Supreme Allure

Chapter 175 The Mysterious Luoshui Xiangning

Chapter 175 The Fantastic Luoshui Xiangning (5)
"Since when did Qingcheng belong to your family? Luo Shui Xiangning, I've seen you secretly have thoughts about our family Qingcheng. Let me tell you, Qingcheng is engaged to be married, so stop thinking about her." Dongfanghen language is not amazing and endless.

One sentence was like frying a frying pan, and the voices of the people immediately erupted.

"What? How old is Qingcheng? Didn't you say that this year is exactly thirteen? Is there a marriage contract at such a young age?"

"It's nothing strange to have a marriage contract. It's common for a person like Qingcheng to have three wives and four concubines."

"Ah? What did you say? You actually want the princess of our Xixuan Kingdom to be someone's concubine? I think your brain is cramping!"

"Then what do you say? Sleep and sleep."

"It's okay for such a young child to share the same bed, they haven't grown up yet!"

"What do you mean not growing up? My parents gave birth to me when they were their age!"

"Ah! That's right! My parents seem to be the same. So do you think they already have a baby now?"

Although everyone had lowered their voices enough, the slight voice of discussion still entered the ears of Qingcheng and Luoshui Xiangning verbatim, and the two of them were speechless.

"Dean Gu, what I just wanted to say was not that Qingcheng should be responsible for anything. I was thinking, since Qingcheng and I share the same bed, why not let him stay with me in this year's dormitory." Luo Shuixiang Ning threw out a sentence very casually, which immediately aroused the opposition of countless people.

Yun Luoyan and Dongfang Hen opposed the most fiercely, one was for himself, and the other was for his brother.

But the strange thing is that Yun Luoying, who has been protecting her brother, has no voice at this time, and even Gu Hongyu does not object: "Anyway, the annual accommodation arrangement is free to organize, as long as Qingcheng does not object, our courtyard Fang has nothing to object to. Anyway, every dormitory is a suite, with two independent bedrooms, but some places are shared. Luoshui Xiangning, you have always rented a suite by yourself. This year It’s rare that you are willing to share it with others, so you should discuss this matter with Qingcheng.”

"I agree!" Qingcheng agreed without hesitation, just kidding, there is no reason for her to refuse when the number one beauty is willing to share the dormitory with her?What's more, his kung fu is far better than hers, so it's good to be a free bodyguard.What can happen if two girls live together?

"What?" Everyone's eyes widened in surprise.The discussion became more heated.

"Dean Gu, for a long time, in Caixuan's dormitory, it is allowed for one person to occupy the whole dormitory, but how can men and women share the same dormitory?" Yun Luoyan rarely loses composure. In fact, When he heard Qingcheng's approval, his heart immediately exploded, Qingcheng, how could "he" agree!
"Although it was not advocated in the past, there is no express rule that it is not allowed! Therefore, as long as the person concerned is willing, there should be no problem." Xiang Ning said frankly.

"Absurd, men and women are different, how can it be..." Dongfang Hen and Yun Luoyan rarely felt the same hatred at this moment.

"Don't argue, everyone. I want to live with Xiangning. Don't worry, we will leave the academy on our own initiative if something goes wrong, and we will never make it difficult for the academy." Qingcheng said firmly, Xiangning is willing to work with her Live, willing to accept her as a friend, she is inexplicably moved, Xiangning is so cold, she has a kind of desire to warm her heart, even if something happens at that time, at worst she will expose her identity as a woman, for her There are no sequelae.

Gu Hongshu stared and thought for a while, Qingcheng is a girl, living with Xiangning, there is no problem at all.It's just that Qingcheng is a girl at this time, and everyone doesn't know it. How can everyone accept Qingcheng?
"That's it." Gu Hongyu didn't bother to explain, and this matter couldn't be explained clearly, "Qingcheng and Xiangning are both children, so there is no problem living together. What's more, this is a two-room suite. They are people in the same dormitory, and sometimes they won’t see each other for ten days and half a month. Don’t be nervous, it’s not the same room anyway. Just leave them alone!”

"Then I also share a room with the opposite sex." Everyone started to make noise.Dare to feel that it is not because it is indecent for the opposite sex to share the same suite, but because I can't share the same suite with the opposite sex that I like, which makes everyone so active?
If Caixuan College really wanted to arrange all men and women into mixed dormitories, it would definitely be gossiped by other colleges.Now, it doesn't matter if Qingcheng and Xiangning are like this, and Qingcheng is actually a woman, that is to say, Caixuan does not live in mixed sex, but if other people set this precedent, it will be real If men and women are mixed, students with good conduct can be trusted and there will be no problems.If you meet those people with bad conduct, if you really do things that damage the reputation of the school, you will be in trouble.

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu's eyebrows twitched slightly, and he could only think of a way to make the other students shut up automatically when they had nothing to say.

"Well, this matter will be decided in the entrance examination. Anyone who enters No.1 in the entrance examination, in addition to the previous rewards, starting from this year, one more thing will be added, that is, the right to share the same dormitory with the opposite sex." Gu Hongyu was forced to rush, so she had to come up with such a way.

"Isn't this changing the soup but not the medicine? Every year, Xiangning wins the first place. With her here, how can we have any hope?" A student muttered unconvinced.

"This student is quite reasonable. How about this, Xiang Ning will withdraw from the competition this year, anyway, Xiang Ning's strength is obvious to all, so Xiang Ning doesn't need to take the exam anymore." Gu Hongyu looked indifferent Xiang Ning said, "Xiang Ning, if you are disqualified from the competition, you will also lose those rewards. What do you have to say? As for the mixed dormitory, only the first place is eligible, that is, Said, unless Qingcheng wins the first place, you can only hope for a dormitory. In fact, this is very unfair to you, because you will lose a place in the competition."

(End of this chapter)

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