Supreme Allure

Chapter 127: Taking Thousands of Souls as Employment

Chapter 127: Employing thousands of souls (6)
"What? Luo Ying saw it by herself?" This time, Shui Rouyan widened her eyes and opened her mouth, obviously more surprised than before, that someone could see her daughter's disguise?For her, this was the first time in her life. From Qingcheng's birth to now, among those who did not know Qingcheng's gender, almost no one had doubted Qingcheng's gender, including those two elder brothers.

"Luoying is a different girl, with extraordinary ability in observation and analysis. We are Jinlan sisters now, we are handkerchief acquaintances, mother, you should be happy for your daughter. After living for so long, your daughter is finally a girl I made a close friend." Qingcheng said to Shui Rouyan with a smile on his face.Khan, it's really not good to lie to my mother like this, but I can't say that she revealed it by herself, and I will be nagged by my mother again.

"That's good, with Luo Ying, the Jinlan sister, you and Luo Yan will have more hope. We are getting closer and closer to my goal, ha ha!" Shui Rouyan said with a proud face, the speed of changing her face was astounding. People are dumbfounded.

"Mother, what are you talking about! When did Yun Luoyan become the son-in-law of a white horse in your mind?" Qingcheng looked at Shui Rouyan with a proud face, shook his head and said helplessly.

"The Hundred Flowers Banquet will be held soon, Qingcheng, you are 12 years old. When my mother was your age, she was already waiting to be married in a boudoir. Look at you, there is not even a suitable candidate for marriage. Since you have fallen It's good that the girl Ying knows about this, so she simply lets Qingying marry her, and you marry her elder brother again, so that we can get closer and unite forces, so that one day even the royal family can get away safely even if they know that you are a daughter Hey! Dongfang Ming is indeed a very good child, but it is a pity that he is a prince." Shui Rouyan looks weak and weak, and usually doesn't care about everything, but she is really capable when she manages it. It seems that she can't hide anything from her. It's all within her calculations.

"Marry? Whether it's a prince, not a prince, a man or a woman, I'm not interested. I just want to practice hard! Mother, marriage is not the only way out for a girl. You should keep your ambitions high and become a Your lord, is the wish that my daughter pursues in her life." Although Qingcheng has now reached the realm of white illusion, in terms of the level of spirit illusion, there is no higher level than this except the highest level of ink illusion, but there are still more levels above the spirit illusion. There are divine illusions, light and divine illusions have three levels, which are earth illusion, sky illusion, and yuan illusion. Only after breaking through the divine illusion can it be possible to reach the level of the venerable. The venerable is divided into nine levels in total. Levels are as difficult as ascending to the sky. The ninth rank of the Venerable is an existence that transcends the entire world. Qingcheng's goal is this pinnacle.

Shui Rouyan looked at Qingcheng in surprise, although she always felt that her daughter was not simple, she was still very shocked when she heard this.My lord, I once had such a dream when I was young, but since I got married and had children, the color of my ideal has gradually dimmed, and I seem to be surviving every day, for my family, for my parents and elders, for my children For your husband and son-in-law, in short, every day seems to be very busy, but none of them are really busy for themselves. Dreams have long been shelved, like a distant and magnificent dream, which can only be seen from a distance, but can never go away close.

Listening to Qingcheng's words, Shui Rouyan seemed to have seen the magnificent dream of her youth, and the tip of her heart couldn't help trembling, violently and clearly.

Taking a deep breath, Shui Rouyan looked at her daughter sincerely, and blurted out: "Qingcheng, mother supports you!"

Qingcheng didn't expect Shui Rouyan to understand her, she couldn't react for a while, and was stunned.

"Qingcheng, for your noble dream, mother will always support you. Even if the price of pursuing this dream is to never marry and be laughed at by the world, mother will stand by your side without hesitation. But, Hundred Flowers Festival You still have to participate, it is a kind of etiquette, as a nobleman, if you enjoy what ordinary people can't enjoy, you will naturally have to pay what ordinary people don't have to pay." Shui Rouyan said calmly.

"Long live my mother! My daughter will definitely participate in the Hundred Flowers Festival, anyway, it's just a meeting of many people, it's no big deal." Qingcheng didn't expect Shui Rouyan to be so enlightened, and immediately became nervous with excitement. Hold your mother tightly.

Time passed quickly in the practice, although Qingcheng promised Shui Rouyan would participate in the Hundred Flowers Festival, but there was still no action.Every day, in addition to practicing or practicing.Especially since the last time I told Shui Rouyan about her dream, Qingcheng has been a little bit useless in collecting and refining medicine recently, and spends a lot of time on cultivation every day, trying to stir up a slight improvement in her internal strength. It's just that haste makes waste, the more you want to climb to a higher peak, the more you need to calm down and calm down.

This day, Qingcheng was still the same as before, practicing the snow-melting Dafa in her small courtyard, and saw Yunluoying approaching from a distance.

Because Qingcheng had explained to the house slave guarding the gate that she would not stop Yun Luoying from looking for her, and she could come to her small courtyard without hindrance.

Today, Yunluoying wore a bright yellow tight-fitting robe and a white cloak over it. Her long hair was pulled up high and held in place with a unique golden step. Fluttering and dancing, it makes the whole face elegant and beautiful.Yunluoying is like a floating willow in the wind, seemingly soft, but actually strong, no matter how strong the wind is, it cannot be blown down.

When Qingcheng saw Yun Luoying approaching, she quickly stopped and went straight to meet Yun Luoying in the direction she was coming from.

"Luoying, with your physique, it's really difficult to cultivate to a higher level, and now I can only help you recuperate." Qingcheng finally encountered the most difficult problem she has ever faced since practicing medicine, "Maybe when I go to Cai After studying the medical principles in the Xuan Academy, they will be able to find a way to treat you."

Among all the diseases, congenital diseases are the most difficult to treat, even a genius doctor can only treat them at most.

Seeing Qingcheng's thoughtful expression, Yun Luoying was very moved in her heart. She was really content with having such a good friend who cared about her. Even if God wanted to take her life away now, she would have no regrets.So he smiled and said: "Qingcheng, don't worry about me, I believe that man will conquer nature! I have nothing now, except hard work! So, I will definitely work hard, even if it is for you, I will make myself better."

(End of this chapter)

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