Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 974 Mentioning these, Li Ying inevitably feels a little guilty

Chapter 974 Mentioning these, Li Ying inevitably feels a little guilty

Having said that, Lu Jiaxin turned her head and took a shallow breath.

"Sister-in-law, it doesn't matter if you don't like me or you like me, I still have to remind you that this is the second brother's house, and we are separated as a family. Back then, the family knew that the second brother was gone. The family will be separated immediately after work, everyone knows what you are thinking, now seeing that the second brother is not unable to eat because he lost his job, but his life is getting better and better, and the family grows and the family grows short, you really I thought the second elder brother and the second sister-in-law didn't know what to do. The second sister-in-law and the second elder brother have the same temper, and they don't like to care about it, but it's not a reason for others to bully you if they don't care about it. Why can I come to Jinshi, don't you know? ?”

"I... What do I know? Besides, it's my parents who have the final say on the separation of the family, and it's not what we say we will divide."

Mentioning this, Li Ying inevitably felt a little guilty.

"Yes, the separation of the family was arranged by the parents. In the final analysis, it was arranged by the mother. Why did the mother separate the family? Was it because of you? Who in our family can't tell that the mother is partial to the eldest brother, even when the second brother was admitted to college. Mom wants the big brother to take the place. You just said that without the big brother and the second brother, you can't go to college? I feel ashamed for you when I hear this. Mom is really thinking about you, so stop counting the second brother. "

Seeing what Li Ying wanted to say, Lu Jiaxin raised her hand.

"Sister-in-law, you don't have to deny it. I'm telling you this today for your own good. Don't challenge other people's patience. The second brother asked you to raise your baby here, so you can just take good care of your baby. Look at the second brother It's not easy for him to have the scenery, he earned all these scenery with his own ability, and it has nothing to do with our Lu family's money."

"I... I didn't say anything, it's not normal for a brother to help me at all."

Li Ying muttered softly.

"Second brother and second sister-in-law let you live here now, just to help you, that's all, go back to sleep quickly, I have to get up early tomorrow."

Not wanting to say anything more to sister-in-law, Lu Jiaxin waved her hand and drove Li Ying into the back room.


The next day, Yu Xiaowan was woken up by a noise in the yard.

The voice of sister-in-law Li Ying was mixed in, but the other voice was not Lu Jiaxin's.

"I said that Xiaowan is still sleeping. You want her to come later or wait for me to wake her up. What's the matter with you? You force yourself to break into other people's houses in the early morning, and you know it Come to fight."

"Get out of the way, I'll look for Yu Xiaowan."

Hearing this voice, Yu Xiaowan sat up slowly.

Outside the door, Li Ying blocked the door with her big belly, looking coldly at Song Meiyu in front of her.

"Look for it if you say so. This is our house. Look at your aggressive appearance. You almost came with a knife. Why are you looking for Xiao Wan? Tell me, if there is anything, I will go and give it to you." Wake up someone, and come later if it’s okay.”

"Who are you to stop here? Did Yu Xiaowan do something wrong and didn't dare to come out to meet people, so you blocked the door? Let me tell you, get up quickly, or I won't be polite to you."

Li Ying looked Song Meiyu up and down.

"I'm Yu Xiaowan's sister-in-law, a family member, you came to our house early in the morning and wanted to be rude to me, but I want to see how you are rude to me, you have thin arms and legs, What's the matter? Do you still want to hit someone? You hit, I'll watch you hit, and if you break it, I think you can afford it."

(End of this chapter)

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