Supreme Allure

Chapter 174 The Mysterious Luoshui Xiangning

Chapter 174 The Fantastic Luoshui Xiangning (3)
"Qingcheng, that's enough, you don't need to steam medicine anymore, your true qi has already been exhausted." Luo Shui Xiangning showed a few traces of imperceptible worry on his stern face, "Leave the rest to me Do it! Trust me! You first adjust your breath for a while."

"No! Xiang Ning! It's just the two of us here and now. Let's be honest and honest. I can't detect your strength. I think your phantom power must be higher than mine. You are evil, but you are even more evil than me. However, even if you are taller than me, I think it should be limited. It is very dangerous to evaporate so many wolf-killing powder independently. I have worked hard It doesn't matter, it's better than risking your life!" Qingcheng had an awe-inspiring atmosphere like I'm not tired.

"I'm sorry, Qingcheng." After Xiangning said this softly, when Qingcheng raised her eyes in surprise and thought she had heard it wrong, Luoshui Xiangning slashed at Qingcheng's neck with a knife, and Qingcheng fell to the ground with a face.Xu Shi was really tired, plus he was defenseless against Xiang Ning, and Xiang Ning's skills were far superior to hers.Qingcheng fell so magnificently.

"Qingcheng, you just know that my strength is higher than yours, but you don't know how much higher it is. My strength has long exceeded your imagination. Although your strength has long surpassed the imagination of countless people " Luoshui Xiangning took out a sleeping bag from the space ring, put Qingcheng into the sleeping bag, watched Qingcheng fall asleep sweetly, the corners of Luoshui Xiangning's mouth slightly raised, and continued the transpiration work of driving away the wolf.

If it wasn't for Qingcheng, she wouldn't be bothered to care about other people's lives. Since childhood, he has always been a cold-hearted person. Even if thousands of people died in front of him, his heart would not beat a little more because of it.Since meeting Qingcheng, she has been infected by her compassion. Although Qingcheng seems to be a deserted person, her heart is actually very hot, and she can't see anyone suffering.To put it bluntly, it is the heart of a Bodhisattva.And she, Luo Shui Xiangning, since meeting Qingcheng, the most unseen thing is the faint disappointment in Qingcheng's eyes.

When Gu Hongyu entered the enchantment again, what he saw was Qingcheng who was sleeping soundly in the sleeping bag, and Luoshui Xiangning who was alone in the transpiration medicine with an indifferent face bearing the weight of two people.

Luoshui Xiangning didn't slow down the pace of transpiration because of the lack of a person. On the contrary, he transpired at this moment to drive wolf powder more than when he transpired with Qingcheng before.

"Xiang Ning, have you come to Caixuan for a while? I have been wondering, with your cultivation, is it necessary to come to Caixuan? What is your purpose for coming to Caixuan?" Gu Hongyu saw Qingcheng was sleeping soundly, so there was no need to shy away from it, and asked straightforwardly.

"President Gu, don't worry, I have absolutely no malice. I came to medical school because I really want to learn medical skills well." Luo Shuixiang stared into the distance with beautiful eyes, "If it wasn't for some unavoidable difficulties, I really wouldn't Stay in Caixuan."

"Oh? A last resort?" Gu Hongyu looked at Xiang Ning suspiciously. Although he and Xiang Ning had known each other for a long time, it was the first time they had a heart-to-heart conversation alone like this.

"The collection of books at Caixuan Medical College is the most diverse in the entire Cosmo Continent. As long as there are medical books on the Cosmo Continent, Caixuan has them. Not only the collection of classical medical books is the most complete, but also the latest research and development. The medical knowledge invented is also the fastest and most advanced, and I must be in such a place." Xiang Ning said expressionlessly, as if she was talking about something completely unrelated to herself, "President Gu, don't worry. I, if I really wanted to kill Caixuan, I would have done it long ago, why don't you wait for the dean to ask me?"

"At first I had nothing to worry about, but now, Qingcheng is here." Gu Hongyu finally said what he was worried about.

"Oh? The dean seems to be very concerned about Qingcheng." Luo Shui Xiangning felt a little melancholy in her heart, "Dean, are you and Qingcheng really just friends of brothers?"

"Yes, it's really just my brother's friend! It's just that it's a friend that my brother managed to protect with his own blood and life!" Every time he saw Qingcheng, Gu Hongyu remained calm as usual, It's just that his heart is turbulent. When he sees Qingcheng, he seems to see his own brothers. Now that Xiang Ning mentions it so casually, Gu Hongyu's volcano erupted on a rare occasion.

Xiang Ning's heart was uncontrollably turbulent. It turned out that everyone in this world has their own heartbreaking past. Qingcheng, when Dean Gu's brother gave up his life for you, the pain in your heart How deep is it?

"Dean, I know what you're worried about. You're worried that if Qingcheng is better than me in medicine, I'll blame him, right?" Although Luo Shui Xiangning's heart was turbulent, her face was still calm. Gu Hongyu's complexion changed, and Xiang Ning continued, "Don't worry, I used to feel that I had no choice but to come to Caixuan, but now, because of Qingcheng's appearance, I really look forward to Caixuan's arrival." Life."

These words made Gu Hongyu's expression change even more, and he said with a look of shock and horror: "Xiang Ning, could it be that you fell in love with Qingcheng?"

"Love? Dean Gu, you're overthinking. I, Luo Shui Xiangning, will never fall in love with anyone in this life." Finally, a trace of surprise appeared on Xiangning's unchanging face, "I'm just curious, In my impression, Dean Gu always had a calm and calm face, but now, he showed such a shocked expression, which really made me very curious. I, Luo Shui Xiangning, why can't I love you? Going to Qingcheng? For us unmarried men and women, do you mean that Qingcheng already has a fiancée?"

"Things are even more unimaginable than whether Qingcheng has a fiancée. No matter what, you must not fall in love with Qingcheng, otherwise, you will definitely be the one who hurts at that time. Please keep my words firmly in mind." Regardless of whether Luo Shui Xiangning understood it or not, she continued, "Also, Qingcheng's magic power may not be as good as yours, but her medical talent is beyond your and my imagination. Maybe, she will surpass you in the entrance test. I hope You have to be mentally prepared when the time comes, these years, you have won the first place every year, what I am most worried about is that if you are not convinced, you will attack Qingcheng..."

(End of this chapter)

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