Supreme Allure

Chapter 191 Luoshui Qingchuan, It Really Is You

Chapter 191 Luoshui Qingchuan, It Really Is You (1)
"Your understanding is wrong. It is because Qingcheng has such a desperate spirit of forgetting his life that he has achieved what he is today. If he is like what you said, he will not be able to reach the height he is today. Elder Slender You have to accept him as an apprentice yourself. This is something that many people are longing for. He can achieve what he is today because he has been trained in countless struggles with life and death." A student beside him had an admiring expression on his face, It's a bit similar to a nympho, but this kind of nympho is an obsession at the spiritual level, not just a pure appearance. It can be said to be a more advanced nympho.

Qingcheng smiled and said sincerely: "The skinny elder is well-known in the medical field, and he is one of the best medical experts in the entire Cosmo Continent. It's just that Qingcheng is blessed, and he has worshiped Dean Gu as his teacher before, so he turned to someone else as his teacher." Master, this is against ethics. I hope the elder can forgive me."

"What? You are the apprentice of the ancient disciple? Why didn't you say it earlier? The ancient disciple has accepted you as a disciple. I have known him for so many years, and I have never seen him accept any disciples. It turns out that he has secretly accepted you. Peerless genius! No wonder he is not in a hurry to find an apprentice!" The fat elder stroked his beardless chin, looked at Qingcheng for a while, and Gu Hongyu for a while, with a look on his face that the two of you were in love with each other, and finally fell in love with me. Proud to have found it.

"Actually, as the apprentice of the ancient disciple, you don't need to take this test path at all. You can have the privilege to directly enter the academy. Why are you still working so hard?" The skinny elder asked what many people wanted to ask but it was inconvenient to ask. question.

"Desperate for the first place!" Qingcheng explained the reason why she risked her life without any affectation.

"But you don't seem to be the kind of person who loves vanity! You have come to today's achievements definitely because you have a state of mind that ordinary people can't match. The birth of a great genius is not only the indispensable talent and hard work, but also the most important thing. This is the state of mind. You will definitely not be the kind of person who strives to win." After hearing Qingcheng's words, the thin elder was very surprised. He confessed that he risked his life for No.1 for Qingcheng, But after thinking about it, I feel that Qingcheng is not the kind of person who takes the illusory reputation of No.1 so seriously.

"To be honest, I'm here to share the same dormitory with Princess Xiangning." Qingcheng explained without blushing or panting.

Luo Shui Xiangning's heart suddenly trembled violently, from birth to now, this has never been in such a mood.All along, she has controlled her heart very well, and nothing has ever caused her heart to react violently. Even when that happened, he just thought about what to do next and how to solve the problem , There has never been any violent inner reaction, and this is the first time.Qingcheng, what kind of person are you?Is it worth fighting with your life for me?

The bottom is even more ebullient, there are all kinds of discussions, some say, Qingcheng is so good, he doesn't even care about his life for the sake of beautiful women, he really is the true nature of a man.Some also said that for the sake of a woman, it is a big fool and a genius to not cherish one's own life so much.Only Qingcheng knew best what she was doing.

For a ray of smile on the lips of a lonely soul who has never had many friends, for a ray of warm sunshine in a life whose heart is like an ice cave.

"A real man, so bold and forthright!" The fat elder nodded frequently in agreement. Perhaps in the eyes of the world, life is the most precious, but for a man of temperament, there are many, many things more precious than life.If a person lives purely for the sake of living, his life is like a dry well, meaningless and worthless.

"Qingcheng, although you have long recognized Gu Gu as your teacher, I don't mind being your little master. I wonder what you would like?" The skinny elder pondered for a while, thinking that such a talented person, how many A few masters will definitely help him grow into a talent in the future. As for the elder of his dignified medical society as a junior master, his reputation may be damaged. However, reputation is nothing compared to the growth of a genius. Therefore, He didn't hesitate to lower his status and wanted to accept Qingcheng as an apprentice.

The fat elder, who had been nodding in approval, immediately joined the ranks of lobbying: "Qingcheng, let me be your little master too. Only by learning from the strengths of all the families can we learn the skills well, so that we can save lives and heal the wounded in the future."

Qingcheng looked movedly at the thin elder, then turned to look at the fat elder, hesitating in his heart, not knowing how to make a decision, raised his eyes in embarrassment to Gu Hongyu for help.

Gu Hongyu was overjoyed in his heart, but his handsome face continued to maintain his usual calm and calm.

"Qingcheng, since Elder Fat and Shou intends to accept you as an apprentice, the one who is a teacher is naturally happy for you, but don't call him a little master. It is said that there is a priority in learning the truth, and there is a specialization in art. The two masters, Fat and Shou, both To be your master, don't distinguish between big and small. In order to distinguish the three of us, you can call me master directly, and the two elders who are fat and thin should be called fat master and thin master." Gu Hongyu had already thought about things. It's just that no one came to ask him before, and it was inconvenient for him to bring it up on his own initiative. Now that Qingcheng came to ask him, he went along with the flow and solved the problem naturally.

"Brother Gu is polite, then we will not be polite. Let's make it so." The fat elder proudly cupped his fists to express his gratitude to Gu Hongyu.

"From now on, I will be my own, so why not be polite." Gu Hongyu saw that the matter was a foregone conclusion, so he was about to continue the assessment just now, and said to the students in the audience, "Everyone, please continue!"

So, a certain unlucky student after Qingcheng offered his work with shame and trembling.

The following students were assessed in a safe and orderly manner one by one like a file.

After all the students' works were judged, without any suspense, Qingcheng ranked first, and she was eligible to choose a roommate by herself, so under the ambiguous eyes of everyone, she finally embraced the beauty.

This time, Qingcheng almost lost his life for the beauty, which has already become a good story and swept the entire Caixuan Academy.

No, as soon as the assessment was over, Qingcheng hadn't had time to pack up and move from the inn to Xiangning's dormitory in Luoshui, when she was rushed away by Yun Luoying, along with Yun Luoyan and Dongfang Hen.

(End of this chapter)

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