Supreme Allure

Chapter 111

Chapter 111
Time passed bit by bit, and the zombies became more and more daring due to the large number of people. Just as Qingcheng avoided the zombies rushing towards her in front of her, she felt the back of her neck was cold and many zombies were gathering. You can jump away, such a simple movement, even an ordinary person may be able to do it, but at this time, Qingcheng can't do it, knowing that there are countless zombies coming from behind, but Qingcheng has no way to escape. The strength to drive.

"Qingcheng! Jump away!" Accompanied by Xue Muyang's hoarse roar, all the onlookers in front of Zhen Guo Tower raised their hearts to their throats.

Seeing that the zombies were about to grab Qingcheng's shoulders, the timid children in front of Zhenguo Tower closed their eyes tightly.

But that dry and cold hand did not touch Qingcheng, a lightning-like figure descended from the sky, picked up Qingcheng, and jumped away from the pile of zombies in the blink of an eye.

The moon is ashamed, the fish is like a wild goose, that beautiful face is not inferior to the edge of Qingcheng, and the person who came is Yun Luoyan.

Yun Luoyan stood firmly on the city wall, holding the red cherry gun in one hand, and hugged Qingcheng tightly with the other.The two beautiful men immediately attracted the hearts of countless women in front of the Zhenguo Tower in the Xuanyue mirror.

"If I can be hugged by him like this, I will die!"

"Just dream! It's a good thing our prince is not here now, but the matter will definitely be spread. If His Royal Highness finds out, I don't think that Yun Luoyan has ten heads enough to chop off!"

"How could it be possible to chop off the head? Then Yun Luoyan and His Highness the Crown Prince are cousins! How could the empress sit idly by?"

"Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, look quickly, isn't that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?"

"There's a good show to watch!"

Sitting on the green luan, Dongfang Ming saw Qingcheng tightly hugged by Yun Luoyan from a distance, one bent down and flew down, quickly approached, snatched Qingcheng like lightning, and the other leaped away.

The gossip in front of Zhenuo Pagoda began to incandescent.

"Sure enough, the crown prince is the crown prince, so fast!"

"The prince does not avoid suspicion! Look, look, his eyes are about to burst into flames! I don't know if he is jealous when he sees Qingcheng being hugged by Yun Luoyan or is he jealous because he is rushing to save Qingcheng?"

"It's all there! Is this considered a hero saving the beauty?"

"Cousin, I received news on the Jade Messenger that Huajin City has become a city of zombies. I happened to be practicing in the vicinity, so I rushed here." Yun Luoyan briefly explained his situation.

"Fortunately you arrived in time, otherwise Qingcheng would have been unimaginable. I thank you for Qingcheng." Dongfang Ming had seen the danger facing Qingcheng from afar, but at that time he was far away and couldn't take care of time, so he tried his best Even with the fastest speed, he could only watch helplessly. At that time, he was so anxious that he was going crazy. Fortunately, Yun Luoyan rescued him in time. Although his heart was a little sour, his heart was still full of gratitude.

Thanking Qingcheng is to show that I and Qingcheng are as close as a family, and to show that I have an unusual relationship with Qingcheng.Such an obvious hint, even an idiot can hear it.The people in front of Zhen Guo Pagoda who heard this were all sighing again.

"His Royal Highness, Luoyan, fortunately you arrived in time, the situation is urgent, let's set up the formation!" Xue Muyang escaped from a group of zombies, his sleeves were bloodshot.Fortunately, there were not as many zombies around him as there were in Qingcheng. After he chopped off a zombie's head, the rest of the zombies probably felt that there were not enough numbers to have an advantage, so they withdrew.

"Okay!" The two nodded and began to form an array.

The zombie formation is also considered a relatively advanced formation. Of course, ordinary people don't know how to set up a formation. However, Dongfang Ming and Yun Luoyan are both elites among the elites of the Eastern Mu Kingdom. It's a piece of cake for them.So, while the two were busy, the situation was brought under control, and the surging zombies returned to Huajin City one after another in the gusts of wind from the zombie formation. Now, the situation has improved. As long as the formation is supported, the Let the zombies disperse, and there will be no serious problem.

Dongfang Ming and Yun Luoyan are indeed worthy of being the current masters, and the whole situation has slowly turned around after the two joined.After that, knights and swordsmen from all walks of life came continuously, and the situation was basically under control. What we need to do now is to retrieve the souls of the zombies and reinject them into their bodies.

After the arrival of the supporters, Qingcheng, Dongfang Ming, Xue Muyang and Yun Luoyan also temporarily opened up an area in a corner of the city wall. The four of them sat on the wall and began to discuss what to do next. matter.

"The formation of zombies is generally caused by some shady practitioners harvesting their souls to practice evil arts. Recently, it has been widely rumored in the world that the Lord of the Nether Palace is best at practicing this kind of evil arts. This incident will definitely get rid of him." It has nothing to do with it." Dongfang Ming said solemnly.It is very difficult to save these zombies, but tens of thousands of lives, even if it is difficult, must be done.

"The Lord of the Nether Palace? Maybe it's not him. I don't think he is as bad as the rumors say." Yun Luoyan thought of a cold man with white hair and white eyes, and remembered the coldness of him in the Sunshade Forest. , although it is cold, but it does not look like a person who commits all kinds of crimes and kills innocent people. There may be some misunderstanding in the middle.

"No matter what, he is the most suspected right now. We must go to the Nether Palace." Xue Muyang's face was serious, his lips that were a little white due to severe blood loss were lightly pursed, and he supported himself with strong willpower Don't fall down.

"No matter how powerful the Lord of the Nether Palace is, we must fight this battle. The lives of the people in Huajin City cannot help us back down. We must go to the Nether Palace, and we must plan carefully. Who of you is willing to fight Shall I go to the Nether Palace together?" Qingcheng thought of the cold man, and knew clearly that his magic power was definitely higher than hers, but so what, in life, many times you need to know what you can't do. Otherwise, how can human beings progress?
"I'll go with you!" The three said in unison.

"What are you going to do? You are simply looking for death when you go like this. You are still trying to be brave even if your magic power is exhausted!" A loud voice came from a distance, and three lightning-like figures descended from the sky in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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