Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 987 I Didn't Come To Fight, I Came To Help

Chapter 987 I Didn't Come To Fight, I Came To Help
It's just that Liu Qingshan was stopped by Lu Mu without saying a few words.

What they want to pursue is not only the trouble that Song Meiyu came to the house yesterday.

Lu Jiaxin stood up, learned something from the yard, finally picked up a piece of wooden stick and shook it in his hand, turned his head and winked at the two people.

"I hope it's Song who came over. As long as she is outside the door, I will never show mercy."

It's just that before she could take a step, the people outside the door were already impatient.

"Xiaowan, open the door, it's me."

This... is Qi Chuang's voice.

"I'm not here to fight, I'm here to help."

Yu Xiaowan smiled and put the half-knitted sweater on the mat, got up and went to open the door.

"Which gust of wind brought our boss Qi here today? It's a rare visitor."

The restaurant business is getting better and better, Qi Chuang is so busy that he can't keep his feet on the ground every day, and Yu Xiaowan hasn't seen Qi Chuang for a while.

Qi Chuang didn't care about Xiaowan's teasing, and when he saw someone, he stretched out his hand and pulled him to him, looking carefully up and down.

"Where are you hurt? Does it still hurt? What does Song Meiyu want to do? Her child is not Wang Kexin..."

"Qi Chuang, I'm fine, let's talk in the courtyard."

Qi Chuang's words were interrupted by Yu Xiaowan in the middle.

They are standing at the door now, and these days their family has become the focus of gossip in the community and even in the factory.

Even if they knew some things well, if Qi Chuang said them here, it would inevitably be offended.

Qi Chuang was also impatient for a moment. Looking back, he saw two family members of employees in the alley cleaning at the door. He quickly followed Yu Xiaowan into the yard, closed the door behind his back, and handed the things in his hand to Lu Jiaxin.

"Braised meat in restaurants."

Lu Jiaxin took the stewed meat and opened the bag to smell it, "It smells so good, to be honest, Qi Chuang, you haven't come to our house for a while, I really miss you."

Qi Chuang replied shamelessly, "Miss my braised pork?"

Lu Jiaxin stuck out her tongue, "If you don't tell the truth, we can still be good friends."

Seeing that the family members were still in the mood to chat and laugh, Qi Chuang was relieved, but he still dragged Yu Xiaowan into the room to ask him carefully.

He had learned about that woman Song Meiyu a long time ago. At first, he thought she was jealous that he was Master Sun's apprentice.

He even heard that some of the workers in the canteen, especially the temporary workers, wanted to be Master Sun's apprentice.

In the end, he, a foreigner, took advantage of him, so he targeted him, but he didn't expect...

"Where did you get hurt? That woman pinched you on the neck?"

After a day, the bruises on Yu Xiaowan's neck became even more shocking. When Qi Chuang saw it, the big hands beside him couldn't help but tightened.

"This woman, I knew she was not a good person. I didn't expect that she would hit you so hard. Isn't Brother Liu and Brother Lu Mu brothers?"

Because of the relationship between Lu Mu and Liu Qingshan, he chose to leave silently.

Yu Xiaowan felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by Qi Chuang, and reached out to touch her neck.

"It didn't hurt too much, but at the time I felt like I was about to be strangled to death. Most likely Liu Qingshan didn't know about Song Meiyu's doing these things."

"I don't know? If he doesn't know what kind of virtue his wife has, he should be aware of it? Her domineering temperament is not a day or two. She is kind on the surface, but she is dark in her heart. I really regret that when I left You should have turned against her when you were in the factory, if that was the case, you wouldn't be in such danger."

(End of this chapter)

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