Supreme Allure

Chapter 184 When the time comes, it will always be the turn

Chapter 184 When the time comes, it will always be the turn (5)
Although Caixuan can't be blamed for this incident, it's just that, from the standpoint of the parents, it's not unreasonable.Parents entrust their children to the school because of their trust in the school. Now that something happened to their child, it would be strange for parents not to come out and make trouble.Therefore, the school upholds the understanding of the students and is willing to accompany the parents with a considerable amount of funds. However, those parents don't want the money, but insist on the school and ask the school for an explanation.

"This incident is a catastrophe for the school." Gu Hongyu pursed his lips, looking back at the receding Lanyue Forest with silver eyes, "I really can't blame Caixuan for this matter. If there is a risk, no one can bear the insurance for someone's life, but because this is the first time something happened to Caixuan, the repercussions were particularly great."

"Hongyu, don't worry too much. Some things have to be experienced. Lanyue Forest is full of dangers, and anything can happen. Go to Lanyue Forest to experience, no matter how much the teacher protects you like a nanny, It is impossible to achieve 100% guarantee. This reason just takes this opportunity to let the parents understand. In fact, this is something that will be experienced sooner or later. Going to Lanyue Forest, it is impossible to guarantee 100% safety. Even if this time does not If there is a problem, there will be other problems in the future. Accidents are everywhere, and parents must understand this truth sooner or later. How can you become an elite figure on the Cosmo Continent without going through the trials of life and death." Qingcheng followed Gu Hong Yu turned around and looked back at the Lanyue Forest, her beautiful eyes were unusually calm and determined. The core elements of any magic genius do not come from talent, but are accumulated by life and death battles one after another.If you want a child to become a peerless genius, you must have this kind of awareness, although it is an extremely cruel awareness.

The students walked around and chatted, and each returned to the inn where they stayed in Caixuan City.

Qingcheng and his party of five were no exception. After parting from Luoshui Xiangning, Murong brothers and sisters and Hua Hanfeng, they finally returned to the original inn smoothly.

Night comes quietly.

The same is the night, the night of the city and the night of the forest are two completely different scenery, and even the mood of the people will be different.

At night in the city, thousands of candles lit up a large area of ​​the sky, and even the stars dimmed a little because of this.

Qingcheng sat on the roof of the inn, staring blankly at the distant stars and the moon, and a little bit of light sprinkled on the roofs of thousands of households, adding a bit of holiness and mystery to the night.What about the parents who lost their children?

Anyone can understand the pain of losing a child. Maybe, just because my heart hurts too much and I don’t know how to vent it, so I cling to the academy and work hard to get some relief from my soul. This is an alternative to the dead. Thoughts and condolences!

However, such an expression is extremely unfair to Caixuan.After all, no one wants to see a tragedy happen. After all, everyone has tried their best, and the death is not caused by neglect, but because it is too late to save.If the parents of those students who passed away saw the tragedy of Caixuan's efforts to rescue them, they might not hold on to Caixuan anymore.

It's just that everything, after thinking about it, who should pay for this tragedy?

"The night is cold and the dew is heavy. Did you go to the roof to count the stars? How many stars are you counting?" Luo Shui Xiangning was wearing a long purple dress and a white gold silk jacket on her upper body, which made her figure even more graceful.

"Xiang Ning, how do you know that I live in this inn? And how do you know that I'm on the roof?" Qingcheng looked at Luoshui Xiangning who suddenly appeared in surprise, no matter how she looked, she looked like the Nine Heavens Xuannv descending to the mortal world.

"Don't worry about how I found it. It's late at night and the humidity is heavy outside. Let's go first!" Luo Shui Xiangning pulled Qingcheng and jumped back into Qingcheng's room.

"I know that you are suffering for those students who lost their lives in the wolf's den, but Qingcheng, no matter how much you suffer, they will not be able to survive. The dead are gone, and all we can grasp is the present and the future. In this sad time, it’s better to think about how to get the first place tomorrow.” Luo Shui Xiangning sat on the pear blossom wooden stool in Qingcheng’s room, brewed a pot of high-quality Biluochun, the fragrance of tea filled the room, Refreshing.

"Well, it's late at night, Xiangning, you should go back to rest early." Qingcheng took the cup of fragrant tea that Luoshui Xiangning handed him, and sent him to leave early while drinking.

"I'll sleep here tonight." Luo Shui Xiangning said in surprise.

"Then where do you want me to sleep?" Qingcheng asked calmly.

"Your room is very big. Look, isn't there a floppy next to the bed? I sleep on the floppy." Luo Shui Xiangning pointed to the floppy next to the bed, with a natural look on her face .How dare she set her sights on this soft spot early in the morning?
"If you like to sleep in this soft bed, you can sleep in this soft bed! Anyway, we two lonely men and widows are not afraid of damaging our boudoir's reputation!" Qingcheng nodded, thinking to himself, what could happen to two girls anyway?As for the so-called boudoir reputation, the more notorious the better, since she and Xiang Ning are both celibates anyway.I'm happy if I can't get married!

Moreover, the night is already very deep, and she is really worried about letting Xiangning go back to the place where she lives alone. Although Xiangning's magic power is unpredictable, it is really hard to run around outside at such a late hour , Thinking about it is also heartbreaking.

Luo Shui Xiangning heard the words, a faint smile appeared on her beautiful face, she didn't say anything more, she turned around and walked towards Ruantao, leaning lazily on Ruantao with great demeanor, and said leisurely: " Qingcheng, let me go with you tomorrow!"

Qingcheng nodded, and said no more, it was late at night, and she really needed to take a good rest.In the past seven days, her spiritual energy has also been squeezed out a lot. If she has a good sleep, she may be able to recover a lot.

Qingcheng walked to the bed while thinking, put down the gauze curtain, extinguished the candle, and fell asleep after a while.

The night became darker.

When the warm sunshine in the morning filled the windows, Qingcheng finally woke up leisurely. She slept soundly last night, but actually overslept. This is an extremely rare thing for Qingcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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