Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 975 Return My Son

Chapter 975 Return My Son
Li Ying pushed her stomach forward while talking.

She didn't believe that the woman in front of her was so bold as to dare to do something to a pregnant woman.

As everyone knows, her actions completely made Song Meiyu red-eyed.

Back then she was pushed down to the ground by Wang Kexin with her big belly up like this.

Then there was a big puddle of blood.

Her unborn son was lost just like that.

Song Meiyu stared fixedly at Li Ying's stomach, as if she wanted to make a hole out of it.

Li Ying had never seen such a look in her eyes. She had seen Song Meiyu running around the house early in the morning to make trouble, with a rustic look, so she had the confidence to fight her.

Seeing her sudden aura at this moment, he couldn't help taking a small step back.

"What are you doing? Do you really want to hit someone? This is our house..."

Before Li Ying finished speaking, Song Meiyu's eyes were about to burst, and she rushed over with a pair of bloodshot eyes.

"You give back my child, you give back my child..."

Li Ying never expected that the other party would behave like this, her heavy body barely had time to move, at this critical moment, a slender figure rushed over and pushed Song Meiyu aside.

"Song Meiyu, why are you crazy?"

Song Meiyu didn't check and fell to the ground. Seeing Yu Xiaowan appeared, she became even more crazy, got up and rushed towards Yu Xiaowan.

Where is Yu Xiaowan's opponent against Song Meiyu?

The reason why Song Meiyu was pushed down just now was because she didn't pay attention.

Song Meiyu, who was in a rage right now, was terribly strong, and within a few rounds, Yu Xiaowan was pushed to the ground.

He pinched her neck tightly with both hands, and shouted like crazy, "You give me back my son, give me back my son."

Li Ying is also quick to respond, she didn't dare to help Song Meiyu like this, so she ran to the door and shouted at the top of her voice, "Help, kill, come quickly, kill..."


Lu Mu made an appointment with a client this morning, and came to the company early in the morning to prepare for some signing procedures.

Lin Dongyang was also busy on the side.

"Lu Mu, yesterday Lao Li came to tell me about the situation of our workers. He was a little worried. Mr. Qian's job is not a small project. Even if we can take it down, I'm afraid the project will..., ours The company has just started, and he means that he wants me to persuade you that people of our size may not be interested in it, and everything should be done step by step, if the strides are too big, it will hurt your muscles.”

Lin Dongyang looked at Lu Mu while talking, and it was already very euphemistic for him to convey this.

You know, that's not what Li Wei said yesterday.

It's just that his yellow accent is usually a joke with his brothers, but now he's saying it...

He is very clear about Lu Mu, when it comes to work, he just takes a look at it.

Sure enough, Lu Mu piled up the documents in his hand and asked without raising his head, "Have you prepared the copy of the company's qualification and the procedures?"

"Ready...ready," Lin Dongyang quickly took out the things he had prepared from his bag and handed them to Lu Mu.

Seeing him looking through it seriously, it seems that he didn't listen to what he said just now, and he opened his mouth unwillingly.

"I think what Lao Li said makes sense. We have made a lot of waves in this circle recently. How many people are watching, just waiting for us to overturn and come over and step on it. In case the cooperation with Mr. Qian cannot be negotiated , it’s not Mr. Qian’s cooperation that’s affected.”

(End of this chapter)

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