sit down, and poured her a glass of water at the same time.

Yu Xiaowan took the water and smiled lightly, "Mr. Hu has helped me a lot. If you ask me, I will come naturally."

Hu Guojun looked at the girl in front of him, who had always been a mystery to him.

When Cheng Jie brought the painting, he was very curious about the author of the painting. At first glance, he almost thought it was the painting of that person in someone's collection.

Where will the collected paintings be exhibited or even sold?
He was even more surprised when he saw Yu Xiaowan himself for the first time.

He has worked in the Academy of Fine Arts all his life, and he has seen talented children, but there are very few such talented children.

 Thank you girl for being a cool lollipop.

(End of this chapter)

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