Supreme Allure

Chapter 180 When the time comes, it will always be the turn

Chapter 180 When the time comes, it will always be the turn (1)
"Qingcheng, I can bear not seeing you for a while, but I am worried about your danger. You have just experienced a big battle. If any monsters attack, how will you resist it? Six people are needed to enter this Lanyue Forest." Above, you should only have Luoshui Xiangning by your side right now." Yun Luoyan's anxious voice came, "Qingcheng, tell us the exact location, we will go to find you, and we will set up a tent at a distance from you. It will interfere with your rest, but in case of any danger, we can protect you as soon as possible."

"Luoyan, thank you!" Facing her close friend who cared so much about her, Qingcheng choked up and couldn't say anything to refute.

"Qingcheng, we will go there to protect you right away! Before entering the customs, the eldest brother reminded me to protect you. You must not make any mistakes, otherwise, it will be completely meaningless for the eldest brother to go to the Chihan Palace. You know Chihan How dangerous is the temple? It’s a test of a narrow escape. If it wasn’t for you, big brother would never go there. So, Qingcheng, you must cherish your life, otherwise big brother will probably lose the will to go out if he knows At this time, Dongfang Hen did not oppose Qingcheng, but said in a very anxious tone, "Qingcheng, at least you must be well before elder brother leaves the customs, and I must hand you over to elder brother unharmed. "

"Don't worry, I haven't hurt a single hair, so come here, I'll check the specific coordinates here and I'll send you a communication jade token immediately." After Qingcheng finished speaking, she took out the coordinate instrument from the space ring and measured it. Good location, told Dongfang Hen and the others the specific coordinates.

Dongfang Hen and his party of seven hurried on their way to the location that Qingcheng said.

Time passed by bit by bit.

Qingcheng, who had recovered a little bit of vitality, was sitting by a small stream with the man in red at this time. The clear stream sang cheerful songs and rushed all the way, as if to wash away all the dirt in the world.

"My name is Qingcheng, what's your name?" Qingcheng looked at Yunjuan Yunshu in the sky, and Luoshui Xiangning who was busy preparing food for her in the distance, everything was so comfortable, sitting side by side with the man in red, By the side of this crystal clear stream, I feel relaxed and happy.

"Under Chipeng! Thank you, Mr. Qingcheng, for saving me. In the future, even if I am an ox or a horse, Chipeng will be happy!" The man in red suddenly stood up, and the iron-blooded man knelt heavily in front of Qingcheng.

"Get up quickly, what are you doing like a cow or a horse? Aren't you Chi Peng? What kind of cow and horse are you doing? They can't fly, so what's so good about it." Qingcheng smiled lightly.

"Chipeng is willing to follow Young Master Qingcheng. From now on, you will be Chipeng's master. When we find a beast trainer, we will make a contract." Chipeng said sincerely.

Qingcheng's heart turned a thousand times, Chipeng, the legendary Chipeng with the fastest flying speed, she is really tempted, but at this moment, the contract, why does it feel a little bit of taking advantage of others?Guilty!

"Qingcheng, don't feel burdened, I am willing." Chi Peng looked at Qingcheng's shrewd water eyes, knew Qingcheng's worries, and quickly expressed his wish clearly.

"If you insist, then let's make a contract now!" Seeing that she couldn't convince Chi Peng, Qingcheng readily agreed.The so-called respect is worse than obedience. To refuse at this time may be an insult to Chi Peng, so it is better to agree readily.

"Now?" Chi Peng opened a pair of red eyes, and said in disbelief, "But we don't have a beast trainer around us now, although I voluntarily, but without the taming of a beast trainer, it is difficult to make a successful contract After all, our monsters are not human beings, and there are many places where we cannot get along with humans, and it would be very dangerous without a beast trainer."

"Chipeng, since you and I have already planned to sign a contract, so I will not hide some things from you. Before you, I already had a soul contractor. Because of my special status, I returned to my own ethnic group to cultivate. Therefore, I can only sign a general contract with you now, because I am afraid that if I sign a soul contract, it might have some impact." Qingcheng now regards Chi Peng as one of his own, so he does not intend to hide some things about himself.

" have already signed a soul contractor? Can you continue to sign? It's just to avoid any impact, so you only dare to sign a general contract with me now?" Looking at Qingcheng with a calm face, Chi Peng was not calm at all. Oh, the originally elegant and handsome face is full of shock, how lucky is he?What kind of talented master did he meet?
He is just to repay his kindness, so he intends to contribute his most precious freedom. The Chipeng family has their own pride. He, Chipeng, is actually a rare beast with a mutated body and a mutated talent. Chipeng, similar to the nine-tailed fox in the fox family, is rare and noble. He didn't tell Qingcheng about this, because he was afraid that Qingcheng would find out and refuse.

The Chipeng clan seldom have contracts with humans, let alone ordinary contracts.But now Chi Peng is deeply shocked by his new master. An ordinary contract is an ordinary contract. He is here to repay the favor, not to ask the master for it. Seeing that the master is so careful with the sleeping monster, as the master of the monster, He is also content.

"Qingcheng, as long as I can do something for you, the general contract is fine. You did this to protect our monsters. As your monster, I am very pleased and satisfied to have a master like you. Then master, we Let's start the contract now." Chi Peng sometimes called Qingcheng and sometimes called master, and he probably got a little confused, whether it was Qingcheng or master, they were the people he would protect with his life in the future.

"Okay, let's start! You monsters seem to be different for each race, how did your Chipeng clan make a contract?" Qingcheng asked seriously.

Chi Peng almost fell down, his red eyes stared at Qing Cheng in disbelief and said, "Master, have you really made a contract? As a beast trainer, isn't it the most basic theory of how each group makes a contract? You haven't even learned this Have you passed?" Chi Peng asked tremblingly, afraid that his young heart would be hit again.

"Chipeng, I am not a beast tamer, and I have never learned how to tame beasts, but I can indeed contract monsters. Tell me how to make a contract. Let's start right away." Time to talk so much.

(End of this chapter)

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