Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 988 You fell out with her?

Chapter 988 You fell out with her?
Especially when he heard that Song Meiyu was responsible for Yu Xiaowan's gas poisoning, Qi Chuang wanted to slap himself twice.

If he had fallen out with Song Meiyu when he left the factory, because of Yu Xiaowan's defense of him, it must be biased towards him.

No matter how late Yu Xiaowan was, she could tell that there was something in Qi Chuang's words.

"You fell out with her?"

At this point, Qi Chuang had nothing to hide.

"How do you think I was stabbed about taking mutton from the cafeteria? My master is cautious, so I can show off my temper? When I took the mutton, the monitor and Song Meiyu were present, and I gave the monitor money again." Yes, it's even more impossible for him to talk about it, who else but her?"

"Then...then why is she? I remember you said that she took good care of you when you first arrived in the cafeteria. "

"Why? God knows why. She was really nice to me at the beginning. After all, Brother Lu Mu also said hello to her. I also think that based on the relationship between Brother Lu Mu and Liu Qingshan, she took care of me because of Brother Lu Mu's face. I didn't have any defenses against her. Even if something happened later, I knew it was Song Meiyu's fault, but because I was worried about the brotherhood between Brother Lu Mu and Liu Qingshan, I didn't tell it. Now that I think about it, how should I treat this kind of person , really can't have a trace of kindness."

If you are kind, in the end it may be the people around you who hurt you.

"I heard Brother Dongyang say that Brother Lu Mu lost his job and has nothing to do with Liu Qingshan. This couple is really wolf-hearted, such friends and brothers, don't worry about it, who knows when he will bite you."

Yu Xiaowan nodded, "After these things, I don't think Lu Mu will call him brother or brother anymore."


Outside the door, Lu Jiaxin put the stewed meat back in the kitchen and started to choose dishes.

While choosing vegetables, Li Ying peeked at the two people in the room. Seeing Lu Jiaxin came back, she leaned over and whispered, "My God, Qi Chuang is really promising."

This is the first time she has seen Qi Chuang in Jin City, if she hadn't heard Yu Xiaowan call him just now, she would hardly have dared to recognize him.

Look at Qi Chuang's neat clothes and style.

It's obviously a person, but when I look at it, I feel different everywhere.

"That's right, you didn't see the big restaurant opened by Qi Chuang, which is bigger than the biggest restaurant in our county. He is the manager, and he manages dozens of waiters and chefs under his own hands."

Li Ying's eyes lit up even more when she heard the words, "My darling, if this is the case, why don't you go to work in his restaurant? With our fellow villagers, Qi Chuang should give you a small official position, right? Let alone Speaking of Yu Xiaowan's relationship here, why is it not better than you cooking for the workers, who are the people that such a big restaurant contacts every day, just think about it."

"You can pull it off. Do you think that anyone in Qi Chuang's restaurant can be a waiter? The waiter there is only 1.6 meters five, and he has to be thin and beautiful. I'd better stay at the construction site."

Lu Jiaxin twitched her lips, and even one sentence broke Li Ying's thoughts.

You know, Li Ying's natal family also has an unmarried girl, but their family members have one characteristic, that is, they are short.

With her sister-in-law's temperament, she was really afraid of finding trouble for her second brother and sister-in-law again.

Sure enough, after Lu Jiaxin finished speaking, Li Ying sighed with regret, lowered her head and continued to choose dishes.

(End of this chapter)

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