Supreme Allure

Chapter 110

Chapter 110
The vitality of the two people is no longer able to support the situation. To control the corpse control formation of tens of thousands of zombies, the energy consumption is not trivial. If these two people are freaks with different perseverance than ordinary people, they would have been charged with the corpse formation. up.

However, in this world, there are many things that cannot be resolved by will, so there is a saying that there is more than enough heart but not enough strength.Now Qingcheng and Xue Muyang are facing such a bloody choice.There is no option to choose.They can sacrifice their lives, but what happens after they sacrifice their lives?Many times, senseless bravery is just a waste of life, harming others and oneself, and irresponsible.At this moment, it is easy to die, but once they die and the zombies flow out from Huajin City, what kind of terrifying state will the entire Dongmu Kingdom enter? At that time, even thousands of troops may not be able to control the situation.

The skinny skeletons were barely covered with a thin layer of flesh, and the two eyeballs protruded out like copper bells, and they were rushing out of the city wall. At this time, Qingcheng and Xue Muyang The spiritual power has long been exhausted, leaving only the most primitive power of physical instinct, supported by a will that ordinary people do not possess.If this continues, the situation is unimaginable.

With a flash of sword light, the first zombie that staggered out of Huajin City fell down, and the rest of the zombies stopped moving and retreated into the city one after another.Although the zombies have lost their souls, they still have the instincts of the body. In such a situation where their lives are threatened, they still know what to be afraid of.

The situation became stalemate like this. Qingcheng and Xue Muyang also took advantage of this stalemate to adjust their breath to meditate, but the stalemate brought about by the zombies' fear did not last long. Maybe the zombies forget their fear much faster than ordinary people. It started to falter again.

A large number of zombies started to move again, staggering, stumbling, and rushing towards the city wall. Qingcheng, who was meditating with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her star-like eyes, jumped up, and cut off the first knife with a clean sword. A zombie walking out of the city gate.

Due to the depletion of the spiritual energy of the two, it is now difficult for the zombie formation to control the tens of thousands of zombies in the city. This bloody method can only be used to frighten this group of zombies, and it can be controlled for a while.

Killing was not what they wanted. They had struggled for so long without activating the Corpse Transformation Formation, just to save the lives of the tens of thousands of zombies in the city.Until now, they haven't activated the Corpse Formation, not because they lack energy. In fact, with their strength, even now, it is more than enough to activate a Corpse Formation, but in that case, tens of thousands of zombies will have no chance to survive. It's here, so even in this critical situation, the zombie array will never be opened easily.

At this time, Qingcheng fired again, and sure enough, he forced back the group of zombies pouring out of the city.

This goes on and on again and again, when the zombie walks out of the city wall, Qingcheng cuts off the head of the zombie with a sword. The only way to deal with the zombie is to cut off the head. You can get up again and continue to fight. Only by cutting off the head can the zombie be considered truly dead, and only by cutting off the head can the purpose of deterring the rest of the zombies be achieved. Otherwise, if you just poke a few holes, then No matter how many holes you poke, zombies will continue to pour out.

At this time, Xue Muyang tried his best to adjust his aura, his true energy was already out of reach, originally his skill was weaker than Qingcheng's, and before Qingcheng's arrival, he had been struggling alone It's a miracle that it hasn't fallen down yet.

At this time, the Zhenuo Pagoda was already crowded with people, and it was extremely noisy. Those with relatively high skills were organized to go to the front line for rescue, leaving a group of old and weak women and children talking in front of the Zhenuo Pagoda.

"Big brother! Don't kill my big brother! He doesn't know anything, he just lost his soul, you can just drive him into the city, why did you cut off my big brother's head with a sword!" A gray-haired The old man leaned on a cane and cried hoarsely.

"Old man, please don't blame Qingcheng for resentment against Qingcheng. The situation is compelling. If Qingcheng doesn't cut off brother Ling's head, the whole situation will inevitably get out of control. Once the zombies get out of control, even our capital will be in jeopardy! The spread of zombies you should I know, it is only an instant thing that this whole city of flowers and brocades was reduced to a city of zombies." A handsome man in a wheelchair explained to the old man, with tears in his eyes, just now, his Grandpa's head was also cut off, but he didn't blame Qingcheng at all, because he knew that if Qingcheng didn't do this, then, maybe in the next moment, everyone would become zombies.

"The little brother has a point, we need to unite now to find the culprit and avenge the dead souls."

"Yes! We must fight together and avenge the dead souls!"

At some point, the onlookers raised their arms and shouted in unison.

Here, Qingcheng and the zombies continued to be in a stalemate. When the deadlock broke and some zombies came out of the city wall, Qingcheng killed them with a sword. The killing was repeated in this way, waiting in the blood.

Looking forward to the recovery of part of Xue Muyang's spiritual power, looking forward to a powerful phantom power cultivator passing by, looking forward to the rapid arrival of experts who have received news from nearby towns, looking forward to the arrival of the capital army to rescue.

In wave after wave, round after round of consumption, the wisdom of the zombies is also gradually improving. They no longer rush out one by one, but one by one collectively, and what's more, directly They challenged Qingcheng, they were no longer unconscious, but became cunning, several zombies had already jumped onto the city wall and directly attacked Xue Muyang.

Xue Muyang was cultivating with his eyes closed at the moment, when he suddenly felt a burst of Yin Qi attacking him. When he opened his eyes, he saw a zombie climbing up the city wall and walking towards him staggeringly.

Xue Muyang jumped to avoid it, but there were too many zombies, and he no longer had time to recover his spiritual energy and repair the corpse control array.

The surrounding area of ​​Qingcheng is also a mess. Beheading the head has completely lost its deterrent effect, but it is more difficult to control the situation without beheading. Therefore, the killing is still going on, cruel killing, life and death duel.

(End of this chapter)

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