Supreme Allure

Chapter 183 When the time comes, it will always be the turn

Chapter 183 When the time comes, it will always be the turn (4)
Feng Jingyang looked at the teardrops quietly creeping up on Yun Luoying's face, although he was also moved and impressed by Qingcheng's song, but when he saw Yun Luoying's tears, he couldn't help feeling inexplicable emotions in his heart, what? !Is it necessary to be so excited?Although Qingcheng sang very well, there was no need to bring tears to this situation.Feng Jingyang slandered secretly in his heart.

Hua Hanfeng also looked at Yun Luoying with tears streaming down her face in surprise. It was strange that although Qingcheng's song was touching and made people yearn for the paradise, Luo Ying could actually hear it. Tears welled up in my eyes, which is really surprising. Qingcheng's song is not a song about lamenting the world and weeping for all sentient beings. No matter how beautiful it sounds, there is no place to cry, right?
The Murong brothers and sisters were immersed in the beautiful environment created by Qingcheng.Looking at Qingcheng singing earnestly, the moonlight quietly sprinkled on Qingcheng's body, covering a faint glow. The so-called beautiful scenery on a good day probably refers to such a scene.

Luo Shui Xiangning gracefully leaned against the entrance of the tent, quietly looking at Qingcheng immersed in her own thoughts, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, Qingcheng, if one day, I find such a paradise, I will definitely take you there with me.

In the days of Lanyue Forest, after experiencing the initial thrill, the following days were relatively peaceful. Qingcheng and his party of nine continued to live a leisurely life of picking herbs and fighting with each other to see the scenery.

It was finally time to leave the Lanyue Forest. I saw the huge crowds of people at the gathering place at the exit. The students were talking about what they had heard and seen along the way with great interest. Their young faces were full of youthfulness, as if As beautiful as flowers, as mellow as fine wine.

It's just that the delicate and crisp clean clothes that the students carefully selected and put on when they came here have long since become sloppy and broken.Although some students put on the clean clothes they carried in the space ring, due to the difficult wild living environment in the forest, these clothes became dirty after a while. His clothes were torn and stained with dust, and he talked about the adventures of these days with extremely rich facial expressions. It was definitely a landscape painting that people couldn't help but want to treasure after seeing it.

It's just that something is changing quietly. Compared with the arrogance and brilliance when they first entered the forest, the current students have a broader vision, a higher vision, and a calmer body and mind. There is already a layer of introverted light on the young student.Like a famous knife in its sheath, its sharpness is hidden deep.

The teachers of Caixuan Academy who were in charge of this experience counted the number of people at the door, and the atmosphere suddenly became dull and depressing. Those bloody scenes resurfaced in the minds of the students. At this moment, there is no way to call back.A life that is gone is gone, and it can never be reversed.

The most gratifying thing in this sad event is that, apart from those students who lost in the battle against the wolves, the remaining students, although some were scarred, at least none of them were missing.

For so many years in Caixuan Academy, although some students lost their lives because they went deep into the hinterland of Lanyue, it was the first time that such an accident occurred during the entrance training.

"Although there are occasional magical beasts in the outskirts of Lanyue Forest, it is the first time that such a large-scale attracting wolves has been encountered in the opening test of Caixuan Academy. How did this happen? You guys The first few witnesses at the scene have come forward and explained to me, otherwise, how can we explain to the parents of the deceased." A handsome teacher in a purple brocade robe asked seriously.

"Teacher, it's like this. At that time, Wu Xinqiang always wanted to catch a silver wolf as his contract monster, but everyone knows that a silver wolf is a very rare kind of monster. It can be said that it can be encountered but not sought. And it is also very difficult to domesticate the contract, but this time she was lucky enough to meet the silver wolf that was giving birth. The newly born silver wolf is much easier to domesticate the contract than the grown-up silver wolf, so, so ..." The person who came out to speak was a witness at the scene, and the fear of the rest of his life flashed on his slightly pale and delicate face.In his eyes, he seemed to see the sharp claws sweeping down from the air again, and the blood spurted out from the young lives in an instant.

"So she took the silver wolf away like an idiot? Then the female wolf who had just given birth tried her best to stop her, so she killed the female wolf, right?" Guessed what was going on, "How can there be such a stupid person? Yes, the silver wolf that was just born can be taken away easily, and the female wolf that has just been born can also be dealt with easily. She thought this was a once-in-a-lifetime gift." Is there a chance? How stupid! How many times have I warned you that you can provoke tigers and lions, as long as you are strong enough, but pack animals, no matter how weak they are, must not be provoked, especially for their loyalty and unity Are you ignoring my words?" The more Mr. Ziyi thought about it, the more angry he became, the perpetrator deserved what he did, but those innocent lives that were implicated are really painful.And how Caixuan will deal with the aftermath of this incident is still a problem.

"After seven days of jungle exploration, you are all tired! Go back to your own inn first to rest and recuperate. The official exam is going to be tomorrow, and you can go directly to the exam hall of Caixuan Academy to gather." The middle-aged teacher in blue came over and patted the teacher in purple on the shoulder. Both of them waved their hands, and walked towards the stone steps back while waving.

All the students followed suit and left, knowing that Caixuan's matter would become a big problem this year.Although the cause of the incident was that the student named Wu Xinqiang was brainless, parents would never think that their child was brainless, only that the school did not play a protective role.What's more, there are still many students who happened to be near Wu Xinqiang and were implicated in such inexplicable ways that they sacrificed their young and precious lives.

This year, it's really not peaceful!

Since the wolves incident happened, Caixuan Academy not only did not hide it, but also took the initiative to return the cleaned up corpses to the families of those students immediately, and expressed that the academy was willing to take responsibility and pay a considerable amount of compensation.It's just that those parents refused to accept it, and kept making troubles in Caixuan, asking Caixuan to give an explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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