Supreme Allure

Chapter 190 When the time comes, it will always be the turn

Chapter 190 When the time comes, it will always be the turn (11)
Only Qingcheng has no expectations. When the time comes, it will always be her turn. What does it matter if it is earlier or later?Therefore, she always looked at the students who came and went up and down calmly.

When she heard her name, Qingcheng came to the test case table at a leisurely pace.

It's just that Qingcheng's calmness can't drive the calmness of the audience.

When Qingcheng took out the medicine jar and cotton doll from the medicine box, the audience was shocked. Although the pill was still in the medicine jar and hadn't been taken out, the cotton doll alone was enough to shock the audience.

All the teachers rushed up, and even the two elders of the Medical Society stood up. Gu Hongyu even picked up the cotton doll in one stride.

Even Luo Shui Xiangning was so surprised that she slightly opened her plump and red lips. Although she was looking forward to Qingcheng's victory, although she always believed that Qingcheng would win, she was still shocked when she saw this scene. up.

The cotton doll that Gu Hongyu excitedly held in his hands was intact. If it wasn't for the slight redness and swelling on the ten fingers, everyone would have doubted whether the cotton doll had been repackaged.

"Impossible? It must be a transfer package! Absolutely, it must be!" Shu Bihe couldn't hold her breath anymore!How can it be?Such a deep strange poison, how is it possible?

"Yeah, it's really possible that it's a switch! So many students' cotton dolls were missing arms or legs, and only Shu Bihe's cotton doll had two broken toes. That's already a miracle. How could it be possible? How about making it complete?" A girl in a goose-yellow gauze skirt echoed softly.

"Shu Bihe, why, just now your own cotton doll lost two toes, why didn't you say that your own cotton doll was changed? Now that Ye Qingcheng's cotton doll is not damaged, you just concluded that it was changed?" The handsome young man in a lake blue gown questioned Shu Bihe.

"That's right, if you exclude Ye Qingcheng's cotton doll, Shu Bihe's cotton doll is the most complete, so does this mean that Shu Bihe is also very likely to cheat?" A little girl in purple whispered to her side The teenager said.

"According to your theory, any relatively complete cotton doll is suspicious, so why should we take part in the assessment?" The boy explained in disapproval, and then he was afraid that others would not hear him, and said He shouted loudly: "Shu Bihe, you don't want someone who is better than you to just say they cheated. If you have the ability, try cheating too? See if you can cheat and make such a complete cotton doll."

The students in the lecture hall burst into laughter.

Gu Hongyu picked up the ruler on the table and hit it hard.The students fell silent immediately.

"This cotton doll is real. For any material used in school tests, I have placed green powder, which I developed specially to prevent packaging changes. If you don't believe me, please take a look." After Gu Hongyu finished speaking, from the space He took out a green bamboo tube from the ring, and touched the green bamboo tube to Qingcheng's cotton doll, and it really emitted a dazzling green light. Gu Hongyu took back the green bamboo tube and continued, "The green tube meets the green powder. It produces green light, do you have any objections now?"

Everyone didn't have much objection at first, with Shu Bihe standing in front of them, No. 1 couldn't get their turn anyway, so they just watched the fun, now that the dean has personally confirmed the truth, naturally no one has any objections , even Shu Bihe was dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

Originally, there were two elders of the Medical Society on site to supervise, Dean Gu himself to sit in charge, and several medical Taishans were on the side to supervise, how could it be so easy to cheat!If it was really that easy to cheat, everyone would cheat, and foolishly cut off the arms and sawed off the legs of the cotton dolls one by one!

"I think Qingcheng's cotton doll is No.1 without any suspense, and everyone should have no objections. Then we will look at Qingcheng's pills." Gu Hongyu took out the pills from Qingcheng's medicine jar while talking. , I saw that the pills were black and bright in color, wrapped in thick energy, like small black holes, with infinite attraction, able to suck life into them.

The skinny elder suddenly stood up from his seat, his eyes shone with disbelief, and he muttered to himself, "It's actually the lost Jin Xiangyu, how is it possible? How is it possible?"

The fat elder followed behind with a grin, walked to the vicinity of Gu Hongyu, and said with a smile: "Gu brother, what kind of sacred thing did you collect? Can you even refine an extinct pill like Jin Xiangyu?"

Shu Bihe, who was standing nearby and had been picking pricks, seemed to have found a life-saving straw, and seized the opportunity to make noises: "Jinxiangyu? It must be a fake! How could it be Jinxiangyu? It is said that just taking it can instantly make a tired person feel refreshed. Didn't it mean that it can no longer be refined because of the lack of certain medicinal materials? Could it be that she can still create medicinal materials?"

"Shut up! Shu Bihe! You think the elders of our medical academy are idiots? Fake? You can tell! Don't slander other people's labor results if you have no vision!" Sheng Dao said, "Although some of the medicinal materials needed for Jinxiangyu are almost extinct in this world, there are inevitably miracles in life. Many years ago, I was lucky enough to witness the power of Jinxiangyu, so, I am 100% sure that this is the legendary Jin Xiangyu."

"Qingcheng, I know that this is the elixir that you worked so hard to refine. For these elixir, you consumed a lot of true energy, and you almost died because of the instability of your true energy on the way. Your fighting spirit is overwhelmed." Me. It’s just that many times refining medicine is about strategies and methods, and I intend to accept you as a disciple. I believe that under my teaching, similar crises will never happen to you again.” The skinny elder spoke calmly, A calm atmosphere as a doctor.However, just a few words scared many students in the audience.

"No way? Such a superb medical genius actually risked his life to refine this almost extinct pill. How could there be such a desperate person? In fact, if he didn't work so hard, No.1 would also run away. It can’t be dropped.” A certain student couldn’t understand it, and discussed it with the students beside him in private.

(End of this chapter)

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