Supreme Allure

Chapter 126: Taking Thousands of Souls as Employment

Chapter 126: Employing thousands of souls (5)
"Little girl! It's amazing! You actually plan to stand by and watch my business!" Qingcheng chased after talking, and the road was full of laughter and laughter for a while, attracting countless passersby to stop. Everyone only knew a couple of boys and girls were playing. I didn't hear what I said clearly, but I just glanced inadvertently, and found that such a beautiful young boy and girl were so beautiful, so I couldn't help but take a few more glances. Of course, some of them recognized the identity of the boy and girl. , As a result, countless gossips are clamoring on the dust.

While the people of Dongmu Kingdom spend a lot of time basking in the sun and gossiping, the protagonist of the gossip, Qingcheng, is busy practicing every minute and every second.

The world is like this, some people create gossip, and some people just pass on gossip.

Qingcheng is almost an insulator in the transmission of gossip, because she has no time to pass on gossip, but she is a super producer of gossip, and can create endless gossip almost casually on the street.

Perhaps, this is the so-called celebrity!
At three o'clock, Qingcheng was concentrating on standing upright on one foot in the yard. Snowflakes drifted past her, but none of them could get close to her by five centimeters. Any snowflakes would melt away within five centimeters of her body.Qingcheng's method of melting snow has been practiced.When the realm is higher, it will be able to melt snowflakes from a long distance, and at a higher realm, it will not be snow that melts, but any entity, such as a person, such as a monster.

Qingcheng's body was glowing with white light, and her white fantasy realm had reached a higher level. The white light cut off the white snowflakes, like wearing a protective shell, and there was a crystal white light shining in the white snow.

When Shui Rouyan came to the yard, she saw such a scene. Qingcheng's fair skin was set off by a piece of snow-white, it looked more soft and charming, like a wintersweet in the cold snow, proudly cold, like a nine-day mysterious girl, ready to go They will fly for nine days.

Shui Rouyan saw that Qingcheng was merging with heaven and earth at this moment, so she walked straight to Qingcheng's room without making a sound, intending to wait for her slowly in the room.

It wasn't until Chen Shi that Qingcheng slowly opened her eyes, and walked into the room after recuperating.

In fact, she had already felt it before Shui Rouyan stepped into the yard.With the continuous improvement of skill, Qingcheng's various senses of touch became more and more sensitive.At that time, it was completely possible to accept the merits and greet the mother.It's just that she knows the intention of her mother's coming here, and if she can delay it for a while, it's best if her mother can't wait and leave directly.But it's already time, and I haven't seen my mother leave yet, it seems that this time I can't escape.

A few days ago, my mother had already come to her for these things, but she was either busy with cultivation or busy with collecting and refining medicines.

Qingcheng tried her best to keep herself as busy as possible, so that her mother would be embarrassed to come to her. Who knew that today, her mother used such a desperate move, and she didn't leave until the time of day. It seems that it would be impossible not to have a good talk.

Qingcheng shook her white velvet robe with a headache, only to see a few small floral flowers interlaced with gold and silver thread on the hem of the velvet robe, which was elegant and delicate, and the collar was inlaid with purple sable fur. It is concluded that this robe is expensive, and it is not a big deal if it is expensive. Naturally, the clothes worn by the first family must be worthy of that status. The most eye-catching thing about this robe is that this fleece robe is a cloud Luo Ying made it for her by herself.

I remember that when Yun Luoying showed up at the prime minister's mansion with this dress, everyone was dumbfounded. Although Qingcheng has always been admired by many men and women, no one dared to be so bold as to come to the door and give it to her. It's fine to put on this robe, but she also visits the door every three days, which makes Shui Rouyan, a mother, want to see her daughter, and she has to work hard. If she doesn't come here early in the morning to block people, she doesn't know when. Only then did he have the opportunity to meet his daughter alone!

Qingcheng was thinking in her heart as she walked towards the room. If she had guessed correctly, there would only be two things for her mother to come to her at this time: First, it was the most gossip event in the capital, all kinds of rumors about her and Yun Luoying The second is the Hundred Flowers Festival.Avoidance is unavoidable, why not take this opportunity to communicate with mother, many times, the relationship between parents, brothers and sisters is tense, usually because of not communicating well, she believes that mother is sensible People, communication should not be difficult.

"Qingcheng, come, sit by mother's side." Qingcheng had just stepped into the house with one foot, and Shui Rouyan had already invited her with a smile.

Yiyan sat down on a pear wood chair next to Shuirouyan, and Qingcheng responded with a bright smile: "Mother, I kept you waiting for a long time early in the morning, my child is too busy recently, and I don't have time to spend with my mother." , I am really ashamed to be a child!"

"Qingcheng, you know mother's reason for coming, don't talk about it to me, let me ask you, what happened to you and Yun Luoying, do you really think that you are a man wearing men's clothes?" Shui Rou Yan frowned, thinking that her daughter was really confused this time, provoking a woman would be more dangerous than provoking a man, so what can she do to repay her infatuation?
"Mother, look at you, you underestimate me, don't you? How can your daughter be so confused? Those who are confused are those who are fond of gossip! In fact, Luo Ying knows that I am a daughter. Your daughter and I are so confused. Kindness, I will never deceive those innocent girls, mother, you can rest assured!" Qingcheng said while massaging Shui Rouyan's shoulders, the hands of this miracle doctor are used for massage, and the effect is of course very good It was unusual, but Shui Rouyan jumped up excitedly at this moment.

"What? That child Luo Ying knows you..." Shui Rou's eyes choked with excitement, and quickly picked up a cup of brewed Tianshan Yunwu tea, took a sip, calmed down, and continued, "This kind of thing, We even concealed it from your elder brother and second brother, how could you just tell an outsider so casually?"

"Luoying is not an outsider, mother, you can definitely rest assured. And she recognized me as a daughter, and I didn't tell her." When he said the second half of the sentence, Qingcheng looked at her innocently. My own mother, an image of a good baby who I have done nothing wrong.In fact, I didn't reveal it secretly, but it really didn't come out with my mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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