Supreme Allure

Chapter 189 When the time comes, it will always be the turn

Chapter 189 When the time comes, it will always be the turn (10)
This time, I don't know what happened, how did this Shu Bihe suddenly become so powerful?Luo Shuixiang groaned in her heart, and couldn't help worrying about Qingcheng, Qingcheng, can the pills and cotton dolls in your medicine box withstand Shu Bihe's attack?
When Gu Hongyu took out the pills and cotton dolls, the lecture hall fell silent, and everyone looked at the pills and cotton dolls that Gu Hongyu placed on the test table in disbelief.

At this time, in the lecture theater, besides Gu Hongyu, the dean of the medical school, there are also teachers from the entire medical school, and there are also some medical professionals, especially the two specially invited members of the medical school. prestigious elders.On the one hand, this is to demonstrate the fairness and justice of the entrance examination, and on the other hand, it is also to boost the morale of the students. Those students who are favored by the elders of the medical society will have more opportunities than ordinary people in the future.

At this moment, Mr. Gu Hongyu, the dean of the medical school, all the teachers of the medical school, Taishan Beidou in the medical field, the two elders of the medical society, and all the students at the scene have been shocked by Shu Bihe's pills and cotton dolls. Living.In fact, it's not that pills and cotton dolls are rare masterpieces in the world, but because Shu Bihe, who is still a student, can actually refine such a medicine.It's like seeing an elementary school student design an airplane by himself, and the airplane can still fly normally. Isn't it amazing?

Shu Bihe looked at everyone's reaction proudly, and was even more overjoyed in her heart.Luo Shui Xiangning, this time, Caixuan Medical College's first genius is none other than me!In the same dormitory as you, it will definitely come true!For this competition, she even took out her treasure chest, there is absolutely no reason to fail.

A teacher from Caixuan Medical College picked up Shu Bihe's pill in one hand and Shu Bihe's cotton doll in the other, and said: "This pill is perfect in terms of its grade and medicinal value, and it can be called a medicine. The eighth-level elixir. And this cotton doll is also a treatment with extremely low damage. It is really not easy for Shu Bihe to achieve this. After reading all the students' works, we will give a fair and fair one. Evaluate. Now, next student to continue."

The students behind Shu Bihe tremblingly took their works to the test table, sighing secretly in their hearts about their bad luck. When a genius just showed her perfect work, you are behind her. Do you guys see a joke?I thought that I worked so hard this time, and my work was not bad. I guess I should be able to succeed this year.Last year, because of a slight difference, I passed Caixuan Medical College. After a year of tireless hard work, I thought I would definitely be admitted to Caixuan Medical College this time. Behind a genius, I don't know if it will be deleted this time because of the huge difference. If it is really like that, it is too wronged.

The student's heart was turbulent, and he was prepared to fight for a year and wait for this time next year to take the exam again.With a face full of shame, he took out the cotton doll with two missing legs and a very ordinary pill.

"The pill is a fifth-grade intermediate product, and the toxin on the cotton doll has been detoxified. This student's work fully meets the admission requirements of Caixuan Medical College. Pass!" The teacher who tested the work announced the result formulaically with a blank face.

The student let out a groan, and still couldn't believe what he heard, the cotton doll with two missing legs, a pill that was only level [-], compared with the cotton doll with two missing toes and the level [-] pill , No one laughed at him!He was still accepted!Caixuan is as fair and just as the rumors in the outside world. The teacher of Caixuan may not know it, but because of his expressionless pass, a passionate young man has strengthened his ambition to work harder to repay Caixuan.

Candidates one after another took the works in their hands and went to the test case table one after another. Although many students showed their best works, but in many cases, more does not mean that they can surpass. Elites are always so rare, otherwise they would not be called elites.So many students showed their works, and so many works were placed on the test table, but so far, no one's work can surpass Shu Bihe's.

Shu Bihe smiled, bent the corners of her eyes, secretly looked at Qingcheng and Luo Shui Xiangning, looked at the indifferent faces of the two, and thought to herself, let you pretend to be deep, I see what you can pretend At that time, it was already a certainty that this No. 1 winner would be won, so why pretend to be calm and breezy!

It's finally Qingcheng's turn, it's not easy after so long.Gu Hongyu was waiting, Luo Shui Xiangning was waiting, and Shu Bihe was waiting too.Of course, the waiting of these three people is fundamentally different.

Gu Hongyu was waiting because he was expecting Qingcheng to surprise him. He always believed that there would be miracles where Qingcheng was. She was a miracle worker, especially in medicine.Her talent has long made it impossible to think about her with normal thinking.

Luo Shui Xiangning was looking forward to it. Although she was also very confident in Qingcheng's medical skills, if it hadn't been for the cotton doll that Shu Bihe just stimulated her, she would always firmly believe that Qingcheng could easily take the first place.However, Shu Bihe's cotton doll was so poisonous that it penetrated deep into the internal organs, and she was cured after breaking two toes.Qingcheng, how to defeat her?If she can't win, although she is not worried about Shu Bihe coming to share a dormitory with her, anyway, she has the right not to agree to this point, but if Qingcheng can't get the first place, then she and Qingcheng won't be able to live in a dormitory.After so many years, it is rare to meet a partner who is pleasing to the eye.

The reason why Shu Bihe was looking forward to it was absolutely not that she was worried that Qingcheng would beat her. If she wanted to surpass the eighth level of the elixir in the pill, Qingcheng would definitely not be able to do it at such a young age. As for the cotton doll, she was absolutely at ease.There is no cure for such a strange poison.The only way is to force poison. Looking at so many students' works, without exception, all of them use the method of forcing poison.As for her works, only two toes are missing, and it is absolutely impossible to surpass them.

(End of this chapter)

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