Supreme Allure

Chapter 146: Flower Feast, Marriage Robbery

Chapter 146: Flower Feast, Marriage Robbery (4)
"Qingcheng, is this true?" Xue Muyang came back to his senses first, looking directly at Qingcheng with his black eyes, trying to find something out of Qingcheng.

"Muyang, it's just an engagement. If I get married, I have to wait until I'm 20 years old. I don't know what will happen when I'm 20 years old. So, just treat it as watching us play games, don't give me such Is a horrifying expression okay?" Qingcheng stroked his forehead helplessly, even such a person who was indifferent to the world and elegant and unobtrusive was frightened like paper, and the others didn't know how they would react!

When the two of them heard the words, they both opened their black eyes wide, with disbelief on their faces, as if they were hearing the most unacceptable news in the whole world.

"It's just an appointment, don't be so terrified. Even if you are married, there are still many reconciliations. Don't take it so seriously. We cultivators should take cultivation as our top priority. Other things, can you care about it casually?" Take care, if you really can't care, then just let nature take its course, don't think too much." Qingcheng looked indifferent, picked up a freshly roasted chicken, and handed it to the Queen Mother.

The queen mother had a smiling face, she just liked Qingcheng's personality, as if no matter how scary things were, it would be a piece of cake when it came to her, and it was nothing to worry about at all.

Dongfang Ming felt a little uncomfortable after hearing Qingcheng's words.It turned out that this is how Qingcheng viewed their marriage, but no matter what, Qingcheng has already admitted his identity, hasn't he?Therefore, even though there is a trace of loss in my heart, I think that as long as this identity is fixed first, there will be ways to make Qingcheng's heart full of him in the future.This loss gradually faded in that expectation, leaving only firm belief in my heart.

"Empress Dowager, if Ming is just an ordinary citizen, then we will not say much about this matter, but now, Ming's identity cannot be changed. If a man is allowed to be the crown princess, I am afraid that the officials will not accept it." Xue Muyang said Out of everyone's most wanted to say.

"If you don't accept it, you can't accept it. It's a big deal not to be the prince. Anyway, the father and the emperor have many sons. I don't need to sacrifice my life's happiness for this false name." Dongfang Ming said indifferently while roasting the leg of lamb. In his heart, it seems to be something like sesame mung beans.

"Ming, why are you so persistent, I'm not as good as you imagined." Qingcheng felt a little guilty, she had been avoiding everything, but the other party was so persistent, at this moment, she felt a rare sense of guilt in her heart Come.

"Qingcheng, in short, don't think too much about anything, we will definitely get engaged today, and when you turn 20, I will definitely marry you." Dongfang Ming said firmly.

Everyone saw that he was so persistent, so they didn't say much. They only hoped that time would change his persistence. After all, it is unacceptable for a crown prince to cut off his sleeves, and even if he wants to be married by a bright matchmaker.

The queen mother kept smiling with her phoenix eyes, but she knew it well, it seemed that it was imperative to make a decision, otherwise, once she knew Qingcheng's true identity, no one would rush to snatch her.Look at this Shuangyang, what is going on in her heart, in fact, she knows better than them.

Everyone became quiet for a while, only smelling the tangy aroma of roasted chicken overflowing the surroundings, everyone lowered their heads and tried hard to fight with the roasted chicken in their hands, no one said anything more.After eating and drinking enough, looking at the sky, it is estimated that the second stage is about to start. A group of people got up and went to the center of the square. Even if they didn't want to participate in the second stage, they had to go out to show their faces.

After getting along freely in the first stage, the Hundred Flowers Feast ushered in the second stage, which is the talent show stage.

The so-called talent show is actually a performance of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. The champion of No.1 will be crowned as the Flower Master of Hundred Flowers, and the Flower Master of Hundred Flowers will be able to get a Hundred Flowers Token, which is equivalent to a gold medal for avoiding death. As long as it is not a heinous fault such as treason and murder, any crime will be pardoned.

Dongfang Ming sits high on the Baihuatai, which is a arena woven with countless flowers and plants. If he wants to become the owner of Baihua, he must fight to the death on this arena.

There was silence in the audience. Historically, Hundred Flowers Flower Masters were not selected by people, but by the number of creatures they attracted.Because it is too easy to cheat if it is selected by people, the people participating in this feast of flowers are either rich or noble, and when the time comes to compete with each other for cheating ability, it is bound to cause chaos in Dongmu country.

The melodious sound of the piano attracts larks, and the realistic paintings attract countless butterflies. Success or failure is determined by the number of creatures attracted.Because calligraphy and chess skills can hardly attract souls, there are almost no people who participate in these two competitions at the Hundred Flowers Feast. Even if there are, it is a private competition, and has nothing to do with the competition for the master of the Hundred Flowers.

Everyone wants to get the Master Command of Hundred Flowers. In addition to being forced to be helpless in participating in the Hundred Flowers Feast this time, Qingcheng is actually bound to win the Master Command of Hundred Flowers.She is a woman disguised as a man. This truth is always a ticking time bomb. Although judging from the progress of her genius, it is estimated that when the truth is revealed, the royal family will not be able to do anything to her.But, after all, she is a descendant of the Ye family, so the so-called monk can't escape the temple if he can run away, and the Ye family is such a big family with intricate relationships, what she worries most is that innocent people will be implicated.As long as she gets the Master Token of Baihuahua, if one day her identity as a woman is exposed, she can escape without any danger.

The so-called "Hundred Flowers Competition" doesn't distinguish whether it is a piano competition or a painting competition. You can choose any talent, as long as it can attract living beings to dance on the Hundred Flowers Stage.

In the Hundred Flowers Contest, handsome men and beauties, all eighteen kinds of martial arts are used. There is more than one Hundred Flowers Commander, which is made of pure gold specially used by the royal family and stamped with the seal of the Royal Jade Seal. All previous Hundred Flowers owners are eligible to avoid death. Death qualification refers to crimes other than the heinous crime of murder and arson.Because for some harmless things, the anger of the people is not so strong, and the Hundred Flowers Feast is usually held only once in a few decades, so it doesn't matter if there is such a person in a few decades.

According to the order of drawing lots, the first one to come on stage was Zi Ling whom Qingcheng had seen before.Since Zi Ling was murdered by Qingcheng last time, she has been dumb for a long time.What was gratifying was that before the Hundred Flowers Feast came, she found a famous doctor who cured her dumb disease. She hated Qingcheng so much, but she didn't dare to provoke her again.

(End of this chapter)

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