Supreme Allure

Chapter 179 The Mysterious Luoshui Xiangning

Chapter 179 The Fantastic Luoshui Xiangning (9)
In this battle, Allure won a complete victory!

Seeing Hei Mei's disappearing figure, Qingcheng heaved a sigh of relief, and finally left!She couldn't bear it any longer.

Leaning on a big tree, Qingcheng fell slowly. Luo Shui Xiangning saw this scene from a distance, and quickly came to Qingcheng with the man in red in his hand.

"Qingcheng, how are you doing!" Luo Shuixiang's frosty face was filled with imperceptible worries.

"It doesn't matter, it's just that the true energy is exhausted! Let's walk around, find a quiet place to set up a tent and have a good rest first!" Qingcheng was exhausted at this time, and her body was extremely weak. Fortunately, Heimei also supported her Don't go on and leave, otherwise, if the fight continues, it will really hurt both sides.

"Okay, let's take a rest here first, and when you recover a bit, we will slowly walk to the outskirts of the forest. Now this is a relatively central area of ​​the forest. It is more dangerous, so it is not suitable to stay for a long time!" Luo Shuixiang stared at Qingcheng He looked weak, and although he knew it was very dangerous to stay in the center, he had to take a rest and adjust, and then go to the periphery after a while.

Qingcheng nodded slowly, leaning against the big tree behind her and fell asleep directly.

Luo Shui Xiangning took off her coat and helped Qingcheng cover it gently. Although there are many things in the space ring, including some clothes, she likes to cover Qingcheng with the clothes she just wore, because the clothes will There will be body temperature and can keep out the cold.

After a long time, there was no sign of Qingcheng waking up.

"He is too tired, but we must leave here as soon as possible. There are very few humans entering here. Before, it was because the coercion of Heimei was too strong, so ordinary monsters did not dare to approach. Now that the coercion of Heimei has been withdrawn, the forest All kinds of monsters are about to move around, we can't stay here any longer." The young man in red also understood at this time that Qingcheng was trying to save him, and his heart was full of guilt and gratitude. No ordinary life-saving grace.If Qingcheng can slap Heimei with one hand, then it can be considered that Qingcheng is meddling in his own business, but now, everyone can see that Qingcheng is betting on his own life to save him, how can this not make him inexplicably moved? ?
"You're right. I'm holding Qingcheng, can you still walk by yourself?" Luo Shui Xiangning immediately stood up, picked up Qingcheng, and walked to the outskirts of the forest. Although the man in red was already very weak, But he still nodded without hesitation, and followed closely with all his strength.

"Girl, if you don't want Qingcheng, let me hug you. You're a girl who hugs a big man, how will you marry in the future?" the man in red said sincerely.

"Now that you can walk faster by yourself, you have helped me a lot. As for Qingcheng and I, we have shared the same bed for a long time. Are you afraid of hugging like this?" Luo Shui Xiangning said nonchalantly.

Hearing this, the man in red pondered for a while and said, "Could it be that you are husband and wife? I heard from my ancestors that after human beings get married, men and women can share the same bed. However, I think you are still very young! Human beings are so young that they are married. Huh?" The man in red only felt that the human world was really complicated, and he couldn't understand many words.

"This question, keep it secret! Unlike your monsters, we humans have a lifespan of tens of millions of years. Many humans who don't practice often live for less than a hundred years. If we all get married late like your monsters, then we humans will really be extinct. " Luoshui Xiangning didn't know why, but when she heard the word "husband and wife", she was particularly pleasing to the ear, so, logically, she classified the man in red as a category worth talking to, you know, in Luoshui Xiangning's In my mind, it is worth communicating with, that is a very rare existence.

The two chatted and walked to the periphery of Lanyue Forest.

Finally arrived at the outskirts, Qingcheng was still in a coma, Luo Shui Xiangning and the man in red set up a tent, put Qingcheng into the tent, and the two of them stood at the door of the tent and practiced all night.

When it was slightly bright that day, Qingcheng woke up. When she saw Luoshui Xiangning's coat on her body, she slowly sat up and looked out of the tent, only to see two people on the left and the right concentrating on practicing.

Seeing that Qingcheng woke up, the two slowly closed their efforts.

"Qingcheng, today is the third day we have entered the Lanyue Forest, and there are four more days before we leave the Lanyue Forest. This is already the periphery of the Lanyue Forest, and the danger is greatly reduced. Why don't we stay here today?" Make a good rectification, and then slowly collect medicinal materials around, what do you think?" Seeing that Qingcheng woke up, Luo Shui Xiangning finally returned with a lifted heart.

Since these three people basically used teleportation to walk around, the biggest advantage of teleportation is that no matter how far the distance is, they can reach it in the shortest time under teleportation. Therefore, in such a short period of time, they have already Arrived at the center of the forest and left the center of the forest.As for the shortcomings, it is also obvious, that is, the depletion of true qi is very serious. If it weren't for the fact that Qingcheng and Luoshui Xiangning were genius doctors with many pills to replenish vitality, these people would have fallen down a long time ago.

"Okay!" Qingcheng agreed while checking if anything on her body was accidentally dropped during the battle. After checking, she found that everything was intact, but there were many words shining on the jade tablet of communication, like Yunluoyanyunluo Sakura's ones also have Dongfang marks, which generally means that they have been following the two strands of fighting spiritual energy before, who knows how long those two strands of spiritual energy disappeared, and they were also lost. Everyone used the jade card to call him, but they couldn't contact him. They were extremely anxious, and told him to reply to them no matter what they received. Judging by the tone on the jade card, they were going crazy with anxiety.

This is also understandable, seeing two powerful spiritual powers fighting, and then Qingcheng passed by, and then the fighting spiritual power disappeared, what would anyone think, Qingcheng immediately opened the communication jade card to contact Yun Luoying.

"Qingcheng! It's really you! I thought I would never see you again! We can't get in touch with you, we are going crazy. If you don't show up again, we will ask the teachers to help us search the mountains." It was Yun Luoying's voice crying and laughing at the same time, I don't know how rich the expression on her face should be.

"Silly girl, I'm fine. We're going to take a break today. You should practice yourself first. Don't come to us. If you have anything to do, use the jade token to contact me." Qingcheng was moved and said with a slightly choked voice.

(End of this chapter)

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