Supreme Allure

Chapter 145: Flower Feast, Marriage Robbery

Chapter 145: Flower Feast, Marriage Robbery (3)
"Okay, aunt, Ying'er has a lot of things to talk to aunt about!" Yun Luoying immediately made a face at Feng Jingyang when she saw Yun Zhixiu approaching, and walked towards Yun Zhixiu with light steps direction to meet.

Feng Jingyang smiled a little reluctantly, being with this little girl was fun and comfortable, and he couldn't describe this feeling. In short, as soon as he saw her, he couldn't help but cling to her and talk nonsense.But now that she has been taken away by the queen, no matter how unwilling he is, there is no reason to follow her.So, he had no choice but to turn around, but when he turned around, he saw a group of Yingying Yanyan rushing towards him like a tide in an instant, he immediately followed Qingcheng's example, found a branch and jumped, and then At this moment, he longed for purity.

On the tree branches, watching Yun Luoying smile for a while, stare shrewdly for a while, act coquettishly for a while, every movement is so fresh and free, without any affectation, completely different from those Yingyingyanyans he met before. It's different, it gives people a kind of peace and serenity unconsciously, and people can't help but want to get close.

Feng Jingyang sat on the branch with a relaxed expression, the sun shone warmly on his body, making him close his eyes comfortably, and really wanted to take a good afternoon nap.But when he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly felt a branch tremble, and a white figure quietly came to his side. Feng Jingyang raised his eyes and saw that it was Yun Luoyan.

Yun Luoyan was dressed in a white brocade robe, her long black satin-like hair was bundled up high, tied at the knot with a purple jade hairpin, and a few pieces of purple broken jade were strewn across the slanted front, and tied with the hair crown. The azure jades are fused in one place, complementing each other, making the skin more crystal clear.

"I warn you, stay away from my sister!" Yun Luoyan glared at Feng Jingyang with gloomy and handsome face.

Feng Jingyang looked at Yun Luoyan in amazement, this friend who never cared about his private life, today, he directly expressed his dissatisfaction in his heart without beating around the bush. Is he that bad?
"What's the matter with you two brothers and sisters? For a handsome and extraordinary person like me, how many women squeeze their heads and wait for my glance back, but you are so lucky to abandon me like a piece of paper!" Feng Jingyang widened His eyes screamed in disbelief.

"I'm afraid that any woman within three feet of you will be pregnant!" Yun Luoyan seldom said something funny, but the solemn expression on his face made people want to laugh but couldn't laugh, "I'm not joking with you, anyway, Stay away from Luoying, otherwise even if you are a good brother, don't blame me for being merciless."

"It's strange! Now the most vigorous biography with your precious sister is that Ye Qingcheng. You didn't warn him, but you warned me instead?" Feng Jingyang looked unfair.

"If Luoying really wants to be able to blossom and bear fruit with Qingcheng, it's too late for me to be happy, so how could I stop it?" Yun Luoyan said quietly, with deep eyes, "I've been wandering around, and I've said everything I need to say, Qianqian Don't provoke my sister again!" After saying that, she jumped down from the tree and drifted away like a white cloud.

"You said you won't provoke me if you don't provoke me! I can't even control myself!" Feng Jingyang muttered to himself, pursing his lips and shaking his head.

The spring breeze brings warmth, hundreds of flowers are blooming, and butterflies are dancing among the thousands of flowers.In Baihuayuan, exquisite delicacies can be seen everywhere: such as hibiscus peach cakes, rose soft cakes, osmanthus glutinous rice cakes, pine nut cakes, grape shortcakes, etc.; there are also barbecue stations along the road, where you can roast chicken, duck, quail, and yellow croaker. Corn, etc.; there are also tribute fruits from all parties, lychee, grape, apple, mangosteen, tangerine, pomegranate, etc.; of course, various teas are also competing for beauty, such as rose tea, honeysuckle tea, jasmine tea, chrysanthemum tea, barley tea Lemon tea grapefruit tea blah blah blah.In short, this is not only a world of handsome men and beautiful women, but also a world of gourmet food.

Qingcheng was held by the Empress Dowager Feng Yalian, and her eyes were attracted by the delicious food along the road from time to time.

At this time, Qingcheng's two black eyes were staring straight at a barbecue station not far away, and Dongfang Ming beside him couldn't help smiling: "Grandma Huang, the roast chicken over there seems to be good, why don't we go over there?" Take a break!"

Qingcheng smiled gratefully at Dongfang Ming when she heard the words, Dongfang Ming smiled and nodded in response, Feng Yalian watched the interaction between the two, her heart was overjoyed, and she immediately went along with the flow: "My good grandson is the most considerate, we Just go."

When Qingcheng and his party came to the barbecue stand, the staff hurriedly knelt down and saluted.

It's quite out of the way here, there are only two people sitting here and having a barbecue. Before, because their backs were facing Qingcheng and the three of them, they couldn't see clearly.At this moment, as soon as the two people heard the sound, they turned around quickly and saw that it was the Empress Dowager coming, so they bent over and wanted to bow and bow, but the Empress Dowager hurriedly stopped them with her hands.

The same peerless Mr. Pianpianjia, Xue Muyang is dressed in white, like the warm sun in the snow, refreshing.Feng Danyang wore a red robe, like the rising sun, warm and moist as jade.

Seeing this, Qingcheng's eyes showed surprise, such a beautiful young man, who actually hid in such a small remote corner and leisurely barbecued, and spread the word, this will make all the women of Dongmu Kingdom embarrassing.

"Danyang, today is a feast of flowers. You and Mu Yang are both the best among my youths. How can you hide in such a remote place and not go out to meet beautiful women?" Feng Yalian raised her eyebrows when she saw these two people. Knot.

"Grandmother, Mu Yang and I feel that the environment here is elegant, the scenery is beautiful, and it is very clean. We happened to be hungry again, so we brought us here to barbecue together. As for the beautiful woman..." Feng Danyang thought for a while Said, "Mu Yang and I can also break our sleeves!"

Hearing this, Xue Muyang's throat congealed, and a grape got stuck directly, making it impossible to get up and down, so he had to pick up a pot of tea beside him and pour it vigorously.

Dongfang Ming smiled with purple eyes: "Danyang, you don't have to envy us too much. Not all relationships with broken sleeves can be as good as ours. We will announce our engagement soon." The purple eyes stared straight at Qingcheng, the heat, even in the cold winter, seemed to be able to burn people to the boil.

"What?" Feng Danyang and Xue Muyang were shocked at the same time. These two people are called Dongmu Shuangyang because they each have the ability to be calm and composed, and they always make people feel that the warm sun refreshes the heart and nourishes the mind. On them, There was almost no expression of panic, but at this moment, the two of them were surprised to be in such a situation, which shows the horror of the news.

(End of this chapter)

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