Supreme Allure

Chapter 109

Chapter 109
At this time, there were already several sons of great families sitting on their flying rides in the air and watching.

Seeing Dongfang Ming and Ye Qingyang coming, they all bowed their hands in salute, and then continued to look at Xuan Yuejing with solemn expressions.

Dongfang Ming and Ye Qingyang were very puzzled. These young masters of aristocratic families are usually very calm and calm. It is difficult to see such solemn expressions on their faces. Have you ever seen such a condensed look on their faces?
What kind of thing actually made these facial paralyzed people have such deep expressions.

The two looked at Xuan Yuejing in unison while thinking.

A light purple figure fluttered like a butterfly on a city wall with fluttering black flags. At this time, there was no trace of blood on the fat-like cheeks, and it was as pale as paper, but the dark eyes shone with determination. The bright red lips were slightly pale at this time, but even so, the light purple figure exuded infinite charm due to his determination and persistence at the moment. attraction.It's just that the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth entangles his heart and soul.With a stunning beauty, she is the most popular person these days... Qingcheng.No matter what state he is in, the beauty of "him" is always so thrilling.

Together with "him", a black figure turned out to be Xue Muyang. Judging from the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, like Qingcheng, he couldn't last much longer.

The two figures flew endlessly on the city wall, completely awed the eyes of all the onlookers, they had never seen it before, it turns out that there is a kind of beauty that can be so soul-stirring.

"Qingcheng!" Dongfang Ming and Ye Qingyang turned pale with shock after seeing it, and shouted anxiously in unison regardless of their appearance, almost falling off Qingluan's body.Fortunately, Qingluan was more spiritual, and the two of them didn't fall down with the huge blue wings wrapped around them.The so-called self-disturbance leads to chaos, these two people who are rarely disturbed, at this moment, their faces turned pale with fright.

Due to the appearance of Dongfang Ming and Ye Qingyang in the crowd, the discussion became even more heated, especially after the two of them shouted "Qingcheng" at the same time, only then did they realize that the person who was as beautiful as a fairy was actually the legendary Ye Qingcheng, and it was as if he had thrown himself at the moment. A blockbuster blasted the people in the capital to the point where they couldn't recover for a long time.They, they actually saw the legendary Ye Qingcheng's main body so quickly, they thought they would not be able to see it until the Chinese New Year at the earliest.

As a result, the sound of gossip has sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

"No wonder the beauty is so soul-stirring, no wonder the phantom power is so unpredictable, it turns out that 'he' is Allure!"

"But I think he can't stand it anymore. Look, there is blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth."

"The corpse control formation is a very difficult formation to operate, and generally there is a formation for each zombie, one-to-one correspondence, but now you see, what is the situation, tens of thousands of zombies ah."

"That's right! In fact, we should use the corpse array to burn all these zombies. If you don't burn the zombies, but simply control them in this city, the spiritual power of these two people will be exhausted in the end, but the zombies will not lose anything. .”

"What do you think they are doing this for? Since they can control the corpse formation, then the corpse transformation formation must also be able to do it. Why not use it?"

"'He' is to save the people in the city!" Ye Qingyang's eyes are already red, he knows that Qingcheng will definitely not be able to bury these zombies, 'he' is struggling to support, using his life as a bet to support .

"Qingyang, you organize a group of domestic elites from Dongmu to rush to Huajincheng!" Dongfang Ming immediately made a decisive decision. Now, for Qingcheng, time is life, and he must rush there immediately to accompany Qingcheng persist in. "Eight Great Shadow Guards!" Dongfang Ming shouted, and eight meteor-like figures immediately descended from the sky.Dongfang Ming glanced at them solemnly and said: "Come here with Qingyang, I'll take a step first." Qingluan can't carry too many people, even if he barely sits on it, it will greatly affect the flying speed. Now, for him Say, nothing is more important than Allure.

"Prince, our duty is to protect you. If you don't let us follow you when there is no danger, we will not follow you. But now, His Royal Highness is going desperately, and your life will be in danger at any time. How can you let us leave with peace of mind? .” The eight shadow guards protested in unison.

"You don't need to persuade me any more, let's hurry up and act now!" After finishing speaking, Qing Luan turned around, only to see a figure flickering, and Dongfang Ming rode Qing Luan, galloping away like a shooting star.

Ye Qingyang is also very eager to be by Qingcheng's side at this moment, but he knows that his responsibility is heavy, and the prince can only go there for a while, and now he needs continuous support, otherwise, his life is in danger.

So, the moment he jumped off the crown prince's green luan, he flew towards Ye's house in a hurry, and he wanted to discuss the next layout with his father as soon as possible.

Compared with the shock and excitement in the capital, Huajin City at this time is extremely cold and desolate, and a battle between life and death is in full swing at this time.

Xue Muyang's vitality has been almost exhausted, and he is only relying on his will to support him.The originally snow-white complexion was pale at this time, and against the backdrop of the full head of white hair, he was so heart-wrenching. A strong man insisted on his principles with his will when he was most vulnerable and helpless.

"Xue Muyang, I know what you are insisting on, and that is exactly what I am insisting on, but now, we can only care about the overall situation. When sacrifices are inevitable, we can only sacrifice partial interests to achieve the overall situation. I think, you understand what I said, we have no retreat, no choice." Qingcheng looked at the little blood on Xue Muyang's snow-white long hair, that was not the blood of the enemy, it was all Xue Muyang Own blood!

On the other hand, her light purple brocade robe was already covered with her own blood. Although the alarm system on the city wall had been activated, it is estimated that everyone in the capital and even the entire Eastern Mu Kingdom knew what was going on here. However, since she got the news It takes time to organize people and rush to the scene, and now, they have no time.

(End of this chapter)

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